
Computer Department English Department It has been fun to see the computer centre grow in use this year.For the first time the Form 3classes have been taught all three of the application packages (wordprocessing, spreadsheet and database). This will allow them to make more use ofthe centre in the years to come as they prepare projects for schoolandfor exhi bitions like Science EXPO. The Maths department is still making good use of the Sergo Maths program for all forms in the school. The Afrikaans department has had classes in to use the wordprocessor in preparing various pieces of written work.The boys have found the Afrikaans spell check a big help and the teachers have enjoyed having work neatly presented.The boys have used some ofthe Eng lish programs in the afternoons to improve spelling and the like. The Eorm 6 Computer Studies boys produced some marvellous projects. Jason Judge produced a music tu tor program which impressed the examiner very much. Gareth Parry produced aScience project which was also awesome.The new Sixth formers will have their work cut out to maintain the high standard which has been set. O.PHIPPS Design and Technology Introduced to Kearsney at the beginning of 1993, for Forms 1 and 2,the subject wasextended to includeForm 3 at the beginning of 1994. Initially working models were built of wood as the Cen tre was equipped with all the basic woodworking tools taken over from woodwork which had previously been taken by Forms 1 and 2. During 1994 a number of metalworking tools were pur chased, including a metal turning lathe with a milling attachment as well as the meters, power supplies and base boards needed for the boys to be able to assemble electronic circuits. Three more computers, with computer assisted design programmes, were added to the original computer. A great disappointment to the pupils is the fact that games may not be played on these computers. One major problem that has arisen from this expan sion is that space, or rather a lack of it has led to very cramped conditions, with storage space being at a pre mium. I firmly believe that the subject is a success since more and more pupils are spending time in the centre in the afternoons and there have been requests for the centre to be opened on Saturday afternoons and on Sundays. In conclusion it must be remembered that it is not, and never has been, the intention to produce artisans. The aim is to enable pupils to find practical solutions to prob lems while making them aware ofthe technology that is available. K. VANBLERK Original Writing by Pupils SIMILES Parents are like pianos; they're always changing their tunes. DAVID CRUNDWELL,Eorm 3 A relationship is like surfing; you either go steady or you get dumped. HEATHDURRETT,Eorm 4 Women are like neon lights; it takes more money to turn them off than to turn them on. GREG EOSTER,Eorm 4 South African politics is like a chess board; black and white trying to checkmate each other all the time. MARK CHARLESWORTH,Eorm 4 Love is like a ghost; scary, difficult to find, and yet im possible to exorcise. ANDREWROWSELL,Eorm 3 Rugby players are like cows; more beefthan brains. D.COLEMAN,Eorm 3 People are like books;you can guess whatthey are like, but you don't know for sure until you read into them. A. BUTHELEZI,Eorm 3 Parents are like elastic bands; you can only stretch them so far, and then they snap. T. MOLLOY,Eorm 3 Sex is like a game ofchess;one wrong move and you're mated. T. MOLLOY,Eorm 3 Sport is like a guillotine; they both never fail to bring your head down to size. R. GROOM,Form5 Being alawyeris like a traditional shave;itlooks smooth, but it can be cutthroat. M.JOLLANDS,Form 5 You Wouldn't Let Me... You wouldn't let me talk. Now I've lost the power to speak. You wouldn't let me think. Now I've lost the power tojudge. You wouldn't let me cry. Now I've lost the power to feel. You wouldn't let me seek my god. Now I've lost the power to pray. You kept telling me this is right. Now I'm not sure what is wrong. I have all the things you gave me. But where are the ones I own? RICHARD PRETORIUS Eorm6 38 Kearsney Chronicle 1994