
MURDER Scary. How dull I've become. To rip open a once living creature To hold the unbeating heart in my hand. A symbol. A symbol ofour indifference. "Thou shalt not kill." Crack. The top leg snaps. I laugh at the sound,my friendsjoining in. It's funny isn't it? Isn't it? Revulsion? Not a scrap. Wonder. Look inside; search and probe. My kidneys are bigger than yours! Oh,mine's pregnant. Aren't the ribs thin. Information. At what price? Pity. Our last day. My rat, now an old friend. Remove the babies,look,aren't they cute? Amazing,this one would have been bom in two daysl Isn't it exciting? Isn't it? Scary. How dull we've become. MATTHEWROPER Eorm3K WARAND VIOLENCE To see the blood. The carnage. To see the suffering. Death. To see the confusion, and helplessness Is to see hell. To hear the mothers Wail, Holding their bleeding children To their breasts. To see their tears of horror. Pity. To hear them cry. Die Is to see hell. To see the happiness. The pride. Glory, Of young men. To see the flowers. Cheers, And tears. To see them leaving their admiring families Wielding impossible promises of victory And heroism. Is to see hell. I have seen them crawl. Bleed, Tom in the black turmoil ofred Blood. I have seen the camage. I have seen them suffer: Drowning, Twisting, Dying like animals. I have smelt the smell oftoasted flesh. Singed hair. Ofbuming souls. I have seen them die. In hell. I have seen the fire Of hell, I have seen the torturer. The devil himself. I have seen the tongues offire Licking at the air. Devouring innocent souls. I have seen it flicker And die To leave nothing but Ashes. You shall all see the blood. The camage. You shall see the tongues offire Tugging,tearing at your soul. You shall Be bumt, Bumt among the ashes of your fellows. You shall see them die In the fumace of no retum. You shall see them twist. Shrivel, Convulse, In a sea ofgas And flame. You will See hell. I have seen their hideous faces. Scarred, Chipped With the knowledge that they have been tricked. Tricked by the glory, heroism. Tricked by their mothers,fathers,friends. Tricked by themselves. Their minds Tumed inside and out. Tricked into dying, Buming. I have seen them sell their souls to the devil. EABIO CRABBIA Eorm 4R CRUCIFIXION I picked it up by the tail And carried it up the hill ofCalvary, To Golgotha,place ofthe skull. There the rat lay dripping. Sour wine. And to its right and left, many thievesAll ofthem were put to death. Kearsney Chronicle 1994 41