
Stone dared to bare and men walked on the moon,seems to have little value.I'm sure you've heard the song:"Will you still need me? Will you still feed me? When I'm 64?"Perhaps because society is changing so much,the experience and wisdom of the elderly is of little value. These people sit day after day, waiting to die, so that somerelative who hasn't visited them in the lastten years can organize a funeral and collect an inheritance. Lord, have mercy on the lonely,forsaken in their most trying hours. So thejourney comes to an end. What we have seen is scary and sad. Man is so obsessed with ME that he for gets about US.He is afraid to love and be loved.Some one needs to slow down that big clock in the sky,to give us a chance to meet each other. ANDREWBUCHANAN Form 5 GORENTHEQUUS Gorenthequus:-'Person prone to having wonderful plans and ideas(dreams) which rarely come to fruition.' No, you won't find it in a dictionary. Don't even look. It's but another of my creations, or my pets as I like to call them. At the moment I've got several ideas bubbling around inside tbe stew that is my brain. I used to have more.People have put a stop to many of those though. With their stereotypic styles,fashion and language they try to separate me from myself. I'm angry! Wouldn't you be? Or are you one ofthem? No you wouldn't have gotten this far if you'd belonged to that nameless rabble. You're standing on the brink,you know.One side asmall fall onto the soft, yellow cushion of'normality'.On the other,a dangerous,exciting and terriblejourney into the unknown.The unknown of your mind! You probably think I'm crazy."Whatsortofnonsense is this silly child writing?" Well, I'm not. I'm definitely not 'normal' though, whatever that is. I do my best to live my life to create my own destiny. Not have some one else controlling, always pulling the strings, as if I wassome kind ofmarionette.The only way to overcome that fate is to dream. To see reality in another perspec tive. That is how to overcome the deadliest disease of the 20th century: conformity. LastnightIclimbed into the cockpitofmyF117AStealth Fighter. On the ground I seemed helpless in the clumsy steel contraption. In the air though, it was amazing. I could see every light,every fire in the world.I had com plete freedom for maybe the first time in my life. Freein the World of my Dreams! A few mornings ago during a particularly boring maths lesson (sure to crush anyone's spirit) I scored a quick, sold century for England at Lords,before being bowled by the best ball before lunch. 112! These were two of my more selfcentred adventuresthough.Three days ago, in thatstrange period in the morning when all your senses are alert but your body's asleep, I walked (in my ethe realform)across a barren,dry planet.Notaflick ofgreen remained on the dusty gray canvas. There were none of the sounds I'm used to,only the continuous clanking of some very large machinery.Wandering around this world, Isaw no people,nothing.ThenIcame upon whatlooked like an enormous citadel made of steel. I entered, and realized the truth.This wasthe earth!Twothousand years from now,when machines nolonger need man,man will be removed. The machines will do it all. Of all my dreams,this intrigued methe most,as it showed me that man is a fallible creature, who will probably outlive his usefulness in the end. During prep a few days ago I saw a wonderful place. A beautiful,unspoiltEden,where happy boys played child like games with happy girls! A beautiful forest, shining like a huge emerald from above,not yet touched by the snake's foul tongue of deceit. I lingered here for many minutes,stretching the images out, playing in Paradise till an intrusive bell rang loudly, and I found myself seated at my desk,doodling on a page. Creativity is expressed in different ways by different people.I express minethrough role-playing.When I was younger I took the part of the sheriff, and during my service I must have apprehended more criminals than any other lawman in the world. When I was older, the games became more sophisticated,and I would take the part of the lead character in a book, seeing how well I could play out his part. These days it's harder. There's less time for everything, not least reveries. But that doesn't mean I've stopped.I invent things now.Words, cures,machines,I've created something in almostevery field. You're probably thinking,"Stupid boy,dreaming his life away." You may be right. I'm one of a dying breed. You know the kind. The rhino, the cheetah, the crocodile. All being hunted and killed. Add one to the list. Gorenthequus. No-one admits to being a dreamer. It's almost taboo in our society of cut-and-dried busi ness. But don't worry,I'll continue to dream,and I hope you will too. Imagine the greatest, most exotic holiday or escape from reality ever. For free! Well, you're prob ably bored sick of me by now,so I'll make it short. Dream. Go ahead,right now. Close your eyes. Just try it. For good old Gorenthequus. MATTHEWROPER Form 3K "IMPRISONMENT" Horace Walpole stated 'I've never understood anything until I've written about it', and in this essay I am going to try and put this theory to the test. Teenage life is one ofthe mostconfusing times you will ever have. All of us have gone through it and yet it is doubtful whether anyone can clearly define what goes on during this section of a person's life. It can be de fined in biological terms, yes, but no-one can ever put into words what a teenager actually feels. The best way to describe the feelings of a teenager is probably to use the word 'imprisonment'. During the teens ateenager often feels that he is up againstthe world. He feels that he has been imprisoned by the walls of society. The bricks symbolize schools, churches and other institutions and these bricks are cemented together by our parents; teachers and guardians. With every rule and law he disobeys the walls movein closer and closer. Hefights againstthem searching for a crack to freedom 44 Kearsney Chronicle 1994