
Library/Resource Centre Mathematics Ask anyone what 1994 meantin the library andI'm sure the answer would be, CHANGE!!The resource centre has been refurbished and updated in the space ofthe last twelve months. The books have been on and off the shelves so many times from one side of the library to the other and then to be entered into the computer cata logue and bar-coded-whatan amazing opportunity for cleaning and mending.The new colour scheme of grey and maroon and the enhanced lighting have made the general appearance much more welcoming and more comfortable to work in. As I shall be retiring at the end of the year I had hoped to be able to pass on a completely computerised and smoothly running library to my successor, but that has not been possible. The six library monitors, wbo have been such a great help and very nice to work with will have to steer her through the first few weeks. The stock of books, videos and CD-ROMs has grown considerably this year, helped to a large extent by the gifts ofparents who attended our book fair in May.The portable tele/video machines are very well used and we shall soon be looking to replace the old Teachmasters which have given us6 years good service. To my six monitors B.Buchan,S.Lorimer,W.van Aardt, C.Chang,G.Verwey and G. van Rooyen many thanks for all your help and your interest in the library. Please look after Mrs Isaac as well as you have helped me. I have enjoyed my years in the library and will miss the daily contact with boys and staff.My very sincere tbanks to Susannah Knowles who has been a tower ofstrength with her assistance in cataloguing the books for me and "taming" tbe computer programme. To Owen Phipps thanks are not enough. He has always been ready and willing to help with any computer problems and has worked all hours and most days of the week to get the system running. Thank you for many happy hours and good luck,Paula. Iknow you will soon make her feel one ofthe"family". /. HARPER ■ ' i'- 1 X Kearsney boys were very active this last year compet ing in various Maths Olympiads.In the Old Mutual Ol ympiad some 12500 pupils wrote in the senior andjun ior sections with some 16 Kearsney boys reaching the 2nd round.These were: Juniors G.N.Buntting M.Campbell P.C.A.Dace D.D.Grabam J.O. Groom K.R.Kusel R.C.D. Wightman Seniors A.J. Buchanan G.E. Chater G.G.Hunter S.J. Little S.L.Lundin B.C. Nielsen K.W.Paradies G.R.Parry R.J.H. Williams G. Hunter and A. Buchanan made the final 100. G. Hunter was also selected to represent Natal in an Inter Provincial Competition. Some standard seven boystook partin tbe Durban Maths Olympiad run by Nortbwood School. Some 1100 boys wrote from 40 schools in Durban and Pietermaritzburg. D.Graham was3rd overall with R.James and B.Watson 7th and 8th.The top 10 won book vouchers and the top 40 certificates of merit. Boys who received these were: G.Jollands,R.Wightman,J. Lemmer,P.Dace,D.Hec tor and H. Buntting. 'A' and 'B' aggregates-top 3% and 7% were awarded and Kearsney College gained 15 from the 20who wrote-an excellent performance.This placed them the top school in Natal-well done! Our standard eights wrote the Northern Natal MathsOl ympiad. Some 1340 boys from 101 schools took part. K. Paradies and R. Lee finished in the top 30 and D. Comrie finished 7th overall. Our form two pupils took part in the "Maths top Six Contest"organised by tbe Northern Regions Mathemat ics Society.We havejust received the results, which are great. David Turner came first out of the 1906 pupils who took part, with Jacques Lalouette sixth and Marc Campbell and Jared Groom joint eleventh. Our school entry placed us second outofthe 118 schools which took part. All in all a very active and successful year for the pu pils. P.A.T. RATCLIFFE Music Department 1994 proved to be an extremely busy and productive yearfor the Music Department.Approximately 65 boys received tuition on musical instruments at the College. We have 10 peripatetic teachers coming in to teach on a daily basis. At the end of May we were sad to bid farewell to Mrs Jean Morris our piano teacher and wish her much hap piness in her new life in Johannesburg. In her position we welcome Mrs Judith Rhodes-Harrison an accom plished pianist,accompanistand teacher whom we wish a long and happy association with the Kearsney Music Department. 52 Kearsney Chronicle 1994