
Clubs and Societies ARCHIVES REPORT For the most part, it was a very quiet year for the Ar chives Society. The Society itself was not very large, and suffered from "defections" to other, more glamor ous societies. However,those boys who remained stuck manfully to their task, a horrendously huge one at this stage: sorting and filing the boxes of Archives material that have built up over the years. This task, happily is coming to an end,and we shall be able to get on to the more interesting work of restoring material and identi fying artefacts and photographs. One field trip was undertaken this year to complement the trip to the College Museum in1993. This was a trip to Hilton's Museum and Archives where Mrs Elaine Dodson was mosthelpful.After this trip a three-part plan for the Archives was submitted to the Board of Gover nors for approval. The end ofthe year saw an explosion ofactivity,thanks largely to the efforts ofMessrsPolkinghome and Potter. As a result of changes to the post-matric area, the Ar chives were able to obtain two magnificent built-in dis play cabinets, which were re-erected in the foyer ofthe Henderson Hall. These were rapidly filled one with the school's trophies and the other with some ofthe Archives material. Dr John Vincent ofthe Kwa-Zulu Natal Museum Serv ices visited the School and gave some useful insights into the storage of Archives. Owen Clarkson(KCOB) undertook invaluable work behind the scenes, particu larly in finding nameson photographs,and for this he is sincerely thanked. The way ahead will depend largely on more good for tune coming the Archives' way(a sponsor or generous donation would help!)Display tables for the middle of the foyer (i.e. to form an island display) are the next stage in the long-term plan, where such valuable docu ments as the Hulett collection,and old photographs,dia ries(including Jack Recce's 1928 diary!)could be dis played for public viewing. It is hoped that this will be achieved this year. D.L.KNOWLES SENIOR ART CLUB It was pleasing to have a number ofboys,whodo notdo art as an exam subject,joining the Art Club this year. But it is hoped that the format of the Senior Art Club will change. The proposal is that it will be held fort nightly and deal with things other than prac. For exam ple videos,slides etc. will be shown with comment and in this way art movements in history and art philoso phies can be discussed. Guest speakers will be invited to attend and workshops will be run,art exhibitions will be visited etc. In this way it is hoped that the club will be more exciting and informative. JUNIOR ART CLUB This club will remain the same, that is, affording the junior boys extra opportunity to visit the Art Studio,to do painting, printing,ceramics etc. all of which proved to be popular pastimes this year. They will also be able to attend on a weekly or fortnightly basis as in the past. C TULLIDGE BEHIND THESCENESATTHEAUDIO VISUAL CLUB Besidesthe standard training in cameratechnique,analy sis offilms and storyboards this year the club attempted to produce two stop-frame episodes: one ofa car chase, and another of a shirt attacking a pupil. This technique involves minutely changing the position ofinanimate objects,then shooting them at one second intervals.In this way objects seem to have a life oftheir own and can be made to actin unusual or macabre ways. The boys were alternatively creative writers, directors, actors, stuntment and cameramen. It's always better on the big screen. R. CANDOTTI THE BRIDGE CLUB The club continued to be very active this year.Some2025 boys met regularly on a Thursday evening.80% of them are form two and three pupils which is encourag ing for the future.They are largely inexperienced begin ners. However, most ofthem have learnt the rudiments ofcounting points and bidding using a basic Goran sys tem.Some progress in defence leads,the value ofdistri bution and even understanding a finess,has been made. An evening of "competitive bridge" with a staff team madethem realize thatover bidding,is not worth it. 1995 promises to be a growth yearin which scoring and bridge etiquette will be looked at. F.RD. COCKS CHESS CLUB The Chess Club was a highly successful activity this year. The Club, in fact, had to establish a waiting list. Not only team players attended the club,but a group of enthusiastic social players. It is encouraging to see the number of pupils enjoying the game. Thanks must be given to Mrs Harperfor her organization and to Mr Van Zylfor the interest he showed.Lastly, Mrs Tullidge has done a great deal for Kearsney chess and deserves spe cial mention. CYCLING CLUB Relatively few boys were members of the cycling club in 1994.One ofthe problems encountered by boys(and parents) was the logistics involved in getting a bike to Kearsney and then finding a safe place to store it. The other problem is that there is only afortnightly time slot allocated to the Cycling Club and because ofmany other commitments on the part ofboys and staff,it is difficult to arrange additional supervised rides.Because the boys' Kearsney Chronicle 1994 59