
stead, especially after their 2 years membership. There seems to be a growing interest in learning to speak well especially in front of an audience. Maybe the time has arrived for ajunior Gavel Club? The year's programme was well handled by the mem bers under the very competent guidance and leadership of Michael Cardo. Regular meetings were held in the Resource Centre and dinners were held with St Mary's and St John's; both very enjoyable occasions, where, the boys definitely proved to be better 'off-the-cuff speakers. The highlight of the year was the annual fathers-andsons dinner. A large number of dads attended the occa sion and many of those men were truly amazed at the ability oftheir sons.In fact,many ofthe fathers bewailed the fact that they had never had such an opportunity and what a difference it would have made. The committee of Michael Cardo, Rowan Croom and Scott Picken did an excellentjob and I thank them. Next year should be an exciting yearlooking at the large number of applications for membership. C. VANLOGGERENBERG GRAHAMSTOWN FESTIVAL Sunday morning bright and cheerful we set off for Crahamstown and the "Festival";7boys and 2staffex cited about the whole adventure. It was after the elec tions and the new South Africa meant we could travel through the Transkei; a much shortened journey. Our overnight stop wasEastLondon and we were going to arrive at the festival bright and early. However, our new minibus played all kinds oftricks and we stuttered and spluttered the entire way. The festival was really an exciting experience.Therange of what to do, to see and to hear was vast and choice was often most difficult.We wanted to"do it all" but we had to be selective in the end. The Festival was well organized and we aU enjoyed the many plays and workshops and the evenings atthe main theatre were memorable. The boys enjoyed the interaction with the many girls a ratio of(if I heard correctly) 8:1; a veritable paradise. They certainly proved conclusively that Kearsney boys had noinhibitions when itcame to being knightsin shin ing armour. The 5 days flew past and sleep was rarely on anyone's agenda.The local eateries provided excellent late-night fare so onejust had to "vasbyt" and keep the tired eye balls fixed on the next activity. The last night arrived all too soon and we were very sad to leave on the Saturday morning for our returnjourney. The minibus was still spluttering, suffering from some incurable disease,but we managed to arrive safely back at Kearsney. We all had a wonderful time and I would like to see many more boys avail themselves ofthis opportunity to absorb some of our great botch potch of South African culture. C. VANLOGGERENBERG JUNIOR ACHIEVERS During the third and fourth terms a group of six fifth formers participated in the Junior Achievement Busi ness Course which was sponsored and hosted by Rain bow Farms in Hammarsdale. The ten week course set out to teach the participants how to set up, manage and liquidate a company. The course included such aspects as shares and sharehold ers,the raising ofcapital,marketresearch,efficient pro duction of a selected product, marketing and manage ment ofthe company and its labour force. All six ofthe Kearsney participants were democratically elected to top management positions.John Roussot was elected Managing Director, David Evans Human Re sources Director, Stephen Little Financial Director, David Hooper Production Director, Mark Pearce Mar keting Director and Careth Morgan Stock Controller. The company decided to manufacture, package and market packs ofgreetings cards. This was very success fully undertaken and,at the time ofliquidation,the com-, pany was placed second among all of the other Junior Achievers companies in Natal. There was a profit of RI65 after expenses and wages had been paid. This meant that, after seven weeks of selling, each R2share had risen in value to R3,75 and an 88% dividend was realized. The course was extremely interesting and particularly valuable for those intending to pursue a career in busi ness. It was also a most enjoyable experience from a social point of view. DJ.GOLDHAWK Co-ordinator JUNIOR MATHS CLUB A group of20 boys(4from Form 2and 16from Form 3)met twice a month on Tuesday evenings during first prep. The aim ofthe club wasenjoyment with some emphasis placed on the developmentoflateral thinking. The boys often worked in groups;playing games,solving puzzles and 'discussing maths'. The evenings were enjoyed by me and it wasencourag ing to see the boys 'doing and talking' maths with en thusiasm. A. WILLOWS OUTDOOR CLUB-BERG HIKE During the October school holidays a group of5 adults and 3 pupils, all from Kearsney, hiked from Cathedral to Champagne Castle through the beautiful valleys of the Little Berg.Thefirst day saw us drive up MikesPass to Arendsig, where we left our vehicle, and then hike along the 7000ft.contourPath to the SchoongesigtCave on the Ndedema river.The second day was a real tester. We rose early and headed down the Ndedema Gorge to the Mhlwasini Valley. Once there we continued down stream for about2km,before taking a right turn into the Valley ofPools,which wefollowed up to its watershed. We spent the second night in Anton's cave overlooking Natal.The 3rd day was a bit easier on the feet. We hiked Kearsney Chronicle 1994 61