
William Lee and Andrew Buchanan won the Durban preliminary round and camefifth in the final Natal round. CHEMICAL MAGICSHOW Once again we were privileged to welcomeProfessor Mike Laing from the University of Natal, Durban as he pre sented his Chemical Magic Show for our Form 3 pupils. Weweretreated tocolourchanges,explosions,red smoke, green smoke and flashes in quick succession.Afifty rand note was seton fire, but was notconsumed by the flames, to the relief of its schoolboy owner as it was eventually returned to him undamaged.'Magic' water changed col our as it was poured from glass to glass and burning pink ice wasalso produced-all under tbe influence ofa magic wand...and some chemical expertise! Schoolboy comments: Jolly good Mystifying and intriguing The water wasn't magic but who cares? Fun An entertaining and interesting show Better than prep Very interesting and amusing. J. BROADBENT SENIOR HISTORY SOCIETY This year we made a start in studying the history ofthe people who live in the Valley of a Thousand Hills. We plan to continue this study next year.We also visited the Old Fort in Durban. Wefound the TV documentary on the history ofSoweto very interesting. M.ZULU STREET LAW 1994 was a very interesting yearfor us all with the Flec tions and the debates on the new Constitution. Street Law members were lucky to be in on the ground floor learning of new developments as they happened. They were given a very close insight into the workings ofthe new democracy in South Africa and were able to ex press their views on many ofthe proposed clauses in the new Constitution as well as the make-up ofthe Consti tutional Court. The year culminated in the Mock Trial wherefive ofour budding young"attorneys"flexed their legal muscles in a court case held in one of the Moot Courts at Howard College,University of Natal,Durban. Street Law members are indebted to John Batho for his patient and professional handling of some very tough and rather dry topics. S.M. GRIFFITHS •<s o• SURF CLUB This club is still one ofthe most popular clubs. Tbe trip down to Cape St Francis and Jeffrey's Bay will be long remembered by all who went along. There is a very strong sense of unity within this club and the weekly trip to the beach is a highlight with a scramble to get one's name onto the list.(There can only be a maximum of 15 due to the limited space in the bus). M.MACK TWELVE CLUB Since the goal ofthe Twelve Club is to extend the intel lectual interest ofits members,our first port ofcall was a visit to Steven Spielberg's shocker"Schindler's List". The silent,thoughtful mood ofthe boyson the way home bore testimony to the film's undoubted impact. Variety was added by sprinkling the year with talksfrom experts which ranged from "Conflict Resolution in the New South Africa" to "Teenagers and the Law" to a nouvelle cuisine lunch at the Christina Martin School of Food and Wine. Butthe year was dominated by a leadership programme administered by Keith Brown from Stratagem. This in volved the boys filling in a questionnaire developed at Harvard University to determine the strengths and weak nesses of executives worldwide. A follow-up seminar on the results was fascinating and highly informative for the boys and generated a powerful stimulant in criti cal self-analysis for each pupil. 1995 promises to be an equally stimulating experience to the twelve top academics at Kearsney. R. CANDOTTI WORDPOWER This was an interesting club to belong to. We did word puzzles, played word games and looked at the origins of different words in English. Some of them were rude! A.STOCKIL Kearsney Chronicle 1994 65