
StaffNotes At the beginning of 1994 four new members of staff joined our ranks: Mick Bissell as Deputy Headmaster and Standard Head for Third Form, Dalene Lyness as schoolsecretary in place ofAggie Potter,Angela Stevens as Director of Music in place of Jeff Judge and Andre van Zyl who replaced Chris Diedericks. The Van Zyls arrived as a family of three hut by November they be came a foursome with the arrival of little Benjamin. These four new staff members have settled in well and have become part ofthe greater Kearsney family. VALETE At the end of 1994 we sadly said farewell to four other staff members: Irene Harper, librarian, Andrew Bromley-Gans, Art Master, Joan Lyte-Mason, Haley House Matron, Margaret Stanley, Pembroke House Matron and Barry Mullane,Physical Science master. IRENE HARPER ■■I'li'-' A-. Irene and John Harper arrived at Kearsney from Eng land in 1960. Ever since then Irene has been an integral part of the community. She has given 35 years of love and service to her home, to Kearsney and to numerous families where her love and concern have beenher hall mark. She has been interested inpeople for themselves, and has shared in the triumphs of others and has ago nised with them in sadness. She is indeed very much a people person. One of the most moving moments at Kearsney was the day the news broke that after 12 years of marriage a new line had been composed in the Harper household and that a baby was due. There was joy in the entire Kearsney and Botha's Hill community when Paul was bom inNovember 1968. The local Spar shop, 'Roberts Eoodliner', had ahugeplacardoutside announcing "IT'S A BOY!" Later Michael arrived, and both boys made their contributions to Kearsney in time. Irene came into the Kearsney library in a part-time ca pacity in 1979, and then took over as librarian in 1986. Her greatest strength as a librarian is her love of hooks. She is an avid reader andhad readmost of the novels in the library. She was thus able to guide the readinghabits of boys (and staff) with certain knowledge. Another of Irene's characteristics as a librarian was her incredible capacity for hard work. Many people were aware of the long hours she put in each day. What is perhaps not as well known is the amount of work she put in during school holidays - especially recently with the reorgani sation of the library. Irene also gave many years of behind-the-scenes service to the Chapel. She took on the responsibility of ensuring that everything was ready and in place for Communion Services. This was typical of her - she will be remem bered for her willingness to help where required and unstintingly to volunteer her services without reservation. Irene Harper and music are synonymous. Music has played a dominant role in her life - she even married a harper! She and Johnhavebeen involvedinmusicalpro ductions at Kearsney, in the local community, as well as inDurban and Pietermaritzburg. At Kearsney Irene coproducedmusical productions such as H.M.S. Pinafore, Ruddyore, Oliver to name but a few. In the music field Irene will best he remembered for her magnificent sing ing voice, especially at special services in the Chapel. The Harpers will live in retirement inPietermaritzburg, where they will be very much part of the music scene. We wish them well and will remember them always. NANTOWNSHEND & JUSTINHALL ANDREWBROMLEY-GANS (1972-1995) Known affectionately as B-G,Andrew came to Kearsney College fromD.H.S. in 1972 as an Art teacher. He was educated at Grey College and at the Wits School of Art. He marriedPippa Crozier in 1973 and they have 3 chil dren Jamie, Joanna and Jeana. Andrew's contribution to Kearsney College has been variedand significant.He assistedMr Jan Storminswim ming coaching and was most proficient at breaststroke correction. He went on to become master-in-charge of swimming and later headof the art department. Together withPippa and the Townshends, he coached diving, and Kearsney became one of the top diving schools with numerous Natal Schools selections. He coached U13 rugby for many years and who will forget his lads' com mitted tackling Saturday after Saturday. His greatest love and for which he will be best remem bered was his contribution to sailing. His enthusiasm and energy enabled hundreds of boys to enjoy many a Sunday sailing on Durban Bay and at Midmar. Under his direction, Kearsney won the Mirror trophy at the Natal Interschool Regatta, year after year. Kearsney Chronicle 1994