
Broadbentand MissPithouse,the French student teacher. We were split into two groups.The smaller group went to Cycad Camp,which was nestled between large rocks and close to the mountain, rising from the valley. The accommodation atCycad consisted oftwo A-frames and all the cooking was done in the kitchen provided. The larger group wentto Ndulo Camp which wasfar bigger. The two camps were approximately forty minutes walk apart. The first night consisted of Cycad coming to Indula where everyone enjoyed the well-rehearsed and hilari ous plays performed by each ofthe six groups offifteen boys.After the firstday everyone dropped dead into bed. The days thatfollowed weretaken up by tasks set by the different subjectteachers.For solitaire we had to write a poem in English.In Biology we had to complete a grass land study and water study which gave us the go ahead to swim in the icy water.We also had to complete a Flistory worksheet on Howick. On the last night Ndulo planned to attack Cycad with water-bombs while Cycad, unaware of this, wished to ambush Ndulo.Neither plan was a great success buteve ryone enjoyed it all the same. At the end ofthe tour everyone left fit and I'm sure that the boys and teachers thought it was a great success. We learnt to co-exist with the environment and left with a new knowledge ofeach other and the teachers. We can't wait until next year and Coleford. LUKEBUSH COLEFORD'94 The third form spent their leadership week this year at Coleford,half an hour's drive from Underberg. After nearly four hours in the bus we arrived at the Na tal Parks Board camp ofColeford.We had been divided into 12 groups of about 8 eacb with various masters in charge of each group. We were accompanied by tbree mothers and a father, who helped with the catering. The theme of the week was using the classroom sub jects in the environment. During the drive up we did various Geography worksheets,involving land-use,set tlementand map-work.When we arrived we drew alanduse mapofthe area around Coleford.Wetested the clean liness ofthe Ngangwane river which was near the camp. Wedid various Biologicalexperiments,looking for vari ous organisms in the water, as well as Science experi ments in which we added chemicals to the water to de termine the oxygen content.We also carried out aPhys ics experimentto test the speed ofsound,which involved Maths as well. Our English exercise took the form of a debate in which we had to argue for or against an organ ism's existence. We were also involved in various team-work and lead ership exercises, such as building a raft to carry a 25 litre drum over a dam,building arope bridge,construct ing a rope ladder and various obstacle courses. These exercises were to develop our leadership abilities and group work and co-operation skills. We were awarded points for each activity and at the end of the week the team with the most points won a prize. Our afternoons were free and the eyenings were spent on either a bird identification quiz or doing plays prepared by the groups. We slept in a different place each night. One night was spent atabam,one and a halfhour's walkfrom thecamp. We slept on hay bales or on the loose hay on the floor. We were required to keep a fire alight all night, taking shifts of an hour and a half to two hours each. We also had to take hourly temperature readings. The following night was spent on one of the nearby farms. We slept on the grass, with no cover save our sleeping bags.The farmer, who very kindly let us sleep on his farm, also, very kindly, woke us at 5 o'clock to show us the fascinating process of milking a cow. The last night was spent in the luxury of the hutted camp. After a solitaire exercise on Eriday morning,we packed the bus and returned to Kearsney. Besides allowing usto experience sub-zero temperatures, Coleford taught us how to use ourclassroom knowledge in practical circumstances and it allowed us to get to know our friends and masters better. On the whole it was a worthwhile experience and it was enjoyed by all. PETER LAMPLOUGH E m i II t 1 »s: Kearsney Chronicle 1994 69