
:r i; t!{ *■ \i: ■■ ■' ■ 1^-. v.- .. % WSt >9 f.- 4 m 1 • 1\ ■- ■' w t ▼ -.-3lr Back Row: D. Cumming, B. Atkinson, D. Thome. Front Row: S. Malanda, M. Magoba, Mr R. Nott, T. Govender, S. Sibiya Basketball 1ST TEAM If there was ever an exciting season, it was this one. With so many games being decided and every shot be ing important Basketball took on a new level of com mitment for both player and coach. The 1st team were a small group of dedicated players who gave of their best on all occasions. Due to the fact that the games had such scoring patterns, each player knew he was responsible for winning or losing the game for the rest of the team- and thus played above himself. Having only one tall player, offense was based on the fast break. Nimble hands and fast feet brought the ball up quicker than the opposition could close down play. Lack of height also played a major role in defense, re bounds being taken through nothing but gutsy play. The players: M. Magoba (Captain). A charismatic yet firm leader. The play-maker who seldom lost his concentration and was always able to maintain possession in the heat of the dribble. S. Sibiya The chief scorer who is able to score from deep outside with long range shots as well as the fast break. He de fends as hard as he attacks and gives 100% effort at all times. D. Camming A robust, die hard "never say never" player whose resil ience anddetermination were a key factor in the success of the team. His attitude of getting stuck in and never giving up was the psychological mainstay of the 1994 team. Besides his mental qualities he was able to score fromunder tbe boards and from the outside (as well as a few 3 pointers). B. Atkinson The "rookie" centre who developed with every match and provided the team withmuch needed height. It is a pity that he began bis basketball career so late as he had to learn both the basics and tbe position in one season. T. Govender A safe and reliable player who was able to fulfill his role in the team with little instruction. A solid defender who would always score or set up a basket due to his safe hands and good passing. S. Malanda A fast mover of theball. Adeterminedplayer who played a key role in the fast break moves, understanding the principles of attack. A strong-willed player who does not believe in rest and who believes that the best form of defense is attack. A wonderful season, a wonderful team and wonderful group of boys. UNDER 15 Regular players: T. Cbiloane, M. Mthethwa, M. Mazibuko, M. Mblambo, A. Dunlop, J. Waters, M. Matabese, A. Motopi, P. Harry, S. Ntuli, J. Windsor. The list of results for this age group would not make great reading for anyone who judges a team on the scoresheets alone. It was tremendous to see a group of boys getting on the court and, apart from anything else, having a lot of fun. This would seem to suggest that there was a lack of fighting spirit but that is far from the truth. All the games were played with great enthusiasm and commitment and the teams can be proud of their per formances. A very encouraging aspect of the season was to see the boys workinghard at their basic skills in their own time. The fruits of the hours of practice were already evident and it will stand them in good stead for the high level of skill demanded in the Open age group. It will be with great interest that 1follow the fortunes of the players in the 1994 Under 15 age group because it was a group of boys wbo were a pleasure to coach and, perhaps more importantly, whom1had the privilege of getting to know as individuals. D. CATO 74 Kearsney Chronicle 1994