
J.. ..I:! fP r!!n? m' m-' s»i m :■■ 3- ; n■ .-. ■■■ ■■ ■ i ■: m «■ N ■S- *> y- i. *.> 4t ? ■1 Back Row: M. Roper, C. Chang, R. Frost. Middle Row: M. Perkins, G. Stobie, D. Christie, T. Sisson, J. Lalouette, D. Rice. Front Row: A. Buchanan, Mrs I. Harper, G. Hunter, Mrs C. TuIIidge, J. Howlett. Chess 1ST TEAM 1994 was an especially successful year due to the large number of junior players who made a commitment to Kearsney chess. This allowedus tomaintain ahigh stand ard despite the lack of experienced senior players. All those players who participated are encouraged to perse vere with their chess. There is every possibility that Kearsney will produce more players at representative level in the future. Chess is also recognised as an excel lent method of developing concentration, anticipation, logic and fighting spirit. The 1st Team could not repeat its outstanding feat of 1993 and regained its familiar position of 2nd place in the Highways League. It suffered only one loss, at the hands of traditional rival Westville Boys' High. Regular players: G. Hunter (capt.), A. Buchanan (v. capt.), M. Roper, R Davis, T. Sisson, D. Christie, J. Howlett, D. Rice, J. Lalouette,M. Perkins. Results: Inter-Schools League: Played Won 1st Team 6 5 2nd Team 6 1 Drawn 0 1 Lost 1 4 Games for 48,5 26,5 Games against 11,5 33,5 1st Team: V. Gelofte V. Hillcrest V. Westville won 9-1 won 9-1 lost 3,5-6,5 V. Pinetown V. Kearsney B V. Kloof V. "The Staff won 10-0 won 7-3 won 10-0 won 7-3 During the fourth term the school championships were held and the results were as follows: Senior Champion: A. Buchanan Runner-Up: G. Hunter Junior Champion: M. Roper Runner-Up: P. Davis In addition, A. Buchanan was selected to play Board 10 for the Natal High Schools A Team. He was awarded Chess Honours. M. Roper was selected as Board 6 for theNatalB Teamandholds great promise for the future. P. Davis showed a great deal of dedication andplayedin several tournaments. The thanks of all theplayers are extended toMrsHarper, who retires after years of dedicated work organizing fix tures and match teas. She has been invaluable in all matters of administration andprocessing of results. She made the jobs of captains and managers alike immeas urably easier. Mr van Zyl has also been a tower of strength, especially for the 2nd team. His encourage ment and willingness to transport teams added new im petus. Lastly, thanks are due toMrs Tullidge who over sees the entire sport with a great deal of patience. With out her, the sport could not continue. 1995 promises to be another good year. 76 Kearsney Chronicle 1994