
home game and had a string of useful victories which were brought to a halt by DHS and College. Both were greatgames with the players acquitting themselves well, but they were beaten by better sides. This was followed by2good victories againstPinetown and Northwood.It was at this pointin the season thatthe team inexplicably lost confidence - perhaps too much pressure from the coach? We lost to Glenwood,just beat St Charles, and were well beaten by a strong Woodridge side. The play ers had to dig deep to recapture their form,but that they did and we finished the Private Schools Festival with 2 excellent games against Kingswood and St Andrews.A week later the first ever tour toZimbabwe by a Kearsney rugby team was undertaken. The opposition was a lot stronger than anticipated,and a tough tour hardened and gave experience to the players. We did not play to our potential and came back licking our wounds,having won only 2 of the 5 games. The 3 games in the third term were far more satisfying with Hilton holding onto a slen der win in which,once again, we had our opportunities but did not fully utilise them. Stamford from England were routed by a runaway side and tben it wasthe cherry on the top of the cake when we once again robbed Michaelhouse of a victory on their home turf. The team was well led by David Woolnough who has been an exceptionally good leader and motivator, and got the players at times to play well above their ability. Both he and Ryan Barker-Steadman were chosen for NatalSchools and were often in the thick ofthings hold ing the side together with tackles thatforced the opposi tion backwards or with driving play that gave our threequarters time and space to run the ball.As a fly-halfthe skills ofDean Franz were always at the fore as was the running on the wing ofJustin Rautenbach who scored a record 27 tries this season. It is sufficientfor me to say it was a mostenjoyable and rewarding season,and one which I will remember with happiness. DAVID WOOLNOUGH; Natal Schools, Rugby Hon ours, Captain Ist XV Not only had he led the team brilliantly, he has also pushed himself almost to the verge of collapse. He has been in the forefront ofeverything this year,from hav ing to make speeches at a moment's notice, to try-sav ing tackles. It really has been a privilege and a pleasure coaching a side with David as captain. I congratulate you and the team on the successes we have had this year. DONOVAN BOSHOFF The silentiron man ofthe side.Notthe mostvocal mem ber of the team,but one that you could always depend upon when the going got tough. The best way to de scribe him was how a Coloured supporter inadvertently did when we were playing Kingswood. He shouted in that lovely Cape Coloured accent to his mate, a large fellow who was propping against Donovan:"Hey,B J, how can you let such a klein ou shove you like that!" JOHNATHAN HOWLETT A lot ofpre-season gym work enabled him to do well as he has done.Hefinally gotthe tight-head berth and went from strength to strength,playing really effective rugby by the last game of the season. As he was so young in Matric this year,one naturally wonders ifhe has reached his full potential as a rugby player while here at school. SVEN LUNDIN Another player who has benefited from the weights room.Iam notsure ofhis rugby background butcan say that this year his rugby has taken off.He has scrummed exceptionally well and more than held his own in the lineouts and tight/loose phases of the game. A few of his tackles will be remembered by those on the receiv ing end,and by those who saw and heard them. FERGUS PRINGLE:Highways XV,Colours From the baby ofthe side to a tested and well-travelled veteran all in one year. He has taken all that has been thrown at him and been able to come through smiling and satisfied,knowing that he has done his best.He has pushed himselfsofar at times that he hasforgotten where he is and what the score is. It has been rewarding to see that good old fashioned guts and determination can re sult in such development. JUSTIN CLARK:Selectors XV,Colours We inherited a rugby player who has been a great asset to the side. I hope he got as much out of Kearsney as Kearsney got out of him. His bullocking drives were a feature of his play and together with a true and dedi cated nature made him a pleasure to have in the side.He added that extra bit ofsize and strength the pack needed to be effective. DYLAN CUMMING His fitness and quick hands were his strengths. He was always all over the opposition and they found him to be the proverbial thorn in the flesh. There wasn't any 50/ 50ball with Dylan;he snatched up everything thatcame within range, and has a lot of the skills necessary for rugby. With a bit more size and strength he could be a really good player. RYAN BARKER-STEADMAN: Natal Schools, Hon ours Whata fantastic season this player has had!He has ful filled all of his potential and can look back on the sea son with a lot of satisfaction and pride. Not only has he got great skills,size,speed and the strength necessary to be an effective 8th man, but he also has that uncanny ability to read the game and know when to put pressure and when to cross cover.It really has been greatto see a player develop to the extent that Ryan has,and see him accept all the challenges that school boy rugby can put forward. Congratulations on an exceptionally good year. ROLAND SMIT He has worked hard all season and made a great deal of progress.After asomewhatnervous start he settled down and by the end ofthe season had developed all the nec essary skills of a good scrum half. His service has been clean and sharp and his running with the ball hascome a long way and has been another weapon in the team's armoury. DEAN ERANZ Hetook a while to settle into the new position offly half but showed especially in tbe last few games ofthe sea son that he can be a match winner. He has, without a doubt,got all the necessary skills to be a really good fly half. His hands are safe and quick, he can kick left and right foot, run direct or delayed, and has finally devel oped the ability to read the game.With a bit more speed Kearsney Chronicle 1994 95