
G.Phillips,M.Nelson,M.Prinsloo,W.Tindal,T.Brant, M.Matiwane. The 1994 season was an enjoyable and relatively suc cessful one for the 3rd XV.The boys played with cour age and commitment. The hoys are better players than they realize and I think that on occasions they lacked confidence, particularly in the backline. The forwards were the strength in the side. They sup plied the backs with ample ball against most ofour op ponents.Special mention mustbe made ofT.Booth who excelled at the front ofthe lineout. The players who excelled this season and should do well next year are Q. Seago who has a very high work rate and good hall skills, C.Chandler who drives very hard with the ball and tackles well and M.Harel who scored some fine tries on the wing. I enjoyed this season and would like to thank the boys for their keen attendance of practises and enthusiastic attitude. I wish them well for next year. Results: V. Gelofte won 18-15 V. DHS lost 13-22 V. College lost 0-26 V. Westville won 10-6 V. St Charles won 6-0 V. Hilton lost 8-32 V. Michaelhouse lost 7-18 V. Pinetown won 26-0 V. Northwood won 20-19 V. Glenwood lost 5-7 V. KES 1St(Matatiele) won 10-5 B. MULLANE 4TH XV Captain: M.Nightingale and J. Nel Vice-Captain: J. Kopp Regular players: B. Cocks (11), J. Moore (10); S. Rautenhach,S.Nel,J. Kopp(all9games);N.Darby,D. Thome, M. Poulson (8 games); M. Nightingale, R. Bordier, J. Nel, R. Pretorius(7 games each); N. Miles, K.v.d. Leeden,S.Malanda(6games each); J. Letch,Y. Vidas(5 games),S.Lenoir,D.Hooper(4games);P.Smit, S. McHugh,J. Francis(3 games). The 4th XV enjoyed a successful season; more particu larly, a successful second term when they finished the term having lost only once,to College,outofnine starts. Unfortunately the desire and commitment so evident in the second term, was missing after the July break, and the team went down heavily to our traditional rivals. There were no easy games this season, nor any mnaway scores. Every victory was hard-fought-and thus in the end,more satisying.Thesecondterm producedsomegutsy performances, and some real highlights. These included a brave performance against a physically superior DHS side; a titanic, if ill-tempered stmggle against Westville (where touchline activities contributed much to the mood of the match), a fantastic performance against a strong Glenwood side, and a pleasing end to the term against Alexandra 2nd XV.At this stage ofthe season,the team wasin the running for the team ofthe year award.Unfor tunately it was notto be,and there are,as always with this game,lessons to be learnt in this. Thirty-six players represented the 4th XV in the eleven games this season,although fortunately,ofthese,twenty1' ■ IC itii Back Row: G. Morris, G.Henderson,D.Thackwell,M.Evans. Middle Row: C.O'Callaghan,M.Matiwane,D.Johnson,G.Nilson,L. Nightingale,M.Shire. Front Row: R Carmody,A.Thome,M.Tyler, N.Anderson,G,Uren,S.Ivey,Mr P. Cocks. Kearsney Chronicle 1994 97