<>• .. II m lit«- rjr^ >¥. Kearsney Chronicle 1995 r
mrpe 1995 Kearsney College Trustees Mr N.G.Polkinghome(Chairman) Mr D.W.Barker Mr J.W. Gafney Mr E.S.C. Gamer Mr B. Hagemann Mrs S.C. Hotz Mr C. Woolacott Honorary Life Trustees Mr A.B. Theunissen Mr W.H. Hulett Mr T.A.Polkinghome Dr G.W.Shuker Rev. C.Wilkins Kearsney Board of Governors Mr N.Polkinghome(Chairman) Mr L.Buys(Vice Chairman) Mr R.R.Becker Mr G. Bester Mr G.J. Collingwood Mr A.R.Ewing Mr A.K.Erancis Mr N.Gerber Dr A.B.Ravno Mr J.E. Sahine Dr G.W.Shuker Mr A.W.H.York Ex Officio Members The Presiding Bishop of Conference: Rev Dr M.S.Mogoba Chairman Natal Coastal District: Rev. Dr N.S. Hudson Representative Natal Coastal District: Mr C. Woolacott Honorary Life Governor Prof V.J. Bredenkamp Kearsney College Headmaster Mr O.J. Roberts Kearsney College Old Boys'Club Mr A.Ross Mr J. Wallace Kearsney Chronicle 1995
% ■ I'".. i '.Kifi.Bg; From the Headmaster s Desk At our Executive Seminar at the beginning of the year we decided that this would be a year of consolidation. We did not want to change a winning formula which had served us so well in the previous year. We set ourselves three prime goals: • to maintain high academic standards. As you page through this magazine you will see that hoys throughout the school excelled in provincial and national examinations with the matriculants achieving the second best results in our last 20 years. I am delighted with the work ethic in the school. • to maintain the wonderful teamwork between pupils, parents and staff. The pupils worked very well together with the matriculants functioning as a unit and leading by example. Generally parents seemed proud, satisfied and cooperative. The cooperation between staff and all the Kearsney fraternity wasjoy to see. • to improve self-discipline. As the country's constitution no longer allowed corporal punishment in the schools, a new Code of Conduct was drawn up and distributed to students and parents. The prefects, matrics and staff responded well to the challenge enabling us to have a relatively trouble free year. The general good behaviour of the pupils remained a hallmark. I was impressed with the matrics during and after the school dance and also on their last day at the College. We still have to fine tune the Code as it applies to minor offences but we came through our first year well. Sadly, after striving to do all we could to assist the Kwazulu-Natal Education Department in the amalgamation of the seven old departments in the province, we reluctantly opted to write the Independent Examination Board's matric exam from 1996 at considerable cost. This decision was only taken after the announcement ofthe early retirement of most ofthe officials in the N.E.D. whom we were relying on to preserve standards. Early in the year I published my 'Vision' - some personal thoughts about the future of Kearsney. Many ofthose thoughts are fast becoming a reality. Anne and I were privileged to travel to Australia and New Zealand. What we saw there convinced me that we are on the right track although we have some leeway to make up in terms ofleaming theory and practice,and in the use of information technology as an aid in the leaming process. We are living in uncertain and unstable times with enormous challenges ahead. Yet we are progressing in an exciting joumey as the pages that follow illustrate. Next year is our 75 th Anniversary.I wonder if back in 1921 when the College first opened in Hulett House near Stanger, anyone realised how it would grow into an educational institution offering the highest standard of academic,cultural and sporting opportunities to 580 pupils? This year we celebrate our past successes and give thanks to God for his guiding presence. Kearsney must continue to serve our country as a quality nonracial Church school. 1 believe that God is with us and will continue to bless us on this fascinating joumey. O.J.Roberts Kearsney Chronicle 1995
Kearsney College Staff1995 Mr O.J. Roberts DA Hons TTD FDE(Management) Headmaster Mr K. Decker Bed T Cert Deputy Headmaster/Maths Mr M.F. Bissell BABEd Deputy Headmaster/ History Mr J.L. Hall MABEd Deputy Headmaster/ History Mrs J.R. Broadbent MScHED l/c Science Mr R. Candotti BA(Hons)HED English Mr D. Cato BSC HDE Maths Mr F.P.D. Cocks BABEd Director Post Matrlc/Matbs Rev P. Crundwell BA(Hons) Chaplain Mr LP.Daniels IVrSD Dip Ed Housemaster Fmnlngley/MaUis Mr J.Drew BAHDE Geography Mr R.de Vllllers BSC(Hons)HDE Biology Mr K. Garrett HDE FDE Sclenco Mr D. Gnldbawk BA Sp Hons Grad CE Lower School Tutor/ English Mr D. Graves BABEd Afrikaans Mr M.Grlftltbs BSC HED Head 4th Ferm/Blolngy Mrs S. Griltlths BA(Hons)HED l/c French Mrs P. Isaac B. Soc. Scl. BEd l/c Resources Centre Mr P.G. King BAUED i/c Geography Mr D.L. Knowles BA(Hons)HDE Housemaster Pemhroke/Hlstery Mr R.W.Lamplough BA(Hons)UB) l/c History Mr M.G. Mack HDE SEC ED Science Mr J. McMlcbaol MA HED English Mrs K. Mollentze BAFA HDE Art Mr R.J. Nott BAHDE i/c Zulu/Community Oltlcer Mr O.D. Pblpps BSC BEd FDE l/c Computer Studies Mrs R.J. Randall-Taylor BABEd i/c Afrikaans Mr P.A.T. Ratcllfte BEd T Dip l/c Maths Mr P-J.A. RIcbtor Bsc BEd l/c Biology Mr G.E.M. Shono BAUED English Mr K. Smith BAHDE l/c Phys Ed/Actlvltles Coord Mrs A.M. Stevons L.T.C.L l/c Music Mr B. Steyn BComm HED Accountancy Mr D. Sudding BA Huusemastor Gllllngham/Afrlkaans Mrs C.V. Tullidge NTDA NHD l/c Art Mr K. van Blerk BSC PCE Sclence/Dogign 8i Technology Mr C.J. van Loggerenberg BASTD Afrikaans Mr A.F. van Zyl BAHDE Afrikaans Mr W.J. Vermaak Design & Technology PartDme Mrs V.A. Wallace BAHDE l/c English Mr A.H. Willows BSC HDE Maths Mrs D. Woodroffe BComm HDE l/c Accountancy Mr G.S. Borresen Dip M(GSM) Bursar Miss K. Hagemann BA(Hons)HDE Director of Marketing Mrs M.Smith ACIS Assistant Bursar Mrs M.W. Alhorough Receptionist Mrs J. McKernan Financial Secretary Mrs T. Morgan Marketing Secretary Mrs B. Kassier School Shop Parttime Mrs D. LItUejohn Headmaster's Secretary Mrs D.lyness Schoel Secretary Sister A. Ashhurner Bog Nurse/Mldwifory/ l/c Sanatorium/ Community Health Matron Flnnlngley Sister M.Mergan Reg Gen Nurse Sanatorium/Matron GHIIngham Miss A. Fuller Housokeepor Haley 8i Pembroke Mr B.D.E Potter Estate Manager Mr J. Govender Sportsfleld Supervisor Mr R. PHlay Malntonanco Supervisor I T ▼ Back row: Mr K.Garrett; Mr C.van Loggerenberg; Mr M.Griffiths; Mr R.Nott; Mr G.Shone; Mr B.Steyn; Mr O.Phipps; Mr L. Kassier; Mr R. Candotti; Mr D. Cato; Mr D.Goldhawk 2nd row: Mr P. Ratcliffe; Mr R.Lamplough; Mr A.Willows; Mr D.Graves; Mrs R.Randall-Taylor; Mr P. King; Mr A.van Zyl; Mr K.van Blerk; Mr P-J. Richter; Mr M.Mack 3rd row: Mrs A.Stevens; Mrs J. Broadbent; Mrs P. Isaac; Mr F. Cocks; Mr K.Smith; Mr S. McNeil; Mr J. McMichael; Mrs D.Woodroffe; Mrs S. Griffiths; Mrs C.Tullidge; Mrs V Wallace Seated: MrD.Knowles;Mr P. Daniels; Mr M.Bissell; Mr J. Hall; Mr O.Roberts; Mr K.Decker;Rev P. Crundwell; Mr D.Pithey; MrD.Sudding; Mr R.de Vilhers Kearsney Chronicle 1995
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StaffNotes DEPARTURES 1995 was a year of unprecedented change on the staffing front. Kearsney lost the services of two very long standing members of staff - Pip Townshend (37 years) and Lothar Kassier(26 years), as well as the services of David and Sarie Pithey in the Marketing Department. They are all sadly missed and will be fondly remembered. Fitting tribute is paid to them below. Val Jansen also left us at the end of July to take up a post at Kloof High. Nothing was ever too much trouble for Val and we miss her cheery presence and her fund of unprintable jokes. ARRIVALS In the earlier half of the year we welcomed Paula Isaac as our new Media Centre Director, Keith Garrett making a welcome return to the Science Department; Di Woodroffe and Barend Steyn manning the newly created Commerce Department; Margie Smith into the newly created post ofAssistant Bursar,Aleida Fuller as Housekeeper to Haley and Pembroke Houses and Karen Hagemann into the Marketing Department in place of David Pithey. The latter half ofthe year saw the arrival of John Drew replacing both Pip and Lothar in the Geography Department, Tracey Morgan as assistant in the Marketing Department, and Jacqui McKernan replacing Val Jansen as the Bursar's assistant. Nick Raubenheimer taught part-time in the Zulu Departmentjust for the year and he thoroughly enjoyed the eats at teatime! He was a real character and the boys will have benefitted from his vast experience.He left to make way for a permanent appointee to the Zulu post. We also welcomed Jeremy Bonnar a GAP studentfrom Stamford in England. ON LEAVE Marie Alborough, Paul Daniels and Renee RandallTaylor all took long leave during the year and were replaced respectively by Sally-Ann Gelder, Denese Newby and Ora van Zyl. HATCHES The stork was kept busy with the birth of Michelle Claire Knowles in February and Georgi Kate Willows in April. EXTRA-MURALS Congratulations to our intrepid footsloggers who participated in - and finished - the Comrades Marathon, namely Bradley Cavanagh,now at Maritzburg College, Debbie de Villiers, Steve McNeil who has since returned to the U.K. and Richard-beat-the-clock-Nott. We lesser and definitely lazier mortals salute you! S.M. Griffiths Staff Chronicler k i-f' '/ Pip Townshend PIPTOWNSHEND Pip Townshend retired at the end of the second term, after a long, varied and mutually enriching career at Kearsney. In the long service stakes, Pip ranks third with 37 years, behind Jan Storm (42 years) and Jack Reece(38 years). It is such service which forms the very fabric of Kearsney, and generates characters like Pip in the memories of generations of schoolboys. In his 37 years Pip did just about everything which it was possible to do at Kearsney - he was, in fact, the complete Schoolmaster. His commitment was total and incredibly varied. He will, above all, be remembered as a sportsman and a sports coach.These were some of his many sporting activities: - He coached various rugby teams,including a highly successful spell as 1st XV coach. During this time the 1st XV undertook a memorable tour of South America. - He also coached a range of cricket teams,including the 1St XI. - He coached squash, and was master-in-charge for a few years. - For many years his speciality was gymnastics. He produced some real stars in this field. - He started boys playing hockey at Kearsney for the first time in the early 1960's, and thus laid the foundation of what is now a major winter sport. Kearsney Chronicle 1995
Pip was no mean performer himself- for many years he was the mainstay of the staff cricket and squash teams, and also played rugby for the famous"Old Crocks"XV. For most of his career Pip was an energetic Physical Education teacher, while also taking junior Geography, Maths and Science classes. In his latter career, he became exclusively a Geography specialist. Pip served a mutually enriching spell as housemaster of Gillingham, where he and his wife Nan made a great team. Both ofthem gave this challenging responsibility their total commitment. The Townshend household was unusual in many ways, but especially in the choice of family pets. These included over the years, an owl named Alphonse, a house pig,a duiker,a goat - as well as more regular pets such as bantams, chickens, guinea fowl, cats and dogs - often of dubious ancestry. In Kearsney's 75 year history there can not have been a teacher's wife more dedicated to Kearsney than Nan. The attachment was total - her knowledge of the boys was quite incredible, and her support for school sporting and other events unflagging and totally biased. As a 'character in her own right'. Nan Townshend will not easily be forgotten. There can be no finer tribute to Pip than these extracts from a letter written to him by a schoolboy on his retirement: It's so inadequate, a simple thank you, yet that is all I have to offer and the promise that you will never be forgotten not only by myself,butI am sure by everyone who has ever been privileged enough to have come into contact with you! The Townshends have retired to Grahamstown, where we wish them a well-eamed and active retirement. Justin Hall February 1996 LOTHAR KASSIER Lothar Kassier joined the Kearsney College staff in 1969 and completed 26 loyal years service prior to his taking early retirement in 1995. Essentially a teacher of Geography,Lothar also spent a number of years in the Afrikaans Department. His teaching was characterised by thoroughness and good planning and no pupil ever had to wait to have marked work returned to him. As his colleague in the Geography Department, I know for a fact that his attention to detail and a thoroughly professional approach to school-mastering characterised his term at Kearsney. Dear Mr Townshend How difficult it is for me to say goodbye! I remember you as the first staff member I ever met, you being my first form teacher. Sir, I cannot describe the profound influence that you have had on my life. To me you epitomised the perfect gentleman, and will always do so! So often you would stop me dead in my tracks by something you said or did, which always seemed so applicable in my life. Even though I didn't ask,Iknow you were always there to help me! It has never ceased to amaze me, the profound insight and intelligence you have,and yet you also emphasised the importance of enjoying life. You will probably never be able to comprehend the influence you have had on me,but I will carry the gifts of your character and personality with me for the rest of my life! It feels almost as ifI'm saying goodbye to a member of my family. It is sad to say goodbye, because it means the end ofan era - a legacy in the history ofthe College which will probably never be repeated. Yet in everything there is something positive - that you taught me. To us it is a loss, yet to you and your wife an opportunity for a well deserved rest! H 'm Lothar Kassier Kearsney Chronicle 1995
He has been involved in a wide range of activities at Kearsney,including musketry, athletics, cricket, rugby and many more. His family have grown up at Kearsney,and sons Hagen and Claus have enjoyed a loving and stable family life as has daughter Liesel. Barbara Kassier has involved herself fully in the "Kearsney family" and is still involved in running the school shop. Her charm had graced the Kearsney campus for many years. Lothar Kassier is an intensely private person and in researching his career at Kearsney, the writer had a great deal of difficulty in finding out much of real substance about the man apart from personal reflections. His anonymity is such that if he ever decided to take up a new position he would probably be ideally suited as a"hit man"for the Mafia.As it is he is now gainfully employed as a tour guide for German tourists where he can combine his geographical knowledge with his German background.His delightful sense of humour which was seldom revealed to schoolboys will ensure that he keeps his clients amused. Lothar and Barbara are now living in a garden flat in Waterfall and I know that they carry many happy memories with them of their many years at Kearsney. We too at the College remember them with affection. P.G.K. DAVID PITHEY David Pithey was appointed Liaison Officer in a full time position as from the 1 April 1985. This was a new post and in essence it was to provide a communication link between the school and the Old Boys,Parents and the Board of Governors. U15A levels. On a personal level, David and his wife Sarie have three children: Michelle, Janet and Jeremy and the latter was educated here at Kearsney. When I arrived at the College in 1991,I decided that Dave Pithey was the ideal man to market the school. The decision was taken to establish a fully fledged Marketing Department headed by David who was ably assisted by Sarie as secretary. In this position he has built an enviable reputation, with other Headmasters often saying to me,"If only we had a David Pithey ...!" Probably the greatest of Dave Pithey's strengths is the way he presents himself. He has a wonderful public image and is a gentleman through and through. He is essentially a 'people person' who is exceptional with his personal touch.He has really impressed me with his ability to quietly 'sell the school'. In this, his sincerity and loyalty come through strongly. David had been part of the school's Executive since 1986 and I have valued his contribution. It has been a great pleasure to have a person ofhis ability with whom to work. He has related very well with colleagues, the boys and their parents. Whilst we will be very sorry to lose him and Sarie, I am thrilled that he has been able to finish his career with a new challenge, which is to head the marketing department of the International School in Mmabata, Bophuthatswana. I am confident that he will handle it well. He carries my best wishes and highest recommendations. O.J. ROBERTS In addition, he took over the editing of the Chronicle, the Carpe Diem and was the school's representative for the Old Crock's match. Founders' Day, the Wynand Claasen 7's and organised the Remembrance Sunday Service. The Old Boys Club and its management, pub control and cleaning took much of his time in that phase of his job. He looked after all the Old Boys affairs and records and was largely responsible for the introduction of the computers in the administration section. He also taught Geography for two years until the enrolment side ofthe job started to develop and,as this required unrestricted movement,the teaching came to an end. Until 1992,he was involved in the coaching ofHockey and Cricket and, in the early days, Rugby refereeing. He coacbed Cricket at under 15A level and eventually at 1st team level until the job requirements became too onerous. His Hockey involvement was at U14A and David Pithey Kearsney Chronicle 1995
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Prefects 1995 Mark Shire Head Boy Pembroke James Henderson School Prefect GIHingham John Roussot Deputy Head Boy Finningiey Sean Lubbe School Prefect Giiiingham Fergus Pringle Head of Finningiey Finningiey Dale Thome Schoei Prefect Giiiingham limothy Booth Deputy Head of Finningiey Finningiey Ryan Upfold School Prefect Giiiingham Rowan Groom Head of Giiiingham Giiiingham Timothy Wise School Prefect Giiiingham George Gouriay Deputy Head of Giiiingham Giiiingham David Hooper School Prefect Finningiey Max Nightingale Head of Pembroke Pembroke Murray Ingram School Prefect Finningiey Richard Prestedge Deputy Head of Pembroke Pembroke Bjorn Makein School Prefect Finningiey Brett Cocks Head of Haley Haley Mvuyisi Matiwane School Prefect Rnningiey Richard Paterson Deputy Head of Haley Haley Sean Westerbof School Prefect Finningiey Mark Jollands Head Day Boys Haley Bevan Manson School Prefect Pembroke Andrew Buchanan School Prefect Haley Michael York School Prefect Haley PORTFOLIO PREFECTS In addition to the duties of a traditional boarding school, Kearsney's school prefects have the task of managing portfolios within the school. The aim is to give them the experience of the requirements offormal leadership. The portfolio teams established their objectives early in the year and began work immediately,assuming responsibility for aspects of academics, cultural matters, dayboy affairs, discipline, the outreach programme, public relations, the spiritual side of school life and sport. They held regular meetings to report progress. There were also several leadership seminars at which prefects presented papers on matters of interest to their colleagues. This was a useful experience and it will be expanded in future. Mark Shire and John Roussot worked well together as the leaders of the prefect team, their respective attitudes effectively complementing one another in what was really a very busy year. R.L. 1 w KEARSNEY PREFECTS PREFECTS 1995 Back: R. Upfold; M.York; T. Booth; B. Manson; M.Jollands; G. Henderson; R.Paterson; S. Lubbe Middle; D.Hooper; G. Gourlay; S. Westerbof; D.Thome;A.Buchanan; M.Ingram; J. Leith; R.Prestedge; M.Matiwane Seated: M.Nightingale; R. Groom; Mr O.J. Roberts; M.Shire; J. Roussot; Mr K. Decker; B. Cocks; F, Pringle Kearsney Chronicle 1995
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Headmaster s Address 1995 6th Form Prize Giving Speech,22 September 1995 Mr Chairman and Mrs Polkinghome, Premier Dr Mdalose, Members of the Board of Governors, distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen ... Welcome to you all and thank you for being with us today. This has been a fascinating year for the College, and indeed for our country. When I published my Vision early in the year I emphasised that a school had to respond creatively and adaptively to changes in education and society. In essence we need to continue in our progress towards becoming a learning community in the pursuit and achievement of quality education. The developments in education both in our own country and overseas have reinforced this belief. Today I wish to briefly expand on how we are progressing on this journey. I discovered on my recent trip to Australia that the Headmaster has to be the leading learner! I would like to briefly share with you the three main issues that surfaced as being most significant to me after visiting schools in Australia and New Zealand and attending the World Convention of Principals in Sydney. The first I think we are all very much aware of - the concept of Life-long learning. How often haven't we heard how difficult it is becoming for young men to get suitable jobs even after further education. Did you know that knowledge will expand 4 times by the year 2000? ... or that our pupils will in all probability change jobs 6 times, and will go into positions not yet invented? This is true not only here but overseas as well. The whole emphasis in the schools visited was on learning to learn. Pupils must leave able to teach themselves. They must be able to access information and use it to solve problems. This quote sums it up: "We are entering a global economy ... an intemational, inter-dependent, knowledge economy with societies characterised by life long learning or unemployment ..." Judith Chapman (Australia) The second thing that surprised me was the progress made in research on learning theory ... the fascinating work being done on how learning really takes place. Imagine a classroom with 2 video cameras, one on the pupil and another on the teacher. After the lesson the pictures are placed side by side and the pupil watches it and comments on what he is thinking step by step. It is fascinating to see that every person responds to different stimuli. This means that the teacher has to adopt a multi-faceted teaching style and create opportunities in the classroom for learning to take place. One such technique is the perception check ... discuss with the person next to you the two concepts I have just mentioned ... the need for lifelong leaming, and how leaming takes ... go on try it If you hadn't had that chat you probably would not remember a thing about my talk . . . well now you might take away something! The third thing that really astounded me about some schools was the incredible us of technology. In the one school every child from primary to matric had their own laptop. There were no exercise books at all. Think of an English lesson where the teacher discusses briefly tbe essay topic and stmcture and then says"Get on with it" ... as he walks from group to group and offers advice and suggests changes to certain paragraphs ... this done immediately whilst individuals are helping each other . . . changing, discussing, correcting . .. you can imagine the quality of the final product. Do you realise that we are going through an Information Revolution with implications equivalent to the invention ofthe printing press? Schools in Australia and the East, are incredibly well resourced with the very latest in technology - use of multi-media, computers and other audio visual equipment was the mle not the exception. The use of Intemet and laptop computers have changed teaching and leaming styles radically. We are operating in a global economy and we dare not fall behind in this technological age. No ... I am not going to insist on every pupil owning his own laptop! ... but I am going to ask staff to allow homework to be done on a computer ... and I will encourage pupils to bring their computers to school or to use the resource or computer centre machines. We still need to leam to write and work neatly and read books. We must keep a balance such that: "Citizens need to be literate in the broadest sense ... capable of understanding and criticising messages that come to them from a variety of media electronic and otherwise ..." Prof. M Barber(U.K.) Unfortunately,not all ofthem are as these answers show: 'The census taker goes from house to house increasing the population'.'What is the chief cause of divorce? ... marriage!' 'Degrees ofcomparison of'bad'? ... bad,very sick,dead.' 'I like to go on the balcony on a summer evening to hear the crickets and to breathe in the soft gentle air ... it acts like a laxative!' Kearsney Chronicle 1995 13
'Name the four seasons ... salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar.'And from my travels in Singapore: at a hotel. 'It is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. .. if you are not a person to do such thing please not to read notice.' At a camp site ... 'It is strictly forbidden on our campsite that people of different sex,for instance man and woman, live together in one tent, unless they are married with each other for that purpose.' Yes, I leamt much on my trip. I have shared the information with our staff who are kept up to date with our ongoing staff development programme. John Gibbon has addressed many of them on Co-operative Learning, and we have arranged a seminar at the beginning of next term on integrated learning whereby teaching and learning styles are matched. I do not intend to rush headlong into rash and expensive decisions with regard to technology but we are determined to keep up to date with new approaches. This year we completed the 3rd of5 phases in the upgrading of the Resources Centre which is now fully computerised Four CD-Rom's were installed and this unique AudioVisual experience has proved highly popular with our pupils for educational research. The computers have also been used in conjunction with our colour scanner, printer and modem word processing packages to produce assignments of an increasing professional appearance. Kearsney pupils are now producing their own newspaper appropriately named"The Greyhound" on the school computers. We believe that it is essential to equip our pupils to cope with a world of exploding information. For this purpose. Forms 1,2 and 3 now receive Media lessons on a regular basis. Self study assignments as well as group tasks are used to help instill the basic thinking skills and information skills which will be needed by our pupils in the foreseeable future. So then how are we progressing on ourjourney? In a learning community people need to continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire. What a joy it was to return to school knowing we had achieved Just that for all our students in the matriculation examinations. 85% gained exemption 63% achieved 'C' aggregates and above 17% earned 'A'aggregates There were no failures. These excellent results can be attributed to the great efforts made by staff and boys. Graeme Hunter (8 'A's, Science 100%, Maths 98%) and Gareth Parry(6 'A's, Science 98%)were awarded Honours Cum Laude in recognition of their having obtained aggregates of over 90%. You will see in the handouts before you that this excellence is not confined to the matriculants - boys throughout the school have excelled in provincial and national examinations in many different disciplines. Here I want to pay tribute to our parents who play such a key role in motivating their sons thus helping in the establishing the leaming ethos we desire. Okay so your son is not getting a90% aggregate ... remember at least half the class must get below class average! Parents are leaming partners and need to keep things in perspective as this letter from a young student to home shows: It has now been three months since I first left for university. I have been remiss in writing and I am very sorry for my thoughtlessness in not having written before. I will now bring you up to date, but before you read on, please sit down. You are not to read any further unless you are sitting down.Okay? Well then, I am getting along pretty well now. The skull fracture and the concussion I received when I jumped out of the window of my dormitory when it caught fire shortly after my arrival, are pretty well healed now. I only spent two weeks in hospital and now I can see almost normally and only get those sick headaches once a day. Fortunately, the fire in the dormitory and my jump were seen by a passerby and she was the one who called the fire department and the ambulance. She also visited me at the hospital and since I had nowhere to live because of the bumt-out dormitory, she was kind enough to invite me to share her apartment. It's really a basement room,but it's kind of cute She is a very fine girl and we have fallen deeply in love and are planning to get married. I know you will welcome my future wife into our family with open arms. She is kind and although not well educated, is ambitious. Although she has a different religion to ours I know your oft-expressed tolerance will not permit you to he bothered by this fact and I am sure you will love her as I do. Now that I have brought you up to date,I want to tell you that there was no dormitory fire; I did not have concussion or a skull fracture; I was not in hospital; I am not engaged; and there is no lover in my life. However, I am getting an F in Maths and a G in Science and I wanted you to see these marks in the proper perspective. Yes there is far more to school than work alone ... We need to foster the spiritual, social, moral and ethical development of our young students by sharing and practising our Christian heritage such that it becomes a source of inner strength to us all. In his report to the Board,Reverend Crundwell wrote: 14 Kearsney Chronicle 1995
"I continue to be grateful to God for the openness of boys at Kearsney to the Christian faith. Many of them have made a Christian commitment to Christ and there is no mockery of anyone who claims to be a Christian. In fact there is genuine respect for those who are genuine about their faith." I echo these sentiments and wish to pay tribute to Reverend Crundwell whose influence is largely responsible for ensuring that our first aim remains to introduce pupils to a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. This year saw the demise ofcorporal punishment which has worked so well in the past but which is no longer considered suitable or allowed today. We have kept it only as the ultimate sanction.A staff committee drafted rules and regulations with appropriate rewards and penalties. These were then discussed with the prefects, staff, parents and the Board for alteration and approval. Our new code of conduct was implemented as from the beginning of the year and we have managed to maintain our high disciplinary standards. All credit must go to the staff and to the prefects who have met the challenge admirably. Our Headboy,Mark Shire,has been ably assisted by the rest of the prefect body and the 6th Form who have remained united in leading the school by example. Our new Information Booklet which contains our Code of Conduct and much else will be sent to all parents soon. Our sporting and cultural programmes provide outstanding opportunities for personal growth and relationship with others. We have a proud record of inter-school participation, enjoyment and success. Recently a parent of a boy who had been laid off sport for the rest of the year, said to me; "He is so lucky he is at Kearsney because there is so much more on offer...he is going to now devote some time to learning to play a guitar." Well, he is one of 135 lads learning musical instmments. What struck me the most as I watched our musical 'Pippin' was the sheer enjoyment of the 40 boys and girls in the cast. Angela Stevens has worked wonders with our music. You may have heard our Orchestra earlier today but I would like you to listen to our Choir now ... When one considers that we have almost50Clubs and Societies meeting regularly,there is no reason for anyone here to be bored ... our biggest problem is finding time for all the many activities. Both our Tennis and Waterpolo teams travelled overseas where they learnt much, competed successfully and proved fine ambassadors for the College.The Tennis teams subsequently had remarkable seasons with only one ofour9teams losing a match.We won both the Maritzburg and Durban leagues making us again the top tennis school in Kwa-Zulu/Natal. The Waterpolo teams produced very similar records. Our Swimmers continue to do well with Mark Jollands gaining selection to the National team presently swimming in Zimbabwe where he has won a bronze and a gold medal. He is part of the 4 x 200m freestyle relay team which broke the all Africa record. Cricket continues to flourish in the school with the 1 st, U1 5C,and the U14A teams unbeaten,and many ofour other sides losing but one game. Our thanks to Ronnie Groom and the Parents'Society for enabling us to have our resident pro Roy Palmer yet again. Our Rugby enjoyed another bumper year with most teams doing very well. The 1st XV won 12 of their 17 matches played with notable victories over all the Durban schools, Hilton, and Paul Roos, and with the Michaelhouse game a victory for running Rugby. 3 Boys made the Provincial side with a fourth in the development side. Athletics experienced a welcome resurgence. I have mentioned but 6 of the 14 sports on offer. This variety enable us to fulfil our sporting aim which is to involve every boy no matter how talented and give him good coaching and the opportunity to represent his school. I have never had the privilege of working with so many good and dedicated coaches.They can indeed walk tall as their commitment and hard work is what makes our all-round education possible. Though we are progressing well on ourjoumey I am still concerned that the escalating costs of education has made access to Kearsney difficult for the not so wealthy. I am pleased to see that the subsidy for Independent Schooling is likely to continue as it is this that enables us to grant access to those unable to afford it. We have also increased our numbers for next year. We will have some 530 pupils, with a record Form 2 intake, and our boarding houses full. We will not be employing more teachers but class sizes will go up to a maximum of 25. There is also the possibility of the establishment of another campus for the disadvantaged in Zululand.This is a project we entered into a year ago with Durban Girls'College. We have completed the feasibility study. There is no doubt that it will be feasible and the response has been very encouraging.This will give both students and staff increased interaction and exposure. We continue to emphasise the need for tolerance, understanding,care and service as part of our Christian heritage. As Dr Andre Le Roux so eloquently put it at the recent Conference of Independent School Heads: "The son of God came not to be served but to serve Himself ... the principle of service must continue to infuse our schools." Kearsney Chronicle 1995 15
Our Outreach activities have continued to grow apace. The Form 5's are involved in the SMILE programme where they tutor young Zulu children in English. The 4th Eorm have interacted with the Found City children by arranging sports activities and organising a Christmas party. 3rd Formers assisted Kloof S.P.C.A. whilst the younger boys have been busy with clothing and street collections. Our academic and sporting facilities have been well used by our neighbouring schools in the valley. Our staff have will again be running pre-matric tutorials in certain subjects for Khabazela pupils. The management courses for the valley principals have continued this year. Successful schools are built on teamwork. My thanks go to ail of our team. To Mark Shire and John Roussot who themselves made such an effective team in leading the College through their own example and commitment. To the prefects and matrics who have set the right tone for all to follow. To the parents and Parents' Society for your hard work, involvement, and motivation to which I previously referred. To the Old Boys for their loyalty and increasing involvement ... thank you Lauron Buys, and welcome to Alan Ross - the incoming President. To the administrative and ground staff who have been such an important hardworking part of our team. To the Board under the inspirational leadership of Neville Polkinghome...how fortunate we are to have active sub-committees as part of our team .... Ijoin the Chairman in thanking Ted Gamer who could not have given more to Kearsney during his long period of devoted service. To Anne ... the gardens, decor, and indeed myself owe so much to you. To the Deputies ... what ajoy it is to work side by side with such capable men ...I would like to pay credit to their leadership on which I so depend. To the staff ... what a talented, hardworking team you are ... it's a Headmaster's dream to have a team of fanatics and you are not far from reaching that ideal. You have achieved wonders in the classroom and in all we strive to do. Ijoin the Chairman in saying a sincere thank you and farewell to Pip and Nan Townshend, Lothar and Barbara Kassier, and David and Sarie Pithey who have served the College so well. We are living in uncertain and unstable times with enormous challenges ahead. Yet we are progressing in an exciting journey as this report has shown. Next year is our 75th Anniversary ... there are many plans and celebrations in store. Kearsney must continue to serve our country as a quality non-racial Church school. I believe that God is with us and will continue to bless and guide us on this fascinating joumey. Schoolss Address by the Premier of the Kingdom of Kwazulu-Natal, Dr FT Mdlalose,on Speech Day September 1995. Master of Ceremonies, Headmaster, Mr Owen J Roberts,members ofthe Board of Govemors,Trustees, parents of students, distinguished guests and the boys of this College. It gives me great pleasure to be with you this morning, and for the opportunity to share some thoughts with you. May I thank you for inviting me. It probably would have cost me dearly to leave my wife behind,so I brought her along with me. We have a sentimental attachment to this College. The long list of eminent men who are the product of this College bears testimony to its commitmentto equip "our pupils with the capacity to proceed to higher education, and to take their place and succeed in the modem world."(Owen Roberts). For many centuries after the inception of formal education, it was customary to train for and maintain one type of job. That was a career for life. This is no longer the case because our fast-changing society demands new and higher skills all the time. This necessitates continuous self-improvement and acceptance of the fact that leaming is a life-long process. But more of that later. In this region, we believe that education is within the competence of the Province. It was for this very reason that the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Parliament accepted the provisions ofSchedule6 with alacrity. It stated clearly that education and culture will be a provincial matter. Hence the Ministry of Education and Culture has done tremendous work amalgamating all the components of education in the Province - House ofDelegates,House of Representatives, House of Assembly, NPA,Department of Education and Training and KwaZulu Department of Education and Culture. It is correct and essential to organise education provincially. Each Province is keenly aware of the needs of its young people and it is best qualified and situated to minister to these needs, rather than the National Ministry ofEducation. KwaZulu-Natal govemment has been busy with the amalgamation process.This was a herculean task in view of the fragmentation and bureautic chaos created by the administration of the apartheid era. We now have one Ministry. But uncertainty has loomed again in the form of the Central govemment's attempt to impose an education ofits choice on the Provinces.The latest Bill is calculated to bring education under the direct control ofthe National govemment. Education is of provincial competence and we believe that we should legislate on education in our Province. We are sensitive to the needs of our children 16 Kearsney Chronicle 1995
and we want to equip them well so that they fit into the life after completion of their education. Provincial government and parents must have the final say in the future ofeducation,and not the Central govemment. It is accepted that the norms and standards ofeducation should be applicable throughout the country, so that a pass in a school in Cape Town should be valid at another school in Johannesburg. We therefore need to have the same standard of acceptability. We believe, in KwaZulu-Natal, tbat education should be provided on all fronts. Diversification should provide for all the needs in our society. That is why on the academic side, a high level of education in law, medicine, science and education is available. Specialities at University level should be so based that we are able to provide diverse disciplines. The focus of Technikons is on the education of high - level manpower, which is a pre-requisite for the survival of this country. Technikons are directed towards the application of knowledge in the real - life situation; are in close touch with their environment and also sensitive to the demands and needs of the communities they serve. Courses are available in the arts, applied science, commerce, design, engineering, health and management. Technical Colleges provide technical and vocational education by way of courses such as educare, hotel reception, carpentry, bricklaying, tailoring, plumbing and home economics. These are essentially skills training institutions which provide workers with the skills necessary to service their communities. These people form the blue-collar sector that maintain themselves as well as the country. The country needs them and their skills. Colleges of Education satisfy the needs for teacher training. Non-formal education such as that provided by KwaZulu Training Trust helps people gain skills for the service of society. We are preparing youth to be able to fit and engage in gainful employment and acquire selfsufficiency according to their abilities, ambitions and capabilities. None should be left behind in our march along the path of progress. They must reach the highest levels of performance in accordance with their abilities. Wben I mentioned a fast - changing society earlier on, it was not to scare the wits out of you. In fact, I think you are ideally placed to adjust to change better than some of my compatriots. The everyday things that you live with are second nature to you.I have to leam them. The computer games that you play were not around during my youth. Children who have grown up in the space age understand things which, out of their continuous experience, adults have to leam.The socio political and economic changes currently sweeping South Africa are of immense significance to you. Whatever career you want to embark upon, changes will always be in attendance. You will also have to change so as to be relevant to changed circumstances. If you don't change, you will be overtaken by events and become redundant simply because your skills have been outgrown by progress. If you have to change direction, it indicates that you made a mistake in your original choice. Wrong.This is a myth. It is a fallacy. Change exposes you to the acquisition of more skills - you become multi-skilled. Should your dreams in your chosen occupational direction fail to materialise, you have the opportunity to appraise your aspirations anew and develop realistic altematives. Do not waste your time and energy trying to adapt to a lost course. Overcome the fear of the unknown and make a bold new start. That is selfimprovement. Skills upgrading significantly increases your chances of landing a job or starting a new venture. You make yourself more marketable. Another sphere of uncertainty accompanies the concept of affirmative action. You probably have nightmares about tbis new barrier tojobs. Relax.It is tme that, with the advent of affirmative action, the white male no longer enjoys automatic employment by virtue of colour, with the result that prospects for them are growing scarcer all the time. For far too long, our education was based on an ethnic mindset. It is time we started perceiving ourselves in National terms. The dynamic, democratic, multicultural development of South Africa is part of the process of transition. Technology in computers, electronic and satellite communication is creating radical changes as the industrial revolution transforms into the information revolution. This process is destroying many traditionally established occupations while at the same time creating new fields of occupation as well as new jobs requiring new skills. There will not be any flooding of the employment market by any particular group.The playing field will stay even. This is but one example of the potential opportunities that are opening up and can be created by people who accept and manage change in their careers. Affirmative action will not affect anybody's chosen career. ^ The logical step is to select careers where there is little representation on the job market. Find your own niche. It should also be of interest to you that, while it is imperative for you to engage in a particular career for your livelihood, it is essential to acquire other skills to service your careerjob. It is all very well to practise as a quantity surveyor. But you will also require an indepth knowledge of marketing skills, customer care and effective management to control your establishment. You may also need to acquaint yourself with the stock market in order to invest your money strategically. The future is therefore what you will make of it. If you have any doubts about yourself, think of this: bamboo is nothing but a grass which had the audacity to become a tree. You can do the same. I thank you. Kearsney Chronicle 1995 17
HeadBoysSpeechfor Sixth Form Prizegiving 1995 I believe 1995 has in more ways than one been a very successful year. It is not until I look back on the results in all spheres of the school that I realise just how well Kearsney has done this year. But in 10 to 20 years from now it won't be the scores or the academic marks that we will remember; instead we will remember the friends we made and the good times we had and that is the biggest success of Kearsney and that it what makes it such a special place. 1995 has been a year of great change,not only in S.A., but here in Kearsney. The most significant change has been that this was the first year that Kearsney has done away with corporal punishment. As a firm believer in corporal punishment and coming through the school system experiencing it frequently, I have found it has been a hard and challenging change for the school and for me personally. But I see change as a vital part of equipping the boys for the fast and changing world that we live in. However I am proud to say that the traditional principles of Kearsney have and will never change.Our most prized values such as RESPECT, HONESTY, DISCIPLINE and CHRISTIAN VALUES will always remain. These are our values and we are proud ofthem and they are what makes Kearsney Kearsney. A common phrase used by many is'WHEN WE WERE HERE THINGS WERE DIEFERENT'. I agree some things have changed slightly. This is something that we cannot control, as Kearsney changes as times change. ButI don't see these things as changes at all but instead additions to the long standing traditions of Kearsney. Kearsney is a unique and special school and that is why our values will never change. WHAT DOES MAKE KEARSNEY SPECIAL? Well for me it is many things. I came to Kearsney nearly 5 years ago. Even before I arrived I knew that this was a school like no other.Iknew this through listening to my father for hours of his time at Kearsney. Even after 32 years since he left the school I still see his incredible pride and love for Kearsney. This makes Kearsney special. As I rose up the ranks of the school I learnt to respect the seniors; always to own up; be dedicated in all I did and how to make perfect square cornered flat beds and perfect light brown crispy toast. But the two most important things I have leamt from Kearsney are to be an individual and that it is possible to be truly proud of your school. But 1995 has been my most enjoyable year. It has been special because everyone of us had made his own specific contribution to the year, be it through academics, or taking part in the play or captaining one of our 1st teams; no one has shone more brightly nor been seen as superior to anyone else. We are all equal as we are the matrics of 1995. Another thing that has been very special this year are the friendships that we have made. They are friendships that will last forever and which we will cherish long after we have left Kearsney. No school can run smoothly without a dedicated and respected senior body. I know we were not the most innocent form and we like to have a bit of fun, but I think that's what made this year unique as we had character and spunk and really enjoyed our matric days. So the 6th form of 1995 I would just like to say THANK YOU.Thank you for friendships and for all the great times we have had this year and for making this year so memorable for me and for us. And to the prefects - I realise that I haven't been the most organized person (to put it lightly) and I always sprang last minute duties on you (literally).I would just like to thank you for all your support and for the outstanding job that you have all done this year. It had been hard for all of us to adjust to the new system and to think up creative and effective alternative punishments.You really coped incredibly well and you have all done Kearsney proud. I would also like to thank you for your regular attendance of my very informative Monday morning meetings. I would also just like to thank John my deputy for all his help and support that he has given me this year. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you.You always reminded me what had to be done and what was happening that day. If it wasn't for you I would probably even have forgotten about today. To next years 6th formers and prefects, GOOD LUCK (or as Mr Nightingale would say - GIVE IT HORNS!) Remember it is really an unforgettable year so enjoy it and do Kearsney proud. There are a few people I would like to thank before I finish. Firstly my family, thanks for your all your love and support. I know that I did things very differently this year but you always supported what I did and I thank you for that. Then to the Headmaster and staff whom we have come to know very well over the years. You have puta lot of your time and effort into us,in and outside the classroom. Thank you for your dedication and guidance.And to matron and the sanatorium sisters for all their sympathy, care and for those great PINK pills that you gave us for everything from a headache to a broken leg! 18 Kearsney Chronicle 1995