
Prefects 1995 Mark Shire Head Boy Pembroke James Henderson School Prefect GIHingham John Roussot Deputy Head Boy Finningiey Sean Lubbe School Prefect Giiiingham Fergus Pringle Head of Finningiey Finningiey Dale Thome Schoei Prefect Giiiingham limothy Booth Deputy Head of Finningiey Finningiey Ryan Upfold School Prefect Giiiingham Rowan Groom Head of Giiiingham Giiiingham Timothy Wise School Prefect Giiiingham George Gouriay Deputy Head of Giiiingham Giiiingham David Hooper School Prefect Finningiey Max Nightingale Head of Pembroke Pembroke Murray Ingram School Prefect Finningiey Richard Prestedge Deputy Head of Pembroke Pembroke Bjorn Makein School Prefect Finningiey Brett Cocks Head of Haley Haley Mvuyisi Matiwane School Prefect Rnningiey Richard Paterson Deputy Head of Haley Haley Sean Westerbof School Prefect Finningiey Mark Jollands Head Day Boys Haley Bevan Manson School Prefect Pembroke Andrew Buchanan School Prefect Haley Michael York School Prefect Haley PORTFOLIO PREFECTS In addition to the duties of a traditional boarding school, Kearsney's school prefects have the task of managing portfolios within the school. The aim is to give them the experience of the requirements offormal leadership. The portfolio teams established their objectives early in the year and began work immediately,assuming responsibility for aspects of academics, cultural matters, dayboy affairs, discipline, the outreach programme, public relations, the spiritual side of school life and sport. They held regular meetings to report progress. There were also several leadership seminars at which prefects presented papers on matters of interest to their colleagues. This was a useful experience and it will be expanded in future. Mark Shire and John Roussot worked well together as the leaders of the prefect team, their respective attitudes effectively complementing one another in what was really a very busy year. R.L. 1 w KEARSNEY PREFECTS PREFECTS 1995 Back: R. Upfold; M.York; T. Booth; B. Manson; M.Jollands; G. Henderson; R.Paterson; S. Lubbe Middle; D.Hooper; G. Gourlay; S. Westerbof; D.Thome;A.Buchanan; M.Ingram; J. Leith; R.Prestedge; M.Matiwane Seated: M.Nightingale; R. Groom; Mr O.J. Roberts; M.Shire; J. Roussot; Mr K. Decker; B. Cocks; F, Pringle Kearsney Chronicle 1995