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1998 Kearsney College Trustees MrLF Buys(Chairman) MrD W Barker Mr J W Gafney MrES C Gamer Mr N Gerber MrB Hagemann MrsS C Hotz MrC Woolacott Honorary Life Trustees Mr A B Theunissen MrT A Polkinghome Dr G W Shuker Rev C Wilkins Board of Governors MrLFBuys(Chairman) Mr J M Wallace(Vice Chairman) MrR R Becker MrR J Benney MrG J Collingwood Mr A K Francis MrsH Gammie MrP Morgan Mr V Naidoo MrT Rosenberg Mr J F Sabine Mr A W H York Ex Officio Members The Presiding Bishop ofConference:Rev M Dandala Chairman Natal Coastal District: Bishop G Irvine Representative Natal Coastal District: MrC Woolacott Honorary Life Governor Prof V J Bredenkamp Kearsney College Headmaster MrO J Roberts Kecusney College Old Boys' Club MrB Milstead Mr A Ross Parents' Society MrD Fraser(Chairman) Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 1

From The Headmaster's Desk We set ourselves 3 goals for the year: 1 To maintain the excellentacademic,sporting, cultural and spiritual performance. 2 Teamwork - to work together with each other, with pupils, with parents and with the Board and to he more caring and understanding in our relationships with each other. 3 To implement successfully the agreed changes. I have no douht that we can look hack proudly and say the first goal was achieved heyond all expectations. The pagesthatfollow dwell morefully on our achievements in all these areas: * our hest ever matric results and both top pupils this year earning Honours cum laude for achieving aggregates of90%. * our results and depth of participation on the sports field speak for themselves 44 provincial caps including 5SA Schools. * a musical evening where the packed hall gave the singers and players a standing ovation and didn't want to let them leave the stage 18 provincial and 2SA musicians. * strong Christian leadership with more parents than everjoining their sons in Sunday worship. Our teamwork did improve thanks to the joint strategic discussions held quarterly with all sectors ofourcommunity present. Somerelationships were strained whensometough disciplinary decisions had to be taken against senior boys for drinking alcohol and bringing the College into disrepute though we thankfully had nodrug involvement. This was offset by the success of our mentorship and leadership programmes. The agreed changes were put into place to prevent physical and mental abuse which are unacceptable in any school but unfortunately present in most. A mentorship and leadership programme replaced the fagging system. Some matric privileges were withdrawn hut many remained. A new disciplinary system for minor offences was successfully implemented. There were some teething problems hut Kearsney is a happier place for all and none of our valuable traditions have been lost. Theopening ofour magnificentnew Sheffield house and the Hall Biology laboratory brought our period ofgrowth to anend with the country possibly entering into a period of recession. Education continues to struggle to come to grips with a country in transformation. Institutions like ours have to seek above all to maintain their values and standards and to assist others in doing likewise. I am particularly delighted by the over350boys who voluntarily did8 or more hours ofcommunity service owing mainly to the motivation of parents. Enjoy reading about whathas been an exhausting and challenging year in our history. Owen Roberts CJ. "Oj-J' Ml i Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 2

Kearsney Staff Fi w staff; Academic Seated : R de Villiers,D Goldhawk,D Knowles,S Singleton, J Hall,OJ Roberts,K Decker,M Bissell,K Garrett,A Willows. 2"'^ Row: V Wallace,J Ndaba,C Tullidge,J Broadbent,S Grilfiths,W Amos,FCocks,PIsaac,SZukulu,A Fripp,A Stevens. 3"^ Row: J McMichael,D Woodroffe,P Ratcliffe,D BoshofT,A Henderson,A Moore,D Graves,A van Zyl,J Drew,T Richter,R Lamplough,K Smith. 4''^ Row: R Randall-Taylor,D Cato,B Steyn,R Candotti,H Horowitz,S van Wyk,G Shone,OPhipps,M Griffiths, J Oosthuizen,P King. Mr0J Roberts BA HonsTTD FDE Headmaster MrK Decker BEd T Cert Deputy Headmaster/Maths MrM J Bissell BABEd Deputy Headmaster/History Mr J L Hall MA BEd Deputy Headmaster/History MrW Amos BA(Hons)HDE Geography MrD Boshoff BA HDE Afrikaans Mrs J R Broadbent MSc HED i/c Science MrR Candotti BA(Hons)HED English MrD Cato BScHDE Lower School Tutor/Maths MrFPD Cocks BABEd Director Post Matric/Maths Mr R de Villiers BSc(Hons)HDE Housemaster Haley/Biology Mr J A Drew BA HDE Geography Mrs A Fripp BCom HDEFDE Accounting MrK J Garrett HDEFDE Housemaster Sheffield/Science MrD Goldhawk BA Sp(Hons)Grad CE Housemaster Gillingham/English MrD Graves BABEd Afrikaans MrM Griffiths BSc UED Head 4'''Form/Biology MrsS Griffiths BA(Hons)PCE i/c French Mr A A D Henderson BA(Hons)HDE i/c Drama Mrs A M Herselman BA(Hons)HDE Afrikaans(part-time) MrsP M Isaac BSocSC HDEBEd i/c Resource Centre MrPG King BA UED i/c Geography MrDL Knowles BA(Hons)HDEFDE HousemasterPembroke/History MrR W Lamplough BA(Hons)UED i/c History Mr M G Mack HDESECED Lower School Tutor/ Science Mrs V Mare BA Resource Centre Assistant(part-time) Mr J McMichael MA HED English MrsKL MoUentze BAFA HDE Art(part-time) Mr A Moore MA HDE Computers/History MrB Ndaba PPaed(Arts) i/c Zulu Mr J A Oosthuizen BAHDE Afrikaans MrsLC Payne BAHDE Zulu(part-time) MrOD Phipps BScSTD FDE MEd i/c Computer Studies MrsR J Randall-Taylor BA BEd i/c Afrikaans I. r- n m •<» Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 3

MrsJ L Ratciiffe BATC i/c Leadership/ Maths MrPATRatcliffe BEd TDip i/c Maths MrP-J A Richter BSc BEd i/c Biology MrB Riley Nat Dip - Ind Teach Design&Technology(part-time) Mr G EM Shone BA UED English Rev S0Singleton Chaplain MrK Smith BA HDE i/c Phys Ed Mrs A M Stevens LTCL i/c Music MrB S Steyn BComHDE Accounting/Business Economics MrsC V Tullidge NTDA NHD i/c Art MrSL van Wyk HDESECED Science MrA F van Zyl BA HDE Afrikaans Mrs V A Wallace BAHDE i/c English MrM A Werth BSc BEd Maths Mr A H Willows BScHDE HousemasterFinningley/Maths MrsD S Woodroffe BCom HDE i/c Accounting/Business Economics MrRSZukulu BABEd Geography MrsM W Alborough Receptionist Mr J0Bester DevelopmentTrust Officer MrG S Borresen Dip M(GSM) Bursar Mrs J du Casse Financial Secretary Mr MIM Dawson Financial Manager MrsS A Gelder Marketing Secretary MrsP Needham Headmaster's Secretary MrsB Kassier Stud Shop(Part-time) MrsD Littlejohn School Secretary Mrs J McKeman Dipl Basic Bookkeeping/Accounting Bookkeeper Mrs C Ross Cert/Dip Journalism Director OfMarketing MrsR Waldburger Music DepartmentSecretary(Part-lime) Sister A Ashbumer Reg Nurse/Midwifery/Com Health Registered Nurse Sanatorium Sister M Morgan Reg General Nurse Registered Nurse Sanatorium MsA M Fuller Matron /Housekeeper MrR J Smith Estate Manager Mr J Govender Sportsfield Supervisor MrR Pillay Maintenance Supervisor rI 1 " V • ✓ mA > / up Mi Staff: Admininistration Seated: J Smith,S-A Gelder,M Dawson,A Ashbumer,G Borresen. 2"'' Row: J du Casse,A Fuller,D Littlejohn, M Alborough. Kearsney Chronicle 1998 ■ Page 4

staff Notes ATHOL HEINDERSON Athol has the distinction ofinaugurating the Speech and Drama department at Kearsney. His aim is to promote visiting theatrical productions as well as to present major productions at the College. He is a practitioner of the art and indulges in miming and clowning - professionally! He and wife Loma are the proud parents of Amy Jade, born on the 10 November. MADELEINE HERSELMAN Madeleinejoined the Afrikaans departmentin a parttime capacity in January this year. She is a trained graphic artist,specializing in computer graphics and also an advanced scuba diver. HOWARD HOROWITZ We sadly said farewell to Howard, wife liana and daughter Yael at theend ofthe second term. Howard had so well integrated himself into the Kearsney regime that it was a shock when he left. However, contacts are not lost thanks to E-mail. They are expecting an addition to the family soon and since he/she wasconceived in KZN they are searching for aZulu name beginning with'M'. JORRIE OOSTHUIZEN Jorrie spenttwo years at John Ross College teaching Afrikaans before moving on to Felixton College on the north coast. Hejoined our Afrikaans department in January and his other duties include sports coaching - U15C cricket and U14D rugby. He ran the surfing club and is assistant housemaster in Sheffield House. He is married to Estie who taught Maths at Kearsney for one term while we were awaiting the arrivalofthe new Mathsteacher,Michael Werth. JEAN RATCLIFFE After fifteen years at St Mary's D.S.G. as VicePrincipal, Jean hasjoined the Kearsney staff where she wears a number of different hats. She is co ordinator of the Leadership programme, mentor of the new Teacher Intern programme, part-time counsellor as well as teaching Maths and Advanced Maths to the fifth form. She is a very busy lady, performing her duties with energy and enthusiasm. During the course ofthe year she was elected to the governing body ofHighbury Preparatory School. STEVE SrVGLETON Stevejoined the staff as College Chaplain. He has been a Methodist minister for sixteen years most recently atthe Central MethodistChurchin Boksburg. Steve is a warm human being who displays tremendous empathy with his fellow man. MICHAEL WERTH Michael has spentthe lastfive years teaching Maths and Biology atSelboume College in the Cape. Heis the new memberofthe Mathsdepartmentandcoaches U16C rugby and 2"''team waterpolo. SINEGUGU ZUKULU 'Gugu' taught in Umtata from 1992 - 1994 before moving to Kwadabeka Senior Secondary School in 1995. There he taughtGeography at Grade 12level, he was in charge of the Resource Centre and was a memberofthe school's governing body. Healso gave generously of his time in running holiday courses in Geography for disadvantaged students. AtKearsney he is a member of the Geography department and a basketball and rugby coach. GENERAL POST This yearfour membersofstaffhave enjoyed a spell oflong leave. Dave Knowles was ably replaced by Sue O'Neill in the History classroom,while Barend Steyn took over the running ofPembroke House. Owen Phipps went off to sightsee in Europe and Andrew Moore and Lorraine Payne filled in during his absence. Tony Richter was replaced in the Biology lab by Theresa Hoffmann. Graham Shone's position wasfdled by the versatile Sue O'Neill. Wethank all replacement stafffor giving oftheirtime and for their willingness to help out. Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page5

r" % mtt Mr B .Vl Q .m Hi iu m. ii^ \X m Op B KA W f M Jv te I'' /- / tf t staff: Maintenace Seated: J Cele, H Dlamini, J Mnyandu, J Smith, J Govender, R Pillay, C Reddy. l"' Row: A Sibisi, C Majola,Z Ngubane, M Nzama, N Ndlovu,Z Mthiyane, P Hlengwa, S Majola. 3"* Row: F DIadIa, C Nqondo, S Madondo, A Khoza,P Subramonien, J Madondo, R Dladla. HOUSEMASTER Keith Garrett was appointed to the post of Housemaster in the new boarding house, Sheffield. Keith does not know the meaning of the term "burnout"and has been tireless in his efforts to make the name of Sheffield one to be reckoned with. FAMILY MATTERS The Kearsney family warmly welcomes three new members: Anneke Steyn,bom on Friday 13Febmary. AmyJade Henderson,bom Tuesday 10November. Astel Kistensamy,bom on Friday4December. BOARDER MASTERS This year we have had the pleasure ofthe company of Brendan Albon,Comad Bubb,Darren Hunt and PaulMartinfrom Edgewood College. GeoffThomas, also from Edgewood spent a second year with us as head "stooge", fulfilling duties as assistant housemaster in Finningley. Wealso welcomed John Stephenson from England. ISC INTERNSHIP : DETA CLARK Deta wasthefirst participantofthis programme which provides teacher training for those who wish to combine this training with their academic study programme which is done on a distance learning basis. Deta is an ex-DHS pupil,a top sportsman and was a leader at his school. He was attached to the departments of English and Geography. He was required to putin eighthoursperdayin the classroom and on the sportsfield where he coached cricket and ragby,and to do eight hours of private study. He is in his third year of study for a BA degree through UNISA. WELCOME BACK Mark Mack and family retumed after a year in the States on a Fulbright scholarship. He enjoyed his experience and had many insightful things to say about his time in America. Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page6

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•.5-. ODE TO A GARDEN MOP Oh outdoor mop Of hirsute top Planted in the garden For lack ofroots You have no shoots Nor leaves into the bargain When will you sprout To nature flout? All you do is harden You guard the door You neglect the floor My confusion you will pardon! Mop Watcher LAST GUM TREES Thelastgum trees on Kearsney property havefallen. They were the few survivors of what had been in earlier times a large plantation on the hilltop. According to early residents,Kearsney College Road started outas aloggers'track.A generation ago there were still remnants ofthe plantation in various parts ofthe school but over the years their numbers have slowly dwindled. At the beginning of this year, the only gumsremaining stood beyond Haley House on the edge ofan open stretch ofgrassland. Now there are none. I know that there is a strong prejudice against the gum in agricultural circles because ofits thirsty habits. I know too,and generally agree,that indigenous trees are preferable to exotics. But the eucalyptus has played such a significant role over so many years in the lives ofthe people ofSouth Africa that I believe it deserves to receive honorary naturalization. Iam sad that wedid notthink toleave at least one gum standing as a reminder of the way things were. R Lamplough FULBRIGHT EXCHANGE EXPERIENCED AT McLEAN My year in the United States asaFulbrightexchange teacher was an opportunity to work with what must besomeofthe greatestchemistry teachersin the state (and probably in the country,since McLeanHigh was recently ranked amongthetop 10schoolsin the United States). The school is very well resourced, which enables one to teach withouthaving to be concerned about getting the media,supplies, and equipmentto conduct lab work and experiments.Back home,my role as a teacher in a boys-only private school has manyfacets,and teaching chemistry is only a partof my responsibility. It was great to be able to focus fully on my subject at McLean. Learning different strategies of discipline and classroom management alsoranked as anexchange highlight. I had anumber of opportunities to speak about my country. A significant talk thatI gave to a history class detailed my experiences as a White in apartheid South Africa and how things have changed. During mytime here,Iexperienced a greatawareness of community service in the United States. As a result,Iam implementing a tutoring programme for a disadvantaged neighbouring community with the help of the principal of my school in South Africa. This will involve students and teachers in "co operative learning" groups at central science labs. The project is aimed at enhancing students' science knowledge and skills as well as uplifting teachers' confidence through better content, skills and knowledge. I have, without a doubt, developed professionally during the exchange period. Never again will I walk into a classroom in South Africa and teach asI did before I left. I am a better teacher for having had this opportunity for in-depth selfanalysis andfor having learned the differentteaching methodsfrom colleagues in the United States. I was fortunate to have worked with greatteachersina wellresourced school. Adapting to students' different behavioural and discipline patterns proved to be a tough area. The experience involved exchanges of teaching schedules, homes, environments and cultures. My American exchange partner taught in my school, lived with hisfamily in my home&experienced alife thatis uniquely South African. These things are more different than you would expect. Asfar asthe students were concerned details may differbut essentially they were the same at heart. mh I Wl *-JC [ - Mark Mack Mark Mack Kearsney Chronicle 1998 ■ Page9

Howard and Horowitz FULBRIGHT EXCHANGE EXPERIENCED IN SA My exchange year at Kearsney College in South Africa was enjoyable,challenging and rewarding. While I think that my exchange partner Mark was able to return to South Africa having learned lots of new, innovative teaching methods being used here in the United States, I agree that we in the United States could learn a lot from Kearsney College and our South African counterparts. The administrative supportoffered to teachers at Kearsney College really freesthem up to concentrate on what they were hired to do - teach! Kearsney College teachers share the services of a secretary to do their typing. A copying attendant delivers teachers' copying orders within 24 hours, and, especially importantand valuablefor me as a chemistry teacher, alaboratory assistant helps teachers set up their labs. Imagine not having to go through a day dealing with broken printers orout-of-papercopiers and nothaving to rush to set up a lab in the five minutes between classes. Ironically,even with the extra time that this support provides,teachers are not as creative in their teaching methods as are teachers here,and they are not really encouraged to take risks in their teaching styles. Part of this also has to do with the national preoccupation with the matriculation exam,which is a national exam all high school seniors take. Much classroom time isfocussed on preparingforthisexam, which is veryimportantfor university admissionsand job eligibility after high school graduation. It was interesting for me to think about how to balance the needforsome sortofstandardised testing regime with the creativity I like to bring to my classrooms, especially in light of trends in the United States toward these sorts ofstandardised tests. Another big difference that I enjoyed and found pedagogically valid was Kearsney College's school calendar(notto mention daily 1lam tea breaks when the whole school stopped and had tea, sandwiches and biscuits!). Theschool hasfourtermsa year,with breaks of anywhere from two to six (their summer holiday) weeks in between each term. I found there was much less burnout and that it was much less draining on both teachers and students to have the school year divided this way. Also,Kearsney College's six-week summer break represents a much less drastic interruption ofthe school year than ours,so teachers and students are able to experience some continuity between years. Howard Horowitz Prefects Theincreasing responsibihties ofprefectship at Kearsney did not deter or inhibit the performance of the prefect body last year. Their control of the school, of the Houses, of prep and the maintenance of standards, traditions and behaviourthroughoutthe school were achieved effectively through dedicated commitment. The role of the prefect at Kearsney has become increasingly complex. In a changing society their authority is not automatic. A great deal more effort is required to establish this authority. This they achieved very well and it was a credit to them. The new disciplinary systems also had to beimplemented effectively,atimeconsumingtask which they fulfilled willingly and successfully. The maintenance ofstandards,traditions and values has also become a far more difficult task and the prefects accomplished this through clear common goals and maturity. liana % % Robin Lamplough congratulates Luke Bush and Alistair Patterson on their appointments Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page lO

Prefects Seated: l"'Row: 3"* Row : 4"^ Row : R Keyter, C Wells, M Croudace, Mr K Decker, A Paterson (Head Boy), Mr OJ Roberts, L Bush (Deputy Head Boy) W Wepener, K Tyack. B Ntsimane-Gillies, G Funga, W Shire, K Eggers, A Becker, J Groom, N Leitch, D Rice, M Hayes. S Chandler, G Stobie, MJ Lane, S Johnston, D Sharp, M Leihhrandt, M Campbell,D Veale. R Scribante, B Lundin, T Cartwright, J Lewis, G Brown. The Houses continued to be very effectively run and the implementation of recent changes went remarkably smoothly.The prefects led by example, ensuring the establishment of high Christian standards, a good academic ethos and spirited competition on the sports field. They also played a significant role in the cultural life ofthe school. The prefects played a leading role in the portfolio system, despite the other demands made on them. The objectives for the year were well thought out and gave them goals to achieve in committee. The vast majority ofthese objectives were achieved.The behaviour of the boys at Kearsney, their dress and their greeting were again ofa very high standard. The prefect body worked hard in this regard and mustbe congratulated. The Head Boy and Deputy Head Boy worked exceptionally hard, their dedicated commitment to their school attimesoverwhelmed me. The standards they set and their values were ofthe highest order. Finally,a sincerethank youto allthe prefectsof1998. With your loyalty and commitment, Kearsney has grown from strength to strength. It was a privilege to work with such a loyal and committed group of individuals. K Decker PREFECTS Head ofSchool Deputy Head ofSchool Head Finningley/School Prefect Head Gillingham/School Prefect Head Pembroke/School Prefect Head Sheffield/School Prefect Head Haley/School Prefect Deputy Finningley/ School Prefect Deputy Gillingham/School Prefect Deputy Pembroke/School Prefect Deputy Sheffield/School Prefect Deputy Haley/School Prefect Gillingham Prefect Pembroke Prefect Finningley Prefect Gillingham Prefect Finningley Prefect Pembroke Prefect Sheffield Prefect Alastair Paterson Luke Bush Kurt Tyack Waldi Wepener Cameron Wells Roy Keyter Matthew Croudace Nicholas Leitch Jared Groom Warren Shire Anthony Becker Kevin Eggers Geoffrey Brown Marc Campbell Tom Cartwright Stuart Chandler Glenn Funga Morgan Hayes Wayne Jelliman Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 11

Gillingham Prefect Haley Prefect Pembroke Prefect Pembroke Prefect Haley Prefect Sheffield Prefect Haley Prefect Finningley Prefect Sheffield Prefect Haley Prefect Haley Prefect Pembroke Prefect PORTFOLIO HEADS Academics: Cultural: Discipline: Outreach: Public Relations: Spiritual: Sport: Stephen Johnston Michael-John Lane Mark Leibbrandt Justin Lewis Ross Littlejohn Bjom Lundin B Ntsimane-Gillies David Rice Renzo Scribante Declan Sharp Gareth Stobie Dean Veale Matthew Croudace Waldi Wepener Luke Bush Gareth Stobie Alastair Paterson Kevin Eggers Roy Keyter lEB Senior Certificate Obtained Matriculation Exemption 102 (91%) Obtained Senior Certificate 10 Failures 0 112 A Aggregate:23 Aitken SP,BrownGH,Browne T,Bush LA,Campbell M,Croudace M,Forshaw T J, Funga G,Groom J O,Hayes MP,Johnston SA, Lalouette IF, Lewis J, Lovell CHH, McNabb SJ, Parker W,Paterson A,Rice DF,SchenkP Strang S, SwanepoelBM,Tyack KAR,Williams Q B Aggregate:36 BeckerA,Bresolin GA,Brown P Burrows W, Cartwright TWO, Chandler SA, FggersKA,EvansJD,FarlaD,FrostCW,Glasspoole W,Govender W,GroblerB,HardyC,HulettB,Lane M-J,Leibbrandt M,Littlejohn R,Lobban TD,Neel RR,Norton S,Perkins MD,Raleigh S,Rouillard D, Shama M,Sharp D,Shepherd OJB,Shire W,Stobie GC,Takis DB,Verwey LJ,Webster M,Wepener W, Wigens C,Wood G,Woodley G C Aggregate:30 Ashmore C,Baird G,BaxterG NH,Benians W,Bjorvig P, Blore A,Britten-Kelly A,CroweDR,CrundwellS,FdyL,FrizelleL,Ducray RCG,Haines D,Irving K,Jackson GB, Keary N, Leitch N, Maple S, Nienaber MP, Norton RM, Ntsimane-Gillies BN,Pienaar S,Qaba A,Reilly R, Sessions M,Shaw N,Tyler R,Veale D,Wells CM, White R CombinedA,B&C- 79.4% Subject distinctions(A) 7 Browne T(English,Maths,Physical Science, History,Accounting,Business Economics, Advanced Maths SchenkP(English,Afrikaans,Maths, Physical Science,History,Accounting, Advanced Maths 6 Bush LA(English,Afrikaans,Maths, Physical Science,Biology,History Paterson A(English,Afrikaans,Maths, Physical Science,Biology,Geography 4 CampbellM(English,Physical Science, Biology,Art) Parker W (Maths,Physical Science, Accounting,Advanced Maths SwanepoelBM(English,Physical Science, Geography,History 3 Aitken SP(Maths,Physical Science, Biology) Forshaw TJ(Physical Science,History, Accounting) Groom JO(Physical Science,Geography, Accounting) HayesMP(Physical Science,Biology, Geography) Lalouette JE(Maths,Physical Science, Advanced Maths) LewisJ(Physical Science,Accounting,Art) RiceDF(Physical Science,Accounting, Business Economics) 2 Bresolin GA (Accounting,Maths(SG)) Brown G(English History) BrownP(History, Maths(SG)) ChandlerSA(Accounting,Maths(SG)) Croudace M (Maths,Accounting) Farla D(Accounting,Maths(SG)) Funga G(Biology,Geography) Johnston SA (English,History) LovellCHH(Physical Science,History) SharpD(Biology,Art) Tyack KAR(Afrikaans,Geography) Wepener W(Afrikaans,History) Woodley G(Physical Science,Maths(SG)) Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 12

•Wfm"* 'f :«-c % m A f n! \k ft I r % ^ i s V-A i ■■■ U S; U * - »• -TO I'i K% m i rP- / MATRICS Mrtr w% ■7 €• •7 "Nl / 1 m W ' / \ » 5|

1 AnsaldiXRP (French) BeckerA(Maths(SG)) Bjorvig F(Physical Science) Blore A(Maths(SO)) CartwrightTWD(Music) Evans JD(Maths(SO)) Govender W(Accounting) GroblerB(Afrikaans) HulettB(Accounting) Keary N(English) Lane M-J(Physical Science) Lobban TD(English) McNabbSJ(Accounting) NeelR R(English) Norton RM(Maths(SG)) Norton S(History) RouillardD(Afrikaans) Shama M(History) Shepherd O JB(Biology) Shire W(Physical Science) Strang S(Physical Science) 7y/er/?(Maths(SG)) VerweyLJ (Physical Science) Wigens C(Physical Science) WilliamsQ(Accounting) TOTAL: HIGHER GRADE 100 STANDARD GRADE 10 * strength ofcharacter; * a sense of morality; a sense ofresponsibility. * These are not things that our schools alone can do... consider strength ofcharacter: * It is largely in the home that attitudes are established and examples are set. People who consciously act with fairness, honour and moral courage towards those immediately around them go some way towards counteracting the corrosive influence on character ofthe outside world. * While one's upbringing may supply the tools for shaping character,the work that mustgointo it must comefrom the individual. Our parents and teachers relinquish the responsibility for what sort ofpersons we shall become quite early in our lives. Erom then on,it is strictly up to us. * Being true to yourself is anything but easy if the moralstandardsofyourassociates conflict with yours. "Everybody else is doing it" - to resist what "everybody else"is doing is to risk being ostracized by your peers, and it is normal to dread rejection. Nothing takes more strength than swimming against the tide. 6™ Form Prize Giving HEADMASTER'S ADDRESS Despite the wonderful year we have had,Ifound this talk difficultto puttogether probably because,on the one hand, we are celebrating our successes, whilst, on the other,we are surrounded by gloom and doom as our country struggles its way through transformation in a world entering a recession and declining in standards. More optimistically , the purpose ofmy address today is to celebrate with you what has been a wonderful year for all of us at Kearsney and to suggest one way to meet the challenges ahead.I honestly believe that we have to put ourselves into God's hands and go back to the values of His kingdom. As a school we need to be true and faithful to our Christian founders. As individuals, we all need three things: But a strong character has to be based on a sense of morality: * Have welost sightofthe difference between right and wrong? Itseemsthat whatis missing is thatsense of shame that once restrained people from doing things that were deemed disreputable. * It has become almost acceptable behaviour to cheat,lie or steal. Ido notneed to give you examples in society at large - the papers are full of them. But whataboutthose in ourownschool? Wekeptarecord week by weekofitemsreported stolen. Iam ashamed to say we abandoned this as there was hardly a week without something being announced in Assembly. * AsIsee it,the degeneration ofmorality in society is unfortunately filtering its way into our schools. Things that used to be considered wrong are now part of our every day scene - the language used by Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 14

some of our pupils is totally unacceptable in decent society. Borrowing with no intention of returning, taking books out ofthe Library withouthaving them stamped,using someone else's phone card... and so we can go on. * We must abide by some fundamental rules if we are to live together happily in society. The trouble is we have all become too selfish. We wantso much to succeed for ourselves that we have almost stopped being a caring society that cares for others. * We all know whatis right. Whatwe need to do is stand upfor our beliefs and do the right thing even if others do not. We need to rid ourselves ofthe popular notion that"nice guysfinish last" and rather behave so that we can answer to our own consciences. L Which brings me to responsibility... * Unfortunately,ourconstitution isfilled with rights but very little about responsibility. Many of the problems presently experienced by ourcountry would be solved if we all realised that for every right there comes a responsibility. * Are people less responsible today than they were in times past? It's debatable. Butonething is certain: responsibility is more vital than ever in this interdependent world. * The evidence of widespread irresponsibility glares outofthe statistics on crime,drug and alcohol abuse, fraud, vandalism, family breakups, etc. Perhaps the time has come to start looking at responsibility - or the lack ofit - as a public concern. * In one sense, the loosening of parental controls and absentee parenthood have made present-day young people more responsible for their own well being than any generation before them. V. * Freedom for all is a blessing ... but not without responsibility. "No man is free to do what he likes; but he is free to do what he ought" - wrote the novelist Charles Kingsley. What one ought to do may be broadly defined as living up to one's responsibility. Tosum upI believe that, ifwehavethe strength of character, a sense of morality, and are responsible we can overcome the challenges ahead. Academics Once again we are delighted with our matric results in which we achieved our: * best exemption rate ever:92.4%. * fortunately there were no failures. * even more impressive were the number who got 'C aggregates and above -78% - again,our best ever. * wedid not match the amazing27% who achieved 'A' aggregates in 1996,but we were not far be hind with 21%. Our Dux - Gordon Buntting achieved6'A's. I am especially thrilled for our teachers who strive so hard for this. But this is a joint effort with the parents, the motivators and the students who put in the effort and believed in themselves. University exemptions 92.4% Matric certificates 7.6% Failures 0% A Aggregates 21% B Aggregates 20% C Aggregates 37% Total 78% The performance ofall pupils throughoutthe school augurs wellforthefuture. Many did wellin external exams and competitions as shown in our synopses. Incidentally, our top 2 matriculants this year have both achieved90%aggregates...afirstfor Kearsney, Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 15

though we have had students achieve this in their finals. The introduction of Drama has been a great success with students loving the subject whilst growing in confidence in their ability to appear and present themselves in public. Cultural Activities Debating is alive and well with ourjuniors winning their league. Our chess teams also performed well. Our annual production was impressive in that the standard of acting without exception in "Twelfth Night" was good. Owing to the heavy involvement in activities by both students and staff, we decided torun only those clubs and societies which were well supported. Nevertheless, 34 still operated successfully ensuring a well-rounded education.Our orchestra reached new levels ofexcellence with our 11 violinists adding a whole new dimension. The growing reputation of our Choir saw us receiving more and more invitations to appear in public including the "Night of a 100 Stars" which was a televised tribute to Lady ^ ^ Diana during which we sang 1 -B "Candlein the Wind". In April S f next year the choir travels to ? v.'iV 4Budapest for the International Youth Choir Competition. Sport 1 suppose our train trip to Pretoria best illustrates the O'w sporting enthusiasm at the ■ College. Allin allsome500students and30teachers travelled overnight-21 rugby teams,7hockeyteams (our P'team was playing elsewhere),5tennis teams, 2squash teams,joining chess and debating teams - and had a wonderful day's competition against Pretoria Boys'High. This will probably be remembered as the year when we had a wonderfulrugby season. Our P'XVled by an amazing pack won all butoneoftheir Natalgames. They were not alone - our depth is illustrated in the fact that we won 13 ofour 18 games against Hilton and 14 of 18 games against Michaelhouse ... I have no doubt they will be back. Indeed all our sporting sides had their moments ... to mention but a few. X * Cricket - a wonderful unbeaten tour to the UK and our lower age groups very strong. * Swimming - second in top 10 gala and winners ofthe Independent Schools' Gala,and the won derful tour Down Under. * Tennis - the first team lost their first game in Na tal in 6 years but still won both Durban and Maritzburg Leagues and were runners up in the Top Schools' National Tournament. * Hockey - our P'team was the only side to draw with Maritzburg College,with our under 16 and 14teams playing delightful hockey. * Basketball greatly benefitted by the coaching exp erience ofour exchange teacherfrom the U.S.A. * Waterpolo and Squash showed great depth, with ourjunior teams doing especially well. Anamazing38ofour students gained their Provincial colours with6gaining National colours. Chapel News At the Chaplains' conference "a Christian School"was defined in essence as a place of Christian example. I am delighted to report that wedohavestrong Christian leadership andexamplefrom the parents, staff and senior boys. The S.C.A. and Prayer Groups reinforce daily Chapel services and Sunday worship where I have been thrilled to see a growing number of parentsjoining their sons. Sadly we say farewell to our new Chaplain,Rev. Steve Singleton, who will be joining his family in the UK as his daughter's ill health made this moveimperative. We shall be joined by Rev. Rodney Ramsay from the Melmoth circuit. Finance, Bursaries And Facilities We have come to the end ofa period ofgrowth with the enrolment reaching an all time high of 613 students thanks to the excellent work done by our marketing department who will be hard pressed to keep usfull with the downturn in theeconomy.I want to thank Doug Robertson,the I.S.C. Chairman,who I I- ■■ V * Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 16

hasdone much to ensurethattheIndependentSchools retained about 45% of the Government subsidy. These funds have been used to bring in students to the College who would notnormally be able to afford ourfees. Irealise the Education Departmentis short offunds butto stop this funding would be very short sighted asthe State would then have to educate these pupils at twice the cost of the subsidy. Our 2000 Appeal,led by ourDevelopmentTmstOfficer,Gavin Bester,has broughtin much neededfundsfor capital development and bursaries. This year saw the opening of our new heated swimming pool, staff workroom and staff room, the Hall Biology laboratory,and the magnificentnew boarding facility, Sheffield House. This enabled us to reduce the number of boarders in each house to 84 and to integrate our day boys into the Houses. The old day boy centre is to be revamped into a Drama facility. Ourestate and houses are looking really good thanks to the dedicated hard workofGraeme Shuker,Helen Gammie,Rob Becker and our Estate Manager,John Smith. The Changes This Year Minor Offences: Our new system ofan 8level cumulative record for minor offences has had its teething problems but is now working well. Wehavefound thatonce parents are informed and asked to assist, the behaviour of habitual offenders soon changes. Mentorship: Thenew mentorship programmeseemsto be working well. I welcome feedback from parents of both seniors andjuniors in this regard. The only letters I have had congratulate the seniors for the role they are playing in assisting their juniors. The Housemasters report that things are going well. The LeadershipProgramme which gives training and opportunities at all levels has become an important partofthecurriculum. Staff,guided by Jean RatcUffe, have mnthe Thursday training sessions. Ultimately, we hope each pupil will leave with an accredited Leadership Diploma. The Junior Council is functioning effectively as is the Portfolio system for the prefects. The Senior Council is still seeking to establish its credibility. Our Entrepreneurship Programme continues to grow from strength to strength with ourChamberofCommercehard pressed to keep track ofthe many businesses running in the school. This has been enhanced by the "Challenge ofIndustry" - an exciting concept tried for the first time with our Form 5's who went out in groups of4 into industry wherethey were posed aproblem which they had to research and then report back to the C.E.O.'s in a presentation. Lor the first time our boys were asked to complete four hours Community Service arranged through their parents. This was notcompulsory butI was pleased to see that up to now about halfthe students availed themselvesofthis wonderfiil opportunity ofsacrificial service. Many cross-cultural exchanges were made which proved of added benefit. In addition the following community projects were run: * literacy and English classes for our employees; * seminars with Valley teachers and principals shar ing ideas with our staff; * the wonderfully successfulSMILE programme whereby our Form 5's run English classes for grade 6's on a weekly basis; * the sharing ofour sporting and academic facili ties and equipment with Valley schools; * our staff assisting others with winter schools in Durban and on the Wild Coast. As mentioned,we were oneofthefew schools to get involved in theIndependentSchools'Teacher Intern Programme. This initiative enables students to train as teachers by becoming interns in independent schools. Jean Ratcliffe did a wonderful job in ensuring thatourtwointems,DetaClark and Sibusiso Ncamani,benefited greatlyfrom their year. Next year we shall be getting another intern thanks to the generosity ofthe Board. The Staff We welcomed thefollowing full time staff this year: * Athol Henderson(Drama) * Jorrie Oosthuizen(Afrikaans) * SineguguZukulu(Geography) * Jean Ratcliffe(Counselling,Leadership,Maths, Intems) Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 17

I continue to be amazed by the enthusiasm and passion of our staff. This is best illustrated by the July holidays when nofewer than 13 staff members wereinvolved in various activities with the boys! * Grahamstown Festival * Winter Schools * Rugby Festival at Woodridge * Cricket tour to the UK * Hockey Inter-Provincials The biggest problem we as management experience is to allocate time to all the different activities. How fortunate weare to havesuchatalented and dedicated team who somehow still find time to have Under 40 vs Over 40 fun events. My thanks to them all. WesayfarewelltoDeonBoshoffwhohas served usso wellas Afrikaansteacher and also with his mgbyand aquaticscoaching. We wish him,Caroline and thefamily all the best at St Andrews. Thanks Oursuccesses this year areduetotheteam effort of all in the Kearsney fraternity. Ishall be saying mythanks and farewells to the matrics atthe Leavers'Dinner. Today Ishould like to congratulate notonly the prize winners but all those whohave given oftheir best. The matrics have remained united and showed considerable maturity in their willingness to back the mentorship and other changes introduced. They allowed the interest of Kearsney to take precedence over their own selfinterest. Alistair Paterson and Luke Bush proved to be principled, effective and courageous in their leadership. Theyled byexampleand were supported by the Heads of the Houses,the rest of the Prefect body andthe matrics as a whole,withfew exceptions. The post matrics contributed greatly on the sports field withsome producing verygood academicresults ... two boys passed their entire P' year university courses which will enable them to go directly to 2"'' year. The Parents' Society under Doug Fraser once again supported the College,arranged socialfunctions,and proved to be a constructive channel of communication. Thanks to Alan Ross who has led the Old Boys with amazingcommitmentand success. It is wonderful to have the loyal support ofthe Old Boy fraternity under their new President, Barry Milstead with most regions flourishing. No fewer than 27 members joined Gavin Bester in a gettogether in Sydney. OurBoard hasoperated differently this yearfocussing mainly on strategic issues. Our Chairman has given so much in terms of his time and expertise to the College and to me. Ijoin our Chairman in saying aspecial thank you to Andrew Ewing and Neil Gerber who have passed on the baton after many years ofloyal service. The willingness ofall sectors of our fraternity to assist beyond the call of duty is truly remarkable. Ithank the Trustees - a special word of appreciation to Sybil Hotz who retires as a Trustee - all the Board, the Parents, and the Old Boys. This is best illustrated in the Form 5 Leadership Week when they were addressed by: * The Chairman ofthe Board; * The ex President ofthe Old Boys; * David Malopo ... arranged by a Board Member ... and * Parents and Old Boys accepted groups into their businesses as part ofour"Challenge ofIndus try". Finally, my sincere thanks to our Deputies, Keith Decker,Justin Hall and Mick Bissell who have been so much part ofthe leadership in the College. They have all gone well beyond the normal call of duty. Once again, my grateful thanks to all the staff - academic, administrative, support - who are above all responsible for the wonderful year we have had. My wife Anne, without your love, encouragement and hard work, my task would have been so much more difficult; I cannotthank you enough. Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 18

Conclusion Thisremarkable year has made merealise that God's guiding hand continues to directour College. We,as a school, and as a country have massive challenges ahead. As David Malopo said in his inspirational address to the Form 5s: "It all depends on our attitude ... The bend in the road is not the end ofthe road ... Don't be the one who wakens in the morning and says:'Good Lord,it's morning' ... Rather be the one who wakes and says: 'Good Morning Lord!"' Let us not blame others but rather have the strength ofcharacter,the moralcourage,andthe responsibility to do our bit with His help. As one ancient philosopher so eloquently stated: "If there is right in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. Ifthere is beauty in the person,there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home,there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation,there will be peace in the world." Owen Roberts 1998 Prizes POST MATRIC ForIndustry andfor successin UNISA Examinations G MSpence For Outstanding results in UNISA Examinations, including three distinctions NBreedt SIXTH FORM Peter MetcalfPrize - Resourcefulness&Initiative: G CStobie Advanced Mathematics Prize&Academic Colours JELalouette Alletson-Smith Shield for Mathematics and Academic Colours W TParker The William Crawford Prize for History, tthe Geography Prize and Academic Colours BMSwanepoel n r* n LThe Gait Trophy for the Best All-rounder in the b"* Eorm,and Academic Honours LA Bush The Ben Milner Prize for Biology, The S.B. Theunissen Memorial Cup for Community Service, The Headmaster's Special Service Prize and Academic Honours A DPaterson The Accounting Prize,the William and Susan Jones Prize for English,the Henderson MemorialPrize for Enghsh Literature,the George McLeodEnghsh Essay Prize,the Jack Reece Prize for Modem Languages, Academic Honours, and the Parry Trophy for Proxime Accessit to Dux PESchenk Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 19

The Patrick Moore Memorial Shield and the John Kinloch Memorial Prize for Physical Science, Honours Cum Laude, and the Colin Silcock Prize for Dux ofthe School: - TEBrowne The Jan Storm Afrikaans Prize - W Wepener The Art Prize -DSharp Academic HalfColours -SA Strang Academic Half Colours -KAR Tyack Academic Half Colours - TJForshaw Academic Half Colours - MA Croudace Academic Colours-DERice Academic Colours - MPHayes Academic Colours-JO Groom Academic Honours - MM Campbell Special Achievements ACADEMIC&CULTURAL Accounting Olympiad - placed in the top 98 in South Africa PSchenk &D Farla Millenia Accounting Competition(National Results) Senior: TForshaw 3"* TBrowne S"" P Schenk 12'^ Junior: MRowles 4"' MBrooks 12"' MRoussot 22"" Junior achievement merit awards WPrior&M Wilkinson Maths Olympiad Top 100in South Africa MBrooks(Form 4) Science Olympiad Qualified for second round R Grave, CLaurence,MMontgomery, JNel&H Taylor Science Expo 1998 Silver Medals: A Harris,R Glashan,MRoussot,MMiller Bronze Medals G Bullard &MSaville Music Kwa-Zulu Natal Youth Orchestra 1998 T Cartwright - Concert Master CHardy - Principal Flautist TBlake, CBlore,KEschert, CLaidlaw A McCrae,NShaw,B Stears, G Surgeson A White Kwa-Zulu Natal Youth Wind Band 1998 C Wigens,JLalouette Kwa-Zulu Natal Youth Choir 1998 JAtkins, WBenians, TLobban, S Quin,P Timberlake National Youth Choir 1998 R Schmitt National Youth Orchestra - Concert Orchestra CFarquharson,C Wigens, SPORT Basketball Natal Schools U18A -K Chiang Cricket Natal Schools U18A - B Hector(Capt), BParton Natal Schools U18B - M Nienaber, H Young Hockey Natal U21A - M Croudace Natal Schools U18A -M Croudace, WTsolo NNtsimane-Gillies Natal Schools U16A - MBotha,SDunbar, G Cole-Edwardes,R Moran Natal Schools U14A WMadsen,SMeyer Rugby SA Schools - NBreedt SA Schools(Academy)- SBalintulo(Capt) Natal Schools'A'- NBreedt, WJelliman Natal Schools'B'-A Paterson(Capt), PSampson Sailing Natal Schools - R Norton Squash Natal U16A -D Caine,SSmith, M Takis Swimming Natal Schools'W-MBowler, TBrowne, WRice Tennis SA Schools U16A - M Westerhof SA Schools U14A - C Westerhof Natal Schools U18A -D Veale,M Westerhof Waterpolo SA Schools U19A - MNelson SA Schools U16A - CKhaled,Fvan Tonder OTHER Freshwater Lifesaving Natal U16A-MBotha Natal U14A -FSwart Kearsney Cluonicle 1998 - Page 20

Presentation Assembly OUTSTANDING SERVICE TOSCHOOL Service to First Aid-M Robert,W Viljoen Service to Entrepreneurship: MRoussot, MRosenberg Service to the Science Department:R Norton Service to Cricket:HTaylor,M Toscana K Thwaites Service to Rugby:OSwanson, GStobie Service to Rock Climbing:Q Williams Service to Hockey:MNienaber,BNtsimane-Gillies Q Williams Service to Basketball :NForshaw,D Njapha, ERamodibedi Service to Sailing : J Vardy Service to Drama:A Grobler, CLeitch,A Topham Service to Debating:P Hlahane Service to Music:B Hulett, W Wepener RECOGNITION FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT For selection as captain ofthe South African Schools (Academy)rugby team Siyavuya first played rugby in Form 4after his arrival from the WestIndies: SBalintulo For selection to the Natal U21A Hockey team: M Croudace CULTURE Prize for Outstanding Cultural Achievements The Hanle Trophy:JNel The Best Junior Speaker The Jakuhowicz Trophy: D Sinclair The MostImproved Junior Speaker The Carter Trophy:MBrooks The Best House Plays Production The Maunder Trophy:Pembroke The Prize for Outstanding Solo Performance The Warrington Music Trophy:C Wigens ENVIRONMENT&COMMUNITY SERVICE Prize for Conservation&Environmental Awareness The Hatty Trophy:NHulley Service to those less privileged than ourselves The Community Service Cup:CHardy ATHLETICS The Kearsney K Trophy:Pembroke BASKETBALL CHESS Junior Champion The Stanek Trophy :L Fienberg Senior Champion The Ward Shield:JRobert The Interhouse Chess Trophy:Pembroke Colours:JRobert CRICKET The House Providing&GreatestNumberofPlayers The JMR&B Hulett Salver: Gillingham The Best All-Rounder in the 1"XI The Kings Sports Trophy:J Groom The MostImproved Cricketer in the school The Foss Bat:MRosenberg CROSS COUINTRY The Open Individual Winner The Phillips Trophy :LBush The U13 Winner The Jeannot Trophy:S Cojfey The U15 Individual Winner The R W Calder Trophy: WRice The Junior Interhouse Winners MWA Fourie Memorial Trophy: Pembroke The Senior Interhouse Winners The GH Christian Trophy: Gillingham HOCKEY The Outstanding Player in the 1"team The 1980 Cup:M Croudace PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Top Physical Education Class ofthe Year The van der SchyffTrophy:2S1 RUGBY House Providing the Greatest number ofPlayers The Robin Blamey Salver:Pembroke Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 21

The MostSuccessful Team ofthe Year The Old Crocks Trophy:6"'XV- Unbeaten SQUASH The Junior Champion The Negus Trophy; A Borgen The U16 Champion The AUB AmosTrophy:S Smith The Senior Champion The Old Boys Trophy:M Cole-Edwardes The Boy Most Dedicated and Committed to Squash The Hunter Racquet Award:S Smith The MostImproved Squash Player The Carrington Trophy : M ColeEdwardes The Interhouse Competition Winners The Kode Trophy:Gillingham TENNIS The Senior Singles Champion The Polkinghorne Cup:B Veale The Junior Singles Champion The George Hulett Trophy:CFarquharson The Senior Doubles Champions The Dr&MrsI Coll Salver:B Veale,D Veale The Junior Doubles Champions:G Lewis,I Venter Award to the MostImproved Player:B Veale Player Outside the P'and 2"'' teams who hasthe most enthusiasm&commitment:I Venter The Interhouse Competition Winners: Gillingham The Denness Trophy The Denness Trophy is awarded to the winners of the senior Maritzburg League.The 1"team has won thisforthe V"*successive occasion:M Westerhof The Witness Trophy The WitnessTrophy is awarded to the winners ofthe Maritzburg U15 League. The U15A team has won this trophy for the 6""time: I Venter The Bonnefin Trophy The Bonnefin Trophy is awarded to the winners ofthe Maritzburg U13League.TheU13Ateam has won this trophy on successive occasions:GLewis WATERPOLO The Interhouse Competition Winners The Hall Cup:Finningley THE MAJOR TROPHIES The A H Smith Interhouse Trophy for the house that has performed best in the Interhouse Competition: Gillingham Positions this year: -63 points -67 points - 87 points - 93 points d'h Sheffield 3^''Finningley 2°'* Pembroke 1"Gillingham The Sportsman ofthe Year : N Breedt he Ambassador Trophy: A Paterson The Edwin Henwood Trophy: LBush NON ACADEMIC AWARDS Chapel Pilgrim Awards:PM Cullen,B JMcnabb Waterpolo MostImproved Player Dicks Trophy:CCJollands The Most Successful Team Ethelston Trophy:2^"'' Team Colours:M Brunskill,F Van Fonder Honours:R Keyter, CKhaled,NLeitch R Littlejohn, R Scribante Cricket For The Best All-round Cricketer The Kings Trophy:MNienaber ACADEMICPRIZES - 1998 Form 2 Progress Certificates:DB Wicks, SR Cojfey, CJ Hamann,B Haigh, TM Ryan, BD Williams, M G Sawyer Prizes For Outstanding Achievement: AA Special Prize For Creativity In Art:BSmith P Damjanovic3rd In Form L Surajballi '■ 2nd In Form and a special prize for outstanding achievement inFrench Kearsney Chronicle 1998 - Page 22