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VISION m Kearsney College seizes every opportunity to be at theforefront ofeducation by •Leading with integrity •Serving with empathy •Inspiring with passion for excellence

KEARSNEY COLLEGE BOARD OF GOVERNORS KEARSNEY COLLEGE TRUSTEES :-OFFICIO MEMBERS ^ . The Presiding Bishop, Bishop M. Dandala The Bishop ofthe Kwa Zulu/Natal Coastal District Bishop P. Malinga The Representative ofthe Kwa Zulu/Natal Coastal District Mr. C. Woolacott The Chairman ofthe Kearsney College Trust Mr. E.S.C. Garner [appointed members Mr.A.W.H.York Mr.K.Johnson Mr. R.R. Becker Mr. R.Benny Mr.J. Bester Mr. L.F. Buys Mr. W.P. Coetzee Mrs.H.Gammie Mrs. G.Mji Mr.P.D. Morgan Mr. T. Rosenberg Mr.J.E Sabine Mrs. K.Tocknell (Chairman) (Vice Chairman) EX-OFFICIO MEMBER The Presiding Bishop Bishop M. Dandala ELECTED MEMBERS Mr. E.S.C. Garner Mr.D.W. Barker Mr.C. Woolacott Mr.J. Gafney Mr. B. Hagemann Mr. N.Gerber Mr. A.W.H.York HONORARY LIFE TRUSTEES Mr. K.Comins Mr. T.A. Polkinghorne Dr. G.W Shuker Mr. A.B. Theunissen Rev. C. Wilkins Mr. N.Gerber Irepresentative membersI The Kearsney College Old Boys'Club Mr. B.G. Shuker The Kearsney College Parents' Society Mr.J. Sessions HONORARY LIFE GO\^ipsrQ|L Prof. V.J. Bredenkamp I IN ATTENDANCE AT BOARD MEETINGS The Headmaster Mr. E. van den Aardiveg The Bursar Mrs. B. Croudace Secretary to the Board ofGovernors Mrs. P. Needham

KEARSNEY COLLEGE STAFF ACADEMIC STAFF Seated:R Lamplough, A van 2,yl, D Cato, A Willows, M Bissell,J Hall, E van den Aardweg,K Decker, R Ramsay, R de Villiers, B Steyn, D Goldhawk,P Ratcliffe 2nd Row:J Ratcliffe, B Ndaha, A Fripp,S Zukulu,S Cartwright, F Cocks, FZungu,P Isaac,J Broadbent, C Tullidge, A Stevens, V Wallace 3rd Row:J McMicahel, W Marsden,D Woodroffe, D Graves,J Oosthuizen, G Collins, A Murray, A Henderson, KSmith, W Amos Back Row:R Candotti, M Griffiths, M Charlesworth, M Werth, S van Wyk,G Shone,0Phipps,J Archary MrE van den Aardweg MrJL Hall Mr K M Deker Mr MJ Bissell Mr W Amos MrsJ R Broadbent Mr R Candotti Ms S A Cartwright Mr D Cato Mr FP D Cocks Mr G Collins Mr R de Villiers MrJ A Drew Mrs A Fripp MrD Graves Mr M Griffiths Mrs S Griffiths Mr A A D Henderson MrsP M Isaac MrR W Lamplough Mrs C L Mare Mr W Marsden MrJ B McMichael Mr A J Murray Mr B Ndaba Mr J A Oosthuizen MrOD Phipps Rev R Ramsay MrsJ L Ratcliffe MrPAT Ratcliffe Mr B Riley Mr G E M Shone Mr K M Smith Mrs A M Stevens BA(Hons)HDE BEd MA BEd BEd T Cert BA BEd BA(Hons)HDE MSc(Hons)HED BA(Hons)HED BSc(Hons)Chemistry HDE BSc HDE BA BEd BSc(aGRI.)HDE BSc(Hons)HDE BA HDE Bcom HDE FDE BA BEd BSc UED BA(Hons)PCE BA(Hons)HDE BSoc SC BEd BA(Hons)UED BA HDE(Commerce) MA HED BA HED PPaed(Arts) BA HDE Bsc STD FDE MEd B.TH(Unisa) BA TC BEd T Dip Nat Dip - Ind. Teach BA UED BA HDE LTCL Housemaster Haley Director Post Matric Head ofLower School Headmaster Management Headmaster/History Senior Deputy Headmaster/Maths Senior Deputy Headmaster/History/English Deputy Geography i/c Science English Science Maths Maths i/c Biology Biology Geography Accounting Afrikaans Biology i/c French i/c Drama i/c Resource Centre i/c History Resource Centre Assistant(P/T) Accounting English Afrikaans i/c Zulu Afrikaans i/c Computer Studies Chaplain i/c Leadership/Maths i/c Maths Design &Technology(P/T) English i/c Phys Ed i/c Music

Mr B S Steyn Mrs R van der Hoven Mrs C V Tullidge Mr S L van Wyk Mr A F van Zyl Mrs V A Wallace Mr M A Werth Mr A H Willows Mrs D S Woodroffe Mr F Zungu Mr R S Zukulu Mrs M W Alborough Mrs R Govender Mrs L M Coudace MrsJ du Casse MrsH Pearse MrsP Needham Miss V Kandhi Mrs D Littlejohn MrsJ MacKernan Mrs C Ross Mrs R Waldburger Sister A Ashburner Sister J Lee Ms A M Fuller MrR J Smith MrJ Govender Mr R Pillay MrJ Cele MrR Sibiya Miss H Dlamini BCom HDE BAG(Ed)BEd(Hons) NTDA NHD HDE SEC ED BA HDE BA HDE BSc BEd BSc HDE BCom HDE BSS(Hons) BA BEd BCom Dip. Basic Bookkeeping Cert/Dip Journalism Reg Nurse/Midwifery/Com Health Reg Nurse/Midwifery Accounting/Bus Economics Dir Post Matric Afrikaans i/c Art Science Afrikaans i/c English Maths Maths Housemaster Finningley i/c Accounting/Business Economics Zulu Geography Receptionist Resource Manager Bursar Kit&Clothing Shop Manager Financial Assistant Headmaster's Secretary Kit& Clothing Shop Assistant School Secretary Accounting Bookkeeper Director ofMarketing Music Department Secretary(Part time) Sanatorium Sanatorium Registered Nurse Registered Nurse Matron/Housekeeper Estate Manager Sportsfield Supervisor Maintenance Supervisor Photocopy Clerk Driver Tea Lady ADMINISTRATION STAFF ADMINISTRATION STAFF Seated:J Cele, D Littlejohn, P Needham, B Croudace,]Lee, R Govender, R Stbiya 2nd Row:T Kirstendamy, M Alborough, R Armstrong, A Ashburner, T Moonsamy, H Dlamini Back Row:L Penfold,J Smith, G Bester, H Pearse, D Baker 3

MAINTENANCE STAFF V. -H-. / \ iiifih i" titiiil* ■X ■A k I ■ ? r W MAINTENANCE STAFF Seated: A Sibisi, C Reddy,J Govender,JSmith, R Ptllay,JMnyandu, C Majola 2ndRow:^ Majola, P Hlengwa, Z Mathiyane, P Suhramonien, Z Ngubane, M Zama Back Row: DDladla,R Dladla,JMadondo, A Ngcobo, S Madondo,]Sibisi, FDladla HOUSEMAIDS HOUSEMAIDS Seated: R Khanyile Standing: R Gasa, A Mnyandu, PMiya

CHAIRMAIN'S Aspecial welcome to our distinguished guest Mr Deputy Mayor of eThekwini Municipality,Councillor Logie Naidoo,our guest speaker Mr Victor Vermeulen,honored guests, fellow Trustees, Board Members, Headmaster Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg and his wife Tracey, staff, parents,old boys,gentlemen ofGrade 12 and boys ofKearsney College. I personally know many of the Matric boys and I know that they are a fantastic group. It is both an honour and a great pleasure to have you all here today on our 2001 Kearsney speech day and Grade 12 prize giving. Kearsney is a hive of activity and energy. The involvement and commitment ofthis community made up ofstaff, parents, boys,old boys,Board and Trustees is amazing. I thank the past Chairman Lauron Buys for the time,effort and contribution made and which he continues to make as a Board Member. I thank our new Headmaster Mr Elwyn van den Aardweg for his dedication,clear common sense style,direct approach followed by action. He and I meet regularly and review past and future direction. He understands that my role is to assist,guide and mentor as the conduit for Board and Trustees. Elwyn has done much this year in building team spirit, management restructuring, identification ofkey performance areas in order to achieve overall excellence in 12 key areas such as academics,sports etc. His wife Tracey is a real asset and her overseeing of the Kearsney website, involvement in the recent musical and much more is greatly appreciated. The school is about to embark on a 3-year forward strategic plan with some exciting developments in the pipeline. In summing up m * • y feelings, 1 believe that the word ^fassion" encompasses it all. It is traditional for us to acknowledge and congratulate a staff member who has served Kearsney for 25 years. Jay Govender qualifies this year and we thank him for his dedication to the task as Sports Eield Grounds Manager and'more particularly the cricket pitches. I ask Jay to come forward and accept a token of the College's appreciation for a job well done over such an extensive period. In summing up my feelings after almost one year as Chairman,I believe that the word "pass ion" encompasses it all. The Kearsney community is passionate. This culture is not fabricated or bought, it is the latent fibre that evolved out of people's involvement over these past 80 years. Some of these people who have touched me and whom I would like to mention are Mrs Reece, a past Kearsney teacher from 1933 and still a frequent visitor who is attending her 68th speech day today. She was made an honorary"Old Boy" on her 90th birthday. Dr Graeme Shuker, a past Chairman now Trustee and visitor to the campus almost daily has and continues to give such wise council. The late Mr Neville Polkinghorne,past Chairman ofthe Board who got out ofbed when dying ofcancer to present his Chairman's address on Speech day. Weowe these and many other people our "salute" for their contribution for what we now experience when entering the Kearsney gates. / thank our new Headmaster for his dedication,clearcommon sense style and direct approach followed by action. »

This year we welcome onto the Board Mr Willie Coetzee whose expertise is well received. John Wallace retired as a Board Member having served also as Deputy Chairman, we thank him for his time and commitment to the task. Bruce Shuker as Vice President of the Old Boys joins the Board as an ex ofEcio memberand represents Old Boys on the Board in place ofGavin Bester current President ofthe Old Boys who has taken on the full time task of capital development / fund raising within the College. We wish him much success. My sincere thanks to all the Governors who put in a tremendous amount of time and effort through the various sub committees. A major addition and asset to the school this year was the Hockey Astroturf. Special thanks to the late Mrs Mason who donated a large sum of money to the Kearsney Development Fund, some ofwhich made a major contribution to the cost of the Astroturf. We thank the Trustees and all the parties involved in making this Astroturf a reality and to Rob Becker for overseeing this and many other College projects. Over the years the school has been blessed with donations and this culture ofgiving is one we are trying ro encourage within the Kearsney Community, even amongst the boys. We are living in testing but interesting times with lots ofopportunities. We have to think in scenarios and in positive rather than negative thoughts. Change more than ever before is evident and inevitable and is happening quickly. The effect is that you have to be nimble, adaptable, adopt changes in your thinking, understand the power of your thoughts and the resultant actions that can follow. You have had a fortunate start to life through the sacrifices that your parents have made in sending you here. You owe them and yourselfa commitment that you will leave here and try to manage your A major addition and asset to the school this year was the Hockey Astroturf. thoughts positively and hence your actions. Life is not perfect, nor are you and nor are we,except that we as parents who were once young made this commitment to our parents and we no doubt fully complied. Please don't ask my mother to verify this. Sometime,somewhere,somehow, somebody had a thought which was so powerful and influential that it resulted in horrific actions ofsuicide, the exploding and imploding ofthe World Trade Center Towers and The Pentagon. These were bad,negative,inconceivable but they were thoughts. None ofthis would have occurred if someone had not thought this up. My brother, being a Doctor of Virology, has an enquiring mind and downloaded a 1910 classic off the internet covering aspects of"Timeless Wisdom". Extracts from this book confirm that a person's way ofdoing things is the direct result ofthe way he or she thinks about things. And to think what you want to think is to think "Truth", regardless ofappearances. An example of appearances is looking at a glass half filled with water and acknowledging in truth if it is half full or half empty. To think health when surrounded by the appearance of disease or to think riches when in the midst ofthe appearances ofpoverty or market crashes requires power,but whoever acquires this power ofpositive thought in truth becomes a master mind. That person can conquer fate and achieve his goals in life. We all wish the Grade 12's much success in their Matric examinations and every success in life after Kearsney as Old Boys. AWH YORK Wecan conquerfateand achieve ourgoals in life.

HEADMASTER'S ADDRESS Guestofhonour - Mr Victor Vermeulen, may I say just how privileged we are to have you as our guest speaket today. I have been looking forward to your address for many months now.Chaitman ofthe Board,Mr Deputy Mayor, Councillor Logie Naidoo,ladies and gentlemen. This speech day provides me with a unique opportunity to address the full range of stakeholders in the College. I will seize the moment to briefly thank you for your contribution to Kearsney over the past years and more particularly this year. Firstly to fellow headmasters and principals here today who have assisted me since my arrival at Kearsney - thank you. I would like to pay special tribute to one ofSouth Africa's most respected educationalist who will be retiring from teaching this year. Dudley Forde,Rector ofMichaelhouse, has always made himself available to me for advice,encouragement or just for a good laugh. Dudley,we at Kearsney will miss your presence at meetings and sports fixtures and we all wish you a long,happy and well-deserved retirement. Then to the Kearsney Board and Trustees: Two groups ofhighly talented and wise people whose guidance and advice I have appreciated and whose love of Kearsney is admirable. The Old Boys: During the past yeat,I have had the opportunity ofattending Old Boys'functions in Johannesburg, Durban, Ramsgate, Mtunzini and in the Greyhound. Each one of these has been characterised by humour, a wonderful spirit ofcamaraderie and a loyalty to Kearsney that is boundless. % » d. Ably led by Brent Taylor, Greg Goosen,andDevin Sinclair, this group of boys willoccupy a unique place in my heart. Parents: The first group of parents I met was those who were fundraising for the cricket tour to England. This was followed by many other groups and individuals who have given of their time and wherewithal in suppott of the College. Through the Parents Society under John Sessions, many projects were embarked upon and successfully completed. To each one of you I extend my heartfelt thanks. To my staffof whom I am very proud. Firstly, my Executive ofJustin Hall, Keith Decker and Mick Bissell who have supported me and ensured a smooth transition. They have also been responsible for organising this function. The rest ofthe staff,academic,administtative,finance, and grounds are thanked for their service to the College. A happy and motivated staff is a vital component ofa successful school. Most importantly, however, today is about the 2001 6th form class. Ably led by Brent Taylor, Greg Goosen,and Devin Sinclair, this group of boys will occupy a unique place in my heart. I thank you for the part you have played in making my first year at Kearsney the happy one it has been. In the first week of this year, you and I discussed the year ahead. The concept of "Trust" was spoken about. I wish to thank you publicly for proving to me over and over that I could trust you. We have had sessions together where you have received congratulations and thanks,and others when I have growled at you, but I have always known that when the chips were down,I could trust you.

The week before school started in January,three staff members took 32 ofthe leadership group up Mont Aux Sources. From the car park we zigzagged slowly up the steep slopes. At the viewpoint ofthe spectacular Amphitheatre we turned right to head for the chain ladder some kilometres away. It is here that the path becomes indistinct and there are various options to take. From time to time someone would shout from way up front,"Which way, sir?". I would not always be sure and so would reply,"Follow the blue foot prints". These are markers,the Parks Board has placed to guide hikers to the chain ladder. Whenever there was doubt, we would TO THESIXTHFORM CLASS AND THEIR PARENTS: May the road rise up to meet you; May the wind he always atyour back; May the sun shine warm upon yourface, The rainfallsoftly upon yourfields And,until we meetagain. May God holdyou in the palm ofhis hand. search for the blue footprints painted on the rocks. At times we felt lost until someone shouted that they had found the next blue footprint. Sometimes the prints seemed to lead the wrong way but one had to believe in them and follow in the direction they were pointing. "Trust the blue foot prints" became our directive.The chain ladder looks worse than it actually is. Nervous chatter and laughter precedes the perpendicular climb up the rock face. One must remember a few basic guidelines and in a few minutes you are safely on the top of the escarpment. The terrain is very different up there compared to the heavy climb of the preceding few hours. There are no more blue footprints to follow and the land is undulating and open,allowing you to set your own course, but it is easy to lose your way. Climbers have died up here. Instead of blue foot prints there are cairns - piles ofrock that hikers have stacked one on top ofeach other. These cairns stand out quite obviously against the bleak backdrop on a clear day. They usually indicate the top of a pass or the direction to a cave. The cairns are there to guide you. In many respects, I see your time at Kearsney as following the blue footprints, which are always there. These footprints are honesty,loyalty,good manners,honour,tenacity,tolerance, yes,perhaps prep times,school rules, gentle advice and even a Sunday detention. You are approaching the chain ladder of the matric exams - not an end in itself, but a gateway to the next exciting phase of your life. Up there, the cairns, which have been builtfor you,will help you in your decisions. Cairns built by your school,parents,church and people you respect. These cairns are the values of honesty, integrity, fair-play, trust, treating others as you would like to be treated, time and a place for most things,leading a balanced life, the pursuit ofexcellence, hard work and many others. When the mist comes up or when you lose your way and you come upon a cairn, trust it. It has been built by many wise and caring people, don't disregard its purpose or value. It is timeless. It is not leading you astray. On the contrary, over and over again it has been used by people like you to confirm a direction or to correct a course. It will be exciting for those of us who have helped build cairns for you,to see your progress in the years that lie ahead. As we see you moving on in your journey,our reward will come as we notice you making your way across the escarpment towards a distant cairn, stooping slowly to pick up a rock, placing it on the cairn and continuing in the direction it is pointing you. May God bless your lives ahead. EVAN DENAARDWEG

GUEST SPEAKER Thecamera panned over team photographs, trophies and sporting action shots whilst serene, yet powerful music mingled with excited cheers from crowds. Short clips of sporting celebrities,from Adam Bacher to Hansie Cronje, bestowed lavish praise and admiration on a person who had not yet been named. "He was an inspiration for other people to better themselves". "His attitude to life was exemplary". "He was filled with a fire and a passion about life". "He had a great imagination and was always willing to try new things". The commendations from well-known figures emphasized the possibilities and seeming lack ofweaknesses in a man destined for sporting greatness before he was aged 19 he had already played at the home ofcricket. Lord's in England,for Transvaal's provincial side,broken Graeme Pollock's long-standing Nuffield record, played SA Schools Cricket for 3 years, played SA Schools Soccer, been asked to sign as a professional player for soccer club Cosmos and been selected as a finalist in the Craven Week rugby trials. This was a man who knew no boundaries, or so it seemed. Thus began an address filled with bitter irony, genuine humour, solemn advice and startling inspiration. Before the silent audience sat a man paralysed from the shoulders down, visually far from what anyone had envisioned after watching the video, but from the inception ofhis speech, he left no one in any doubt that he was the man that those in the video were praising. Despite the stereotypical look ofhelplessness in his wheelchair,Mr Victor Yermeulen offered an opening that was far from the dreary and grave rendition that the audience was expecting. Instead, in a surprisingly invigorating and energetic voice, he said,"You can believe everything that everyone in the video said except Hansie." After the ensuing laughter Imagination is having a vision. had subsided, he continued by asking the audience if they had seen the painting of a cricketer in the video. He then informed everyone that he had painted the picture with his mouth after he had been paralysed, and followed by saying,"You think that's good? You should see me on the piano - then you'll know why they call me clever dick." This well and truly set the tone for the rest of the speech, was filled with humour that coerced laughter out of what should've been a sombre audience, whilst still inspiring the people with a tale ofemotion and hope that surely moved everyone present. "Imagination is having a vision. It is about seeing something that is not visible to the eye. In life, hard work is important. Loyal, hard-working people enjoy a perpetual harvest. Love and friendship are of the utmost significance, and we must work together to win together, for we can only win together ifwe work together,as groups,a school, as a country,and even just as individuals." These were points that Mr Yermeulen continually stressed throughout his address. He continued by saying that everyone needs a support system to motivate and encourage him or her. For him, this support system was his family. He, with his family, had had a dream that he would one day play cricket for Transvaal,and perhaps even South Africa. However,this dream turned into a nightmare, as the day he was selected to play for Transvaal, his father was shot and killed -

murdered in cold blood. Despite making a heroic effort to save himself by driving for 20 minutes to the nearest hospital with font bullets in his body, he died a tragic death due to complications that arose from previous medical conditions. His son arrived at the hospital too late to be able to ever see him smile again. Victor would never be able to tell his father that he loved him again. Victor's message from this heart-breaking incident was that you should never take what you have for granted, because you never know when it might be taken away from you. Three months later, Victor was picked for the Transvaal side to play at Lords in England. However, the whole tour just didn't seem right for him without his father's enthusiastic support and encouragement from the sidelines. He did, however,share with us an amusing tale from his match at Lords, where he somehow managed to forget his box before appearing before 20 000 spectators to bat, and only realised his mistake whilst making his "final" equipment check as he approached the pitch. As he put it, it was "his pride,or his goolies." Through his previous acquaintance with the opposing side's wicket keeper,he managed to avertsome embarrassment by borrowing the keeper's box for three balls before his piece of kit was brought onto the field, but by this time,the crowd at Lords were thoroughly amused by his misfortune,and thus his pride and fame was very much short-lived. He also told us another entertaining snippet of a scene involving a 6'9" West Indian bowler from the opposition at a bat after the match. A woman apparently entered the bar and walked up to this bowler and asked him whether all of his body was in proportion,and he replied,"No ma'am,if it was,I'd be 9'6"." When Victor returned to South Aftica after a fairly successful tour,he was still trying to come to terms with his father's death. He was about to set off for a braai party with some friends, 1 dived in and as he left he decided to tty out a line that he'd just heard in a movie, and he said to his mother,"Tonight is a good night to die." How ironic that line tutned out to be. "Young boys always think that they're invincible, but they ate not. Seven months after my father's death, I did something I'd done hundreds of times before as a party trick, but this time, it changed my life. I dived into the pool at the party, but I had jumped too far and I broke my neck. It was as ifsomeone had just turned off a light. I could only move my eyes, nothing else. I could still hear my friends in the background, joking, oblivious to what had happened. I was taking in water,and I wasn't sure if I was going to make it." to the poolat the party, hutI had jumped toofarandI broke my neck. Victor interrupted this disconcerting story to make a point. He told the audience that everyone should have a goal for life, and that you must make each day in your life count. You must look at your life from a broader perspective, and live for quality, not quantity. "A girl on the side of the pool saw me and realized that something was very wrong and started screaming. My friends climbed into the pool and carried me out, but as it happened, they actually did even more harm to my neck, but I was totally responsible for what had happened,and have no one to blame but myself. In life, you make mistakes, but you must learn from them and take responsibility for your own 10 actions. The paramedics finally arrived, but half way to JHB General, Victor went into a coma. When he woke up,he saw a woman. He thought that he must be in heaven, but perhaps his initial thoughts were wrong,and maybe he was in hell? He had a myriad ofstrange apparatus attached to his body,from drips, to pipes going into his stomach and his bladder. A doctor walked into the room and told him that he was paralysed, and delivered a fairly grim description about

what Victor would never be able to do on his own again, including breathe. He would need a machine to help him breathe for the rest of his life, or so the doctor said, but Victor resolved to prove the man wrong,and although his progress was very slow, he was eventually breathing without artificial aids again. Victor's message from this personal triumph was that you should never let anyone limit your life or your talents. You must never let anyone tell you what you can or can't do, and don't put limitations on your own life. "Life is what you make it," is how Victor summarised this point. Victor spent seven months in hospital. When he finally arrived home with his mother, he sat in the car while she fetched something from the house,and all the happy family memoriesflooded back to him while he sat there. He thought of playing rugby and soccer,ofhis parents bringing food to cricket matches for the post-match celebrations,ofdriving down the road "pumping" his radio in the car, and he thought ofhow easy it all seemed, but now, he couldn't even wind down the car window to let some cool air in. "In our everyday lives, we never say,"Why me? Whyam I so lucky? What have I done to deserve this life of mine more than any other person?" We always complain about the small things in life, until something really goes wrong. The first question that I asked myselfwhen I found that I was paralysed was,"Why me? What did I do to deserve this?" But nobody is better than anyone else in the world,and you must live with what you have." The defi Victor then affirmed that everyone has two choices in life. You can either choose to be negative about your circumstances and your life, or you can choose to be positive. You can choose to make those around you negative,or you can choose to make those around you positive. He chose to be positive, but he posed this question,"What do you choose for your life?" He continued by saying that you must make this choice every day, nition ofa quadriplegic is someone who is powerless and helpless, but the two most importantparts ofa person''s body are the mindand the soul. and live each day as if it were your first, and as ifit were your last, because you don't know when it will be your last. "Don't let your memories control you; you must control your memories." Victor then told the audience that life doesn't matter about age, but rather about selfconfidence. When Victor was going to shopping centers or anywhere in public, people would stare and even laugh at him,and he needed to do something about his self-confidence. "The only person who can do anything about your own inner-belief is you." After a physiotherapy session at the hospital, his mother wheeled him onto the street outside the hospital,and again,people stared at him. It was at this moment that he decided that something needed to be done about this, and he thought that ifthey were going to stare at him,then he'd give them something to stare at,and with that, he started screaming madly as ifhe was a mental patient. Victor's lesson from this incident was that sometimes we need to do something out ofour routine and take life a little more light-heartedly. From that moment onwards,his self-confidence rose enormously. "The definition ofa quadriplegic is someone who is powerless and helpless, but the two most important parts ofa person's body are the mind and the soul, and both of mine were in perfect condition. Although other people thought I was a nobody, in my own eyes, I'd just become a man. Don't let other people's perceptions of you control you." He continued this advice by saying that you should know yourself. "Life can be difficult,and sometimes you will feel frustrated by the things that you can't do, but you have a choice. You can either concentrate on what you can't do,or what you can do. You can concentrate on what you don't have, or what you do have." 11

Victor decided to teach himself how to paint with his mouth,and he even managed to sell several ofhis works. He also obtained a diploma in insurance, and is now also coaching cricket. He proceeded by saying rhar life's bartles go to the people who think they can win them. "Success doesn't come from a set ofcircumstances, Uglp another, work but rather from a set of attitudes. ./, . ^ will wtn together. You mustn't dwell in the past - you can't change it anyway. You mustn't look too far into the future, because it's rare rhar life will turn out the way you imagined it, but rather live in and for the present." need to be successful, and that we should stop concentrating on what we don't have and concentrate on what we do have. "Help one another, work together, and then you will win together." Finally, he publicly thanked his mother for all her years ofsupporr for him,and played a song as a tribute to her rhar filled the hall with the same sense ofawe and inspiration that the introducing video had imparted. V VERMEULEN Transcribed by Peter McMahon "This is the story of a dog. This dog had depression, because it lived in a house that had short grass, and it wanted to run in exciring long grass, and so its owner took it to the vet and asked the doctor whar to do about his dog's problem. The vet replied rhar he should lock the dog in a cupboard for 24 hours. The man rhought that this was pretty harsh, but did as the vet said. When he opened the cupboard a day later, rhe dog rushed our and played happily in the short lawn." The moral ofthis story is that you must realize that your life could be much worse than you imagine it is now. Victor emphasized that your characrer grows nor when times are good, but in times of trouble, fear and doubt. He urged the audience to stop the attitude that the world owes us all something, because it doesn't He summed it up by saying, "Winners make it happen,losers let it happen." After reading an inspiring poem by the late Mother Theresa, he closed by urging everyone present to make the most oftheir lives. He said rhar everyone already has everyrhing that they 12

. MrVermeulen,distinguished guests, Mr York, Mr van den Aardweg,ladies and gentlemen and boys of this fine College. It is an honour to address you here today on this,our most prestigious day on our school calendar. The way in which I have looked at Kearsney over In my early years at Kearsney I had no idea of what discipline, respect and passion felt like. Kearsney for me has caused a character change. I have acquired the assets ofrespect, pride and passion for a school that has given me personality and way of life that no other school could even compare with. /have acquiredthe assets ofrespect,pride and passionfor a school that hasgiven mepersonality anda way oflife. the past five years was as a ship, where happiness and laughter abour the good times were the dominant emotions felt on board. All other emotions should be left behind on shore, like a boy who returns to school from home after the weekend should return to school full ofsmiles. A relaxed, yet diligent and effective ride should be the way I have reflected on a five year cruise ofpersonal growth. You cannot escape the faces you dislike on a ship so make sure you do as we the 6th form of2001 have done by making the best friendships with all. We are a unit and a family that has no cracks, holes or weaknesses. Respect and traditions are carefully administrated goods that our ship delivers to others by means ofa Kearsney boy who leaves after his five years ofachievement and success. those little things that have made Kearsney home to me.Being head boy is never really an easy task at any school but my job this year as head boy has been an absolute delight to me. The positives are overwhelming and I have no regrets about not seizing my opportunities my position has provided this year. To my deputy Greg,you have had the greatest ability this year to add humour to no matter what the situation and to make me really feel at ease and relaxed. Thank you so much for your support. Thank you for standing besides me and not hiding behind me, thank you for your guidance and wisdom that you always managed to give to me at the tight times and well done. You have had an inctedible year and will always be remembered here. You were a great asset to Kearsney. Lastly I can say to you and Kearsney that this year was not about you as a deputy and me as head ptefect but rather both of us as head prefects wotking in co-opetation. This is not the end. It is not even the beginning ofthe end. It is the end ofa beginning. When my matric results are long forgotten and my mis-tackle on the Stott has faded into obscurity, the memories that survive will be To Devin: well done on creating a position as head dayboy that no one could have done as effectively as you did this year. 13

To the prefects: I don't recall another prefect body that shares the same views and has the same opinions. You guys stuck up for what you believed and never let the interests of yourselves override those of your duties and school. I have no doubt in my mind that you guys will be very successful in the future. To my fellow marries: when are we ever again going to have all our friends in one institution at any one time? When will we be able to walk twenty metres and have a cup of coffee with a mate and chat, or when are we ever going to stand in the chapel and sing a hymn with our friends standing beside us or bind our arms around the guys next to us and sing Shosholoza together,or sit in the classroom and have a good laugh at the teacher shouting at our mate for something silly, or be able to demonstrate our ability in sport because it's always provided there for us,or listen to those rumours about a party over the weekend, or have the never-failing support from our friends through the bad times, getting us back on our feet again. And lastly and most importantly wearing the uniform you are wearing right now and being able to say we are from Kearsney College. Guys you have been great and have made this year an absolute pleasure for me,thank you. Lastly remember Winston Churchill once said,"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning ofthe end. It is the end ofa beginning." Thou sayestfarewell, andlo!I have thee by thy hands,and will not let thee go. Thank you for your loyal support to this school and most importantly,thank you for giving me the opportunity to attend this great College. To the school,I would like to congratulate you guys on being a part of the truly outstanding 80th year this College has had. I firmly believe and feel very satisfied that the future leaders will uphold the strong traditions and discipline that make this school unique. Good luck to you all and I look forward to returning as a proud old boy who will always remember the impassioned spirit ofthis College. In the words of Robert Bridges, "Thou sayest farewell, and lo! I have thee by thy hands,and will not let thee go." Thank you. B TAYLOR To Mr van den Aardweg: You have moulded into the Kearsney family so quickly and have had the most brilliant rapport with all the boys of the College. Thank you and your very enthusiastic stafffor your dedication to us boys. To my parents. Even though you were not here every weekend you still gave me the utmost support,love and advice whenever I needed it. 14

STAFF NOTES Athol&Lorna Henderson were blessed with the arrival ofa daughter - Zee Rae - born on l6th December,2000. Colleen Roberts - Res. Manager - left Renee Randall-Taylor left to take up a post at St. Stithians 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 >>> 1st Term Mr.E.van den Aardweg - appointed Headmaster Francis Zungu - appointed in the Zulu department Renee van der Hooven - appointed as temporary Afrikaans teacher Sue O'Neill - appointed in History department Estie Gosthuizen - appointed as locum for K.Garrett A.van Zyl - appointed as Housemaster - Sheffield Mrs.Roshini Govender - appointed to Human Resources department P.King following heart pain had a bypass operation Tom Brown -appointed locum for Peter King Mrs.Toni Quaradeghini - appointed in Finance department on temporary basis Barend Steyn - appointed Housemaster - Pembroke Teacher Interns Mark Charlesworth Jay Archary Wayne Schefermann >>> 2nd Term Staffon long-leave P. Ratcliffe T.Hall Locum M.Griffiths J. Lamplough Locum D.Goldhawk Sue O'Neill Locum J. Ratcliffe Estie Gosthuizen Locum Brian Riley married Marge Forman Gaylene Peinke - appointed to temporary staff Andrea&Terry Fripp greeted the arrival of their daughter - Tarryn Leigh Gavin Bester appointed as Foundation Director Wayne Marsden appointed head of Boardermasters Renee van der Hoven appointed full-time in Afrikaans department >>> 3rd Term Phil Ratcliffe visited Dulwich College during his trip to the U.K. Dave Goldhawk visited Box Hill School in Surrey during his trip to the U.K. Andrea Fripp was on maternity leave. New Staff Heather Pearce - Foundation and KCOB secretary >>>4th Term Andrea Fripp on maternity leave Colleen Ross left for Australia for a conference Gavin Bester left for the U.S.A.for fund raising John McMichael left for Hilton College in January 2002. Mike Werth left for Clifton College inJanuary 2002. 15

r '^"^IVHIfZEALAND Iwas most fortunate to be given the opportunity to travel to our two tri-nations counterparts over the past September/October holidays. The purpose of my visitation was twofold. Firstly, to attend an International Conference of Round Square schools in Alice Springs, Australia and secondly, to visit various Middle Schools in both Australia and New Zealand. The Round Square Conference, hosted by St Philip's College, was attended by over 400 delegates from 53 schools around the world,five of which came from South Africa. The Round Square is an association ofschools, which follows the principles of education formulated by Kurt Hahn, and focuses on personal development and responsibility through challenge, service, adventure and international understanding. Three Kearsney boys,Andrew Meyerowitz,PierreArno Taljaard and Brett Bisschoff, also attended the conference as they were on exchanges with some Australian schools. These boys have proved to be wonderful ambassadors for Kearsney. The conference was very well organised with various walks,talks,discussions and outings ofrelevance. The second part of my visit was spent visiting various Middle Schools in both Australia and New Zealand, which was a most rewarding experience. Kearsney's Middle School was only initiated last year in 1999, so I had much to learn from the well established Middle Schools of,in some cases, more than 20 years experience. Middle Schools,or Intermediate Schools as they are called in New Zealand, are very common down under(perhaps one in three). One ofthe Andrew questions I asked ofeach school was: "What is the main focus of your Middle Schooling?" Almost without exception the reply was centred around Pastoral Care. In other words,making each child feel comfortable with him or herself, with a degree of self-worth. Other common replies were: "... To develop the whole child", and,"... to broaden each child's lifeskill base". Each school had something to offer, which could be adapted to the Kearsney situation. What was most encouraging of all was that I came away from each visit realising that Kearsney was a great school and that we were already addressing most topical issues with a fair degree ofsuccess. Meyerowitz, Pierre-Arno Taljaardand Brett Bisschoff,proved to be wonderfulambassadors for Kearsney. I would like to mention some of the systems,of which we can be particularly proud at Kearsney. Our Leadership,Entrepreneurship and Outreach programmes are second to none. Our Mentorship and Pastoral Care policies, although still in their relative infancies, have great potential. Our subject packages at Middle School level are broad-based and even offer choices in the form of Elective Modules. Our co-curricula programme is very extensive and offers something for everyone,be he a musician,artist,sportsman, or actor. And, we have wonderful facilities, which are made available to other sources during the holidays - to bring in extra funds for(interalia)our staffdevelopment programme,so that members of staff(like myself)can travel to far away schools and conferences - to bring back new ideas and reassurances. RDEVILLIERS 16

y. -A '* f ; ■,•- f i « 4.,^ I < p. 5* m > t =©!•. *« r-- - n' r- ^X .r -- rfv./' m * « to c^ < LU

ir% ■ m ■t : m g j ■4&- e-::-"; I i t J ?^vijaB^ - * '^i' ■ S to » r N. r s Bf" \ pq 2^2 o CQ >- CO c^ < LU

SCHOOLPREFECTS PREFECTS Seated:R van Tonder, F Hart,D Sinclair, MrJ Hall, B Taylor, MrE van den Aardtveg, G Goosen,D Lee, C Hartwig, I Better 2nd Row:M Wright, A Harris, M Parker,ZBezuidenhout,J Frizelle, M LoganJ Wilkinson,L Simpson, M Siwisa, W Madsen M Nel 3rd Row:K Goodenough, M Neill-Doore, TSchoeman,S Woodroffe, M Stevens, S Booth, S Simpson, A Perkins,]Howlett Back Row:J Carr, R Fraser, R Moore,SJansen,P Hall Head ofSchool Deputy Head ofSchool Head ofDay Boys Head ofChapel and Head ofSheffield Depty Head ofSheffield Head ofFinningley Deputy Head ofFinningley Head ofGillingham Deputy Head ofGillingham Head ofHayley Deputy Head ofHayley Head ofPembroke Deputy Head ofPembroke Brent Taylor Gregory Goosen Devin Sinclair Christopher Hartwig Matthew Stevens Rowan van Tonder Justin Howlett Frederick Hart Mark Parker Ian Bester Peter Hall David Lee Jamie Frizelle 17

HOUSE PREFECTS m 3^ A Davies,J Wilkinson,P Hall, I Bester, S Simpson, M Nel, W. Madsen mm G Goosen, B Taylor, Headmaster, AWH York B Taylor, Headmaster, AWH York, G Goosen,S Sinclair FINNINGLEY SHEFFIELD Stephen Booth James Carr Murray Logan Robert Eraser Lyle Simpson Andrew Goodenough Mhlangenkululeko Siwisa PEMBROKE Ryan Moore Steven Janson GILLINGHAM Myles Neill-Dore HAYLEY Zane Bezuidenhout Stuart Woodroffe Alistair Harris Andrew Perkins Wayne Madsen Christiaan Schoeman Matthew Nel Marek Wright Stuart Simpson Jeremy Wilkinson 18

lEB SENIOR CERTIFICATE Matriculation Exemption 98 (99%) OBTAINED OBTAINED Senior Certificate Failures A Aggregate: 20 B Aggregate: Bezuidenhout Z,Booth S, Chedzey R,Fynn B,Hall P, Harris A,Harr F, Howlerr J,Janson M S,Kay D,Laidlaw C,Lee D,Moore R,Nel M,Niedinger H,Shurrleworrh M,Simpson S, Sinclair D,Srruwig D, van Tonder R 28 Arkins D,Bell A,Benrley-Comins G,CarrJ,Da Silva D, Fraser R, Garnerr M,Goosen G, Hall R, Hampel A, Howcrofr A,James C,Lirrle M,Logan M,Phillippou T, Porter D,Priesrman K,Saint D,Schiller M,Schoeman C, Shone T,Simpson L,Siwisa M,Srofile A,Taylor B,Tshume T,Wilkinson J,Wright M C Aggregate: 33 Bester I, Byrne H,Cousins B, Crawford S, Cronje S, Crowder G,Currie C,Davidovics R,Edy D,Frizelle J, Goodenough K,Grobler G,Hartwig C,Kress N,Madsen W,McNabb B, Morgan G,Neill-Dore M,O'Neill R, Parker M,Pasqualotto R,Patterson-Roberts I, Perkins A, Pillay K,Reiseberg W,Roberts N,Rosseau S,Sirenya M, Snyman D,Stevens M,Vorster P, Walker N,Walker S Combined A,B&C 83% TOTAL HIGHERGRADE STANDARD GRADE 101 6 19

QO {/) LU CQ 1 SUBJECT DISTINCTIONS(A) 6 HallP English, Maths, Biology, Physical Science, Art, Ad Maths Janson M English,Maths,Physical Science, History, Accounting,Ad Maths NelM English, Afrikaans, Maths,Physical Science, History, Ad Maths 5 Chedzey R English, Afrikaans, Maths, Physical Science, Accounting HewlettJ English, Maths, Physical Science, History, Accounting Shuttieworth M English, Maths, Physical Science, Geography, Accounting StruwigD English, Afrikaans, Physical Science, Geography, Art 4 BezuidenhoutZ English, Maths,Physical Science, Accounting Booth S English, Maths,Physical Science, Accounting Sinclair D English, History, Geography,Accounting 3 Fynn B Maths,Physical Science, Accounting Harris A English, Physical Science, History Simpson S Physical Science, History, Accounting van Tender R Maths,Physical Science, Accounting 2 James C History, Art KayD Physical Science, Accounting Laidlaw C English, Music Lee D Physical Science, History Moore R Maths, Accounting Niedinger A German,History Porter D English, History Schoeman C History, Afrikaans Stevens M History,Drama TshumeT Zulu,History Wilkinson G History, Accounting Wright M Geography,Art 1 Byrne H Maths(SG) Carr J Afrikaans EdyD Maths(SG) Fraser R Art Goodenough K Art Grobler G Maths(SG) HaUR History Little M Computer Studies(SG) Mkhize A Zulu Ndamase N Zulu O'NeillR Maths(SG) Pasqualotto R Geography Patterson-Roberts I History PhillipouT Accounting(SG) Priestman K English Saint D Accounting Simpson L Geography Sirenya M Music Siwisa M Zulu Stofile A Zulu Visser D Afrikaans 20

PRIZESSPEECH o DAY S The Peter MetcalfPrize for Resourcefulness and Initiative: CJH Hartwig The Gait Trophy for the best all rounder in Grade 12: M Stevens The Margaret and Richard Best trophy for Musical Competence: M Sirenya The Headmaster's Special Service Prize: B I Taylor The Accounting Prize: The Zulu Prize: D C Saint A C Mkhize The William and Susan Jones Prize for English: K B Priestman Academic HalfColours: A R Howcroft The Grant Greenberg Trophy for Achievement in the Creative Arts, the Music Prize and Academic HalfColours: CK Laidlatv Academic HalfColours: DBHLee The Drama Prize and Academic HalfColours: M G Logan TheJack Reece Prize for Modern Languages and Academic HalfColours: A Niedinger C Schoeman A S Stofile JJ Wilkinson M V Wright SHBooth FJ Hart Academic HalfColours: Academic HalfColours: Academic HalfColours: Academic HalfColours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Honours: R Moore SSimpson R C van Tonder ZAI Bezuidenhout The Geography Prize and Academic Honours: R Chedzey Academic Honours: B LFynn The Ben Milner Prize for Biology and Academic Honours: AJ Harris The S B Theunissen Memorial Cup for Community Service and Academic Honours: JB Howlett The George McLeod English Essay Prize and Academic Honours: MJNel Academic Honours: M D Shuttleworth The David Gleason Business Excellence Award and Academic Honours: D C Sinclair The Jan Storm Afrikaans Prize and Academic Honours: DJStruwig The Patrick Moore Shield and John Kinloch Prize for Physical Science, the Art Prize, Honours Cum Laude and the Parry Trophy for Proximo Accessit to Dux: PD Hall The Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature, the Alletson-Smith Shield for Mathematics,the Advanced Mathematics Prize, the William Crawford Prize for History, Honours Cum Laude, the Colin Silcock Prize and the Tim Browne Trophy for Dux ofthe School: MSJanson 21

SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS 2001 Final round of100(out of 15 000)in the Old Mutual Olympiad N Hendry Represented KwaZulu/Natal in the Junior Maths Olympiad X McDowell WScott N Hendry Invited to the University of Natal Expo Winners'Day THayes CJones A Pickles TRidl R Stacey K Stears D Bense L Fienberg National Science Expo 2000 in Pretoria - Silver Medal Sanlam Future Leaders Award Winners - Richards Bay Minerals High Road Competition Winners - Fairlady Entrepreneurship Competition _ Second round ofthe Science Olympiad M Davy J Hotz A McMahon Winner ABSA Young Entrepreneur Competition (Computer Programming) P McMahon Top 100 in the De Beers English Olympiad P Damjanovic KwaZulu/Natal Youth Wind Band KwaZulu/Natal Youth Orchestra C haidlaw R Nautsch J Ridl Trinity College Grade 8 Singing - Distinction R Broekman National Youth Choir M Sirenya SPORT Athletics KwaZulu/Natal Schools(SA Championships) THayes G Wilkinson Cricket KwaZulu/Natal U15A Hockey KwaZulu/Natal U18A KwaZulu/Natal U16A SA Schools U18B Rugby KwaZulu/Natal U18A D Cameron G Fotheringham WMadsen L Madsen WMadsen D Barker G Goosen S Meyer K Scott D York KwaZulu/Natal U17 Elite Squad R Heming C Claassen S Meyer M Baillie KwaZulu/Natal Ul6 Elite Squad ZKhoza H Mnyayiza S Reinertsen D van der Westhuizen KwaZulu/Natal U15 Elite Squad SA Schools U18 KwaZulu/Natal U19 A de Beer S Baillie B Barritt G Goosen M Stevens(Capt) SA U19(World Cup in Argentina) Af Stevens 22 »

SPECIAL ACHIEVEMENTS 2001 Sailing l®*" in KwaZulu/Natal Schools Regatta and completed in an International Regatta in Dublin D Smith C Dracos Swimming KwaZulu/Natal Schools A Goodenough TPrinsloo K van der Net N Veldman SA Junior(World Championship - Brazil) TPrinsloo Tennis KwaZulu/Natal U16A KwaZulu/Natal U14A SA U14(No 1) S Coetzee C Farquharson S Alexander C Coetzee M Hobson M Krog C Coetzee Waterpolo KwaZulu/Natal Schools UI6A KwaZulu/Natal Schools U18A SA Schools U15 SA Schools U18A SA Schools U18B SAU20 H Brown R Engel R Ferreira D Nelson M Sawyer J Sinclair F Hart B Taylor R van Fonder C Barker J Bighy H Brown R Ferreira JSinclair B Taylor I Bester F Hart R van Fonder C Khaled OTHER Cycling KwaZulu/Natal Ul4 KwaZulu/Natal Ul6 D Campbell T Campbell Equestrian KwaZulu/Natal Dressage and showjumping KwaZulu/Natal Dressage Champion P Desfontaines Hot Air Ballooning Represented SA in the World Cup in France P Clegg Karate KwaZulu/Natal Ul4 Triathlon KwaZulu/Natal Ul4 KwaZulu/Natal U17 K van der Net D Campbell T Campbell 23

PRESENTATIQNasSEMBLY 2001 CERTIFICATES OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL Service to the David Hall Conservancy: C Baverey M Builard L Ground S Immelman K Keyser G McLoughlin M Meyer A Pickles M Rich TStockil X van Heerden D Wicks Service to First Aid &Rugby: T Andrey A Bertram S da Silva B Sessions TSmith R Thane Service to Music: S Crawford A Hampel C Laidlaw MNel M Sirenya M Stevens A Stofile T Tshume W Viljoen Service to Cricket: K Thwaites Service to Hockey: R Dohson Service to Drama: G Crowder D Edy C Hartwig M Logan C Paterson M Toscano PILGRIM AWARD: B Biffen D Bowles J Colley U Hellherg N Hendry C Hirsch T Hotchkiss M Machell-Cox R Magrath K McDowell K Muller M Schroeder JC Strauss M Swart S van der Veen JC van Dijk 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE Prize for the biggest contribution to the Kearsney environment. The Hatty Trophy; X van Heerden THE DESIGN &TECHNOLOGY TROPHY N Hendry 5 CULTURE Prize for Outstanding Cultural Achievements The Hanle Trophy: M Stevens Prize for the Speech ofthe Year The Sutler Gore Trophy: M Toscano The BestJunior Speaker TheJakuhowicz Trophy: D Roy The Best House Plays Production The Maunder Trophy: Pembroke The Prize for Outstanding Solo Performance The Warrington Music Trophy: C Laidlaw M Sirenya Cultural Colours: M Nel(re-award) K Thwaites CulturalHonours: M Stevens A Stofile T Tshume Drama Colours: G Grobler 24 Music Colours: R Braum S Crawford(re-award)