
This year we welcome onto the Board Mr Willie Coetzee whose expertise is well received. John Wallace retired as a Board Member having served also as Deputy Chairman, we thank him for his time and commitment to the task. Bruce Shuker as Vice President of the Old Boys joins the Board as an ex ofEcio memberand represents Old Boys on the Board in place ofGavin Bester current President ofthe Old Boys who has taken on the full time task of capital development / fund raising within the College. We wish him much success. My sincere thanks to all the Governors who put in a tremendous amount of time and effort through the various sub committees. A major addition and asset to the school this year was the Hockey Astroturf. Special thanks to the late Mrs Mason who donated a large sum of money to the Kearsney Development Fund, some ofwhich made a major contribution to the cost of the Astroturf. We thank the Trustees and all the parties involved in making this Astroturf a reality and to Rob Becker for overseeing this and many other College projects. Over the years the school has been blessed with donations and this culture ofgiving is one we are trying ro encourage within the Kearsney Community, even amongst the boys. We are living in testing but interesting times with lots ofopportunities. We have to think in scenarios and in positive rather than negative thoughts. Change more than ever before is evident and inevitable and is happening quickly. The effect is that you have to be nimble, adaptable, adopt changes in your thinking, understand the power of your thoughts and the resultant actions that can follow. You have had a fortunate start to life through the sacrifices that your parents have made in sending you here. You owe them and yourselfa commitment that you will leave here and try to manage your A major addition and asset to the school this year was the Hockey Astroturf. thoughts positively and hence your actions. Life is not perfect, nor are you and nor are we,except that we as parents who were once young made this commitment to our parents and we no doubt fully complied. Please don't ask my mother to verify this. Sometime,somewhere,somehow, somebody had a thought which was so powerful and influential that it resulted in horrific actions ofsuicide, the exploding and imploding ofthe World Trade Center Towers and The Pentagon. These were bad,negative,inconceivable but they were thoughts. None ofthis would have occurred if someone had not thought this up. My brother, being a Doctor of Virology, has an enquiring mind and downloaded a 1910 classic off the internet covering aspects of"Timeless Wisdom". Extracts from this book confirm that a person's way ofdoing things is the direct result ofthe way he or she thinks about things. And to think what you want to think is to think "Truth", regardless ofappearances. An example of appearances is looking at a glass half filled with water and acknowledging in truth if it is half full or half empty. To think health when surrounded by the appearance of disease or to think riches when in the midst ofthe appearances ofpoverty or market crashes requires power,but whoever acquires this power ofpositive thought in truth becomes a master mind. That person can conquer fate and achieve his goals in life. We all wish the Grade 12's much success in their Matric examinations and every success in life after Kearsney as Old Boys. AWH YORK Wecan conquerfateand achieve ourgoals in life.