
HEADMASTER'S ADDRESS Guestofhonour - Mr Victor Vermeulen, may I say just how privileged we are to have you as our guest speaket today. I have been looking forward to your address for many months now.Chaitman ofthe Board,Mr Deputy Mayor, Councillor Logie Naidoo,ladies and gentlemen. This speech day provides me with a unique opportunity to address the full range of stakeholders in the College. I will seize the moment to briefly thank you for your contribution to Kearsney over the past years and more particularly this year. Firstly to fellow headmasters and principals here today who have assisted me since my arrival at Kearsney - thank you. I would like to pay special tribute to one ofSouth Africa's most respected educationalist who will be retiring from teaching this year. Dudley Forde,Rector ofMichaelhouse, has always made himself available to me for advice,encouragement or just for a good laugh. Dudley,we at Kearsney will miss your presence at meetings and sports fixtures and we all wish you a long,happy and well-deserved retirement. Then to the Kearsney Board and Trustees: Two groups ofhighly talented and wise people whose guidance and advice I have appreciated and whose love of Kearsney is admirable. The Old Boys: During the past yeat,I have had the opportunity ofattending Old Boys'functions in Johannesburg, Durban, Ramsgate, Mtunzini and in the Greyhound. Each one of these has been characterised by humour, a wonderful spirit ofcamaraderie and a loyalty to Kearsney that is boundless. % » d. Ably led by Brent Taylor, Greg Goosen,andDevin Sinclair, this group of boys willoccupy a unique place in my heart. Parents: The first group of parents I met was those who were fundraising for the cricket tour to England. This was followed by many other groups and individuals who have given of their time and wherewithal in suppott of the College. Through the Parents Society under John Sessions, many projects were embarked upon and successfully completed. To each one of you I extend my heartfelt thanks. To my staffof whom I am very proud. Firstly, my Executive ofJustin Hall, Keith Decker and Mick Bissell who have supported me and ensured a smooth transition. They have also been responsible for organising this function. The rest ofthe staff,academic,administtative,finance, and grounds are thanked for their service to the College. A happy and motivated staff is a vital component ofa successful school. Most importantly, however, today is about the 2001 6th form class. Ably led by Brent Taylor, Greg Goosen,and Devin Sinclair, this group of boys will occupy a unique place in my heart. I thank you for the part you have played in making my first year at Kearsney the happy one it has been. In the first week of this year, you and I discussed the year ahead. The concept of "Trust" was spoken about. I wish to thank you publicly for proving to me over and over that I could trust you. We have had sessions together where you have received congratulations and thanks,and others when I have growled at you, but I have always known that when the chips were down,I could trust you.