
Golf ^ We have had two teams entered into the O Durban and Districts schools'league this ^ year. The A team,captained by Michael ^ Barbeau at the beginning ofthe year and then Thomas Ryan,enjoyed a reasonably 0 successful league winning about 70% of a, their matches.The B team was not as W successful but they had to play many schools' A teams who are entered in the B section. Much enjoyment was had by all the players and they have definitely O benefitted from being able to play school 0 golf. It affords the boys another opportunity to get out into the fresh air and to mix with fellow players from other schools. The nature ofgolf is that you have a lot oftime to socialize and chat to your opponents, which is all very valuable in the whole make-up ofgrowing up and learning different skills. Congratulations to both Thomas Ryan(H'cap 2)and Michael Hewan (H'cap 3) who were awarded colours. They have both played at Nationals and represented provincial golfteams. 4 The nature ofgolfis that you have a lot oftime to socialize andchat to your opponents, which is all very valuable in the whole make-up of growing upandlearning different skills. »DWOODROFFE A Front Row;R Coe, T Ryan,D Woodroffe, M Hewan,G Surgeson Back Row:J dirksen, P Greef, F van Rooyen -i 107 o o