
vr\ CQ O Captain: C Bark Coach: K Gan Report: ✓ ✓ Inheriting a team that has only lost one match in a pre-season tournament in 2000 can be a daunting prospect. They expected to continue into the next season with ease and little pressure. This was definitely not the case as | the concept offifteen man rugby 1 was something they needed to learn. Individual efforts had to be turned into team efforts and a spirit of commitment to the team had to be developed. I believe that once a pattern of play had been accepted and a competent starting line-up had Iwas ver been selected, we started to improve and selfish, arrogant attitudes mostly disappeared. The loss to Pretoria Boys' was the turning point. It was a hard lesson to learn but something the team had to experience. No-one cares how good you were the year before, it is your current performance that counts and hard work and a change of attitude were the recipe to future success. I was very proud of their growth,enthusiasm and commitment for the rest of the season. yproudoftheir growth,enthusiasm and commitment. Congratulations to A de Beer for making the Nike SA UI5 team and to the rest ofhis UI5A team mates that helped him reach this commendable level of rugby. 0 Seated:A Deheer, K Connoly, C Barker(Captain), MrK Garret, B Barrit, S Bailey, B Isaac 2ndRow:M Robinson,J Marlin,K Muller, R Arde, H Brown,D Taylor Back Row:S Mapumulo, G Mitchell, AI Becker, C Waldhurger, C Dummer,JC Strauss, M Spires 125