
SQUAS IT A n * f.i i:; * /* m ?v; Seated:M. Little, A Morgan,R Candotti(Coach),S Wan der Merwe, A Borgen Standing:A McMahon (Captain), A Fox This year our strength has dropped and we were forced to withdraw from the Super League Tournament which includes the strongest schools in area. Nevertheless we did relatively well in the B side, beating most schools with the exception of DHS and Westville which traditionally have very strong sides. Our captain, Andrew McMahon tore a hamstring during an early match and could not play again. The outstanding players for 2001 were Andrew McMahon in the U19's,Andrew Borgen in the Ul6's and Jace Jordan in the Ul4's. The two special awards this year were awarded, firstly to A McMahon,for the most dedicated squash player ofthe year and,secondly to A Fox, for the most improved player. We were fortunate to have enough budget to upgrade the squash courts this year giving the courts a fresh coat of paint, better lighting and new boards.New carpets were laid down upstairs and a new honours and school champion board was specially made to smarten up the upstairs area. The photographs were also placed into frames and have been neatly arranged along the back walls. Tony Ayton,a qualified coach,living in the area was able to help the top players and motivate the younger boys. The coaching has made a great improvement. The stooges also helped to drive the boys to venues and helped with the afternoon sessions. The courts are much smarter looking and more user-friendly. There is still an interest in squash and some juniors show real talent The coaching has been a motivating factor and a great help. If we can retain the interests ofthe new junior players and the major sports do not tempt them away, it may be possible to create a relatively strong squash side by 2004. Squash is an individual sport, not a team sport. A player is alone on a court with his opponent. He rarely plays before an adoring crowd and his triumphs are often lonely and subdued.Squash players have to love the game to survive until matric. Few,however,do. Some ideas which could help to sustain squash at Kearsney would be to have more tournaments within the school with prizes that could attract more boys to the game. Finally it would be important to sustain the coaching especially for the juniors and to build up a formidable team by 2004. »R.CANDOTTI 131