
for organizing today's Old Boys rugby teams. • Kim de Villiers who has organized the Old Boys squash sides and Tim Molloyfor the tennis sides. •Dave Pearse for his organisation ofthe annual Old Crocks rugby match, which he has successfully done for many years. This is when Dave brings to Kearsney many well known past Springboks and provincial players. This game has been played every year for the past 72 years. • Paula Isaac who makes sure old boys and parents are able to enjoy test rugby on the big screen in the Greyhound. • Angela Stevens for providing her excellent choir for the Old Boys Chapel Service. • John Sessions, Chairman of the Parents' Society,for his co-operation with the KCOBC. •Colleen Rossfor the important part she plays in encouraging Old Boys to send their sons to Kearsney. • All members of staff who have supported and helped the KCOBC during the past year. GREYHOUND I would like to thank Bmce Shuker,Phil Ratcliffe, Mike Riley, John Smith, Rob Hoppe and everyone else who contributed to the improvements around the Greyhound. We especially thank the Johannesburg branch for funding the construction ofthe new bar and our thanks to John & Penny Taylor for their professional and friendly catering services. 250 CLUB Those new and old members, who contribute to the success ofthe 250 Club,enjoyed another year ofwell-planned and prepared evenings.Our appreciation to the ladies who work hard to, make this possible, namelyJanine Jones,Doreen Barker, Michelle Priestman,Sue Touzel and Les Bester. We definitely need the support of more Old Boys to these evenings .The more support we get, the more can be placed in the bursary fund. FINANCES During the course of the past year it was my privilege and pleasure to host or attend the following activities on behalf of the KCOBC. President's Cocktail Party / Founders'Day. Senior StaffDinner Remembrance Sunday Service Matric Leavers Dinner Owen & Anne Roberts'farewell (KCOBC / Parents Society) Owen& Anne Roberts'farewell(BOARD) Elwyn van den Aardweg's welcome breakfast Mrs.Thea Reece's 90th tea party. New Old Boys'welcome cocktail party Staffcocktail party Bishops Old Boys'KZN luncheon KCOBC congratulates Etienne Fynn on his selection to the Springbok Rugby team this year and Dr Nigel Stott,who was awarded the C.B.E. in the Queen's Birthday Honours List, for his outstanding services to the medical profession in the UK. Rohan Wade kindly accepted the position of treasurer and has mn this portfolio with a certain amount of difficulty as he spends much of his time either travelling or out ofthe country. We thank Rohan for his efforts and hope that his health takes a turn for the better as a result of treatment he is presently receiving in the USA. The Executive approved funding for the following projects:- Scoreboard for Osier Field R8000 Paved parking area. Greyhound Pavilion R 10000 Bronze sculpture of a Greyhound in conjunction with Owen Roberts,the Parents Society and the matrics of 2000 R 5 000 Set ofOld Boy rugby jerseys 4x25% Bursaries 1 X Post Matric Bursary Kearsney Information Booklet Kearsney Chronicle Old Boys'Greyhound News R 1 600 R51 000 R 10000 R 15 893 R 18 592 R4178 149 An anonymous donation ofR40,000 was also receivedfrom an Old Boy. If there is any Old Boy in the accounting profession who can assist with the finances 1 would appreciate his coming forward