
Victor decided to teach himself how to paint with his mouth,and he even managed to sell several ofhis works. He also obtained a diploma in insurance, and is now also coaching cricket. He proceeded by saying rhar life's bartles go to the people who think they can win them. "Success doesn't come from a set ofcircumstances, Uglp another, work but rather from a set of attitudes. ./, . ^ will wtn together. You mustn't dwell in the past - you can't change it anyway. You mustn't look too far into the future, because it's rare rhar life will turn out the way you imagined it, but rather live in and for the present." need to be successful, and that we should stop concentrating on what we don't have and concentrate on what we do have. "Help one another, work together, and then you will win together." Finally, he publicly thanked his mother for all her years ofsupporr for him,and played a song as a tribute to her rhar filled the hall with the same sense ofawe and inspiration that the introducing video had imparted. V VERMEULEN Transcribed by Peter McMahon "This is the story of a dog. This dog had depression, because it lived in a house that had short grass, and it wanted to run in exciring long grass, and so its owner took it to the vet and asked the doctor whar to do about his dog's problem. The vet replied rhar he should lock the dog in a cupboard for 24 hours. The man rhought that this was pretty harsh, but did as the vet said. When he opened the cupboard a day later, rhe dog rushed our and played happily in the short lawn." The moral ofthis story is that you must realize that your life could be much worse than you imagine it is now. Victor emphasized that your characrer grows nor when times are good, but in times of trouble, fear and doubt. He urged the audience to stop the attitude that the world owes us all something, because it doesn't He summed it up by saying, "Winners make it happen,losers let it happen." After reading an inspiring poem by the late Mother Theresa, he closed by urging everyone present to make the most oftheir lives. He said rhar everyone already has everyrhing that they 12