
Rohan Wade(1964-1968) (Pembroke)is also in the process of buying a house in Hanover, below the koppies as his "South African base". Rising to New Heightstwo adventurous sportsmen are to be found on the Paint and Ladders team. Roy Fouche Managing Director ofPaint and Ladders, is an avid sportsman who takes the company's philosophy of'Rising to new heights' seriously. Roy is a mountaineering enthusiast and one of his greatest mountaineering achievements was to reach the North Col ofEverest which stands at more than 7000 metres, an altitude capable ofkilling all but the fittest and most determined. Roy has also reached the summit of Mt Kilamanjaro,the highest peak in Africa,Mount Vinson,the highest peak in Antarctica(described by him as bleak and extremely forbidding), Mt Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe and Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps. Roy and his wife, Zane, have three sons and a daughter. His sons all share his passion for maintain climbing,with all three having climbed Mt Kilamanjaro. When asked "what next?", Roy replies that Carstensz Pyramid -the highest mountain in Australasia-and Mt.Aconcagua-the highest mountain in the Andes — are on the agenda. In addition to his mountaineering feats, Roy has run the Comrades marathon twice, completed six Argus cycling tours, tackled the 94,7 Cycle Tour, the Tour of Durban and has completed several duathlons. Still an avid cyclist, he plans to cycle the 2001 Argus, 94.2 and 94.7 cycle tours. Roy was educated at Kearsney College. After this, he joined the merchant navy for six months and served a compulsory army stint as an infantryman and achieved the status ofcorporal. He then wenton to study a BSc Civil Engineering at Natal University through a Murray and Roberts Bursary. After his graduation,he worked for Murray and Roberts and ran several sites for the company,including the Elangeni Hotel. In 1996 he completed his MBA from Henley Management College in the United Kingdom. * fI: GLCoggin(1948-1950) "In Mr Lamplough's history ofKearsney College mention was made of Old Boys who were published authors ofone kind or another.I would like to be added to this list in that I am a published author ofa mystery adventure novel, with the title'Dangerous Fragrance' written under my pseudonym, published in 1983, in England. Copies are to be found in the London Library. I recently completed writing 'The Definitive History of Amalgamated Beverage Industries Limited' the largest Bottler ofCocaCola in Africa(awaiting publishing)and 'The History Of The Tom Cook Family In The Republic OfSouth Africa', the latter book now published. Iam also presently engaged in writing a technical book entitled 'The Use of Work Measurement for the Purpose ofActivity Based Costing'. Other major published written works are as follows:'A Work Study Approach to the Reaping and Handling ofWattle Bark and Wattle Timber '- 1963; copies available at the S. A. Wattle Growers Union, 'Maritzburg. Disparate published technical papers not for commercial circulation include,but not exclusively,'A Likely Scenario for the New South Africa'- 1992,' Strategies into the 1990's(a veritable tome - this latter a Scenario Plan with a ten year planning horizon and which examined the possible future with which we would be faced in the New South Africa. 'The New South Africa and its Relationship with the New World Order ', 1992, 'An Industrial Engineering Solution for Determining the Correct Number ofChecking Bays through the Use ofQueuing Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation' . Theory in the Exploitation ofForest Timber'. In addition,of course,my Master's Dissertation ofsome60000 words - the title of which is 'Methods Engineering, Applied Statistical Theory and Operations Research as Aids to Business Administration'followed by a Doctoral Thesis ofsome 120 000 words and formulae with the subject title 'A Practical Guide to Business Process and Methods Re-Engineering in South Africa. Other than confidential in-house papers,I have willed all my written work to the Kearsney College Library. I am unable to let you have these now,due to the fact that I still require the only copies I have for reference purposes. 156