
Neville Mark Michael Albert Brand Neville Mark was a Finningley boy who hailed from Pretoria. He matriculated in 1952. He played in the 1st XV at flyhalf and,as was the case when the total enrolment at the school was of the order of 220 (including day-boys) he participated in virtually every activity, achieving better than average success in all he undertook. In those days at Kearsney scholars had the choice ofstudying Latin or Bookkeeping. Neville took the latter option and went into accountancy. He married his wife,Paddy,in 1958. They had a son, Gordon; a daughter, Alison; and 3 grandchildren. The Engineering Industry in Johanneshrg virtually came to a standstillon the day of hisfuneral. Was a scholar at Kearsney until 1952. In a rugby-mad environment it was inevitable that some one named Brand would pick up the nickname "Jerry" in honour of the pre-WW2 Springbok. Jerry was a character with a tremendous sense offun. He,with afew cronies were motor enthusiasts and if there was some mischief on the go there was a good chance that Jerry was involved. He and his wife,Nelwin,had two sons,Jonathan and Paul. Eighteen years ago Jerry and Nelwin established a factory, Santa's Workshop, where they made a large range ofteddy bears and orher soft toys. On the 1st April 2001, Nelwin and Michael Brand were involved in a motorcar accident. Nelwin died on impact and Michael succumbed to his injuries three months later. The Class of'52 mourns the passing ofour friend and his wife. I can do no better than quote Paddy's remarks, made when she answered by request for information about Neville's life;"My husband, Neville Mark,died last year(2000)after a six year battle with cancer that he bore with exceptional dignity andcourage; never losing his sense of humour or gratitude for the blessings of his life. He loved the time he spent at Kearsney, where he acquitted himself with distinction, and always considered himself privileged to have been there. After leaving school and after a number of years deciding that accountancy was not his forte he obtained an MBA at Wits and joined the Engineering world. He eventually started his own, specialised steel company, which he ran with delight until his untimely death. He was always happiest being his own boss. The Engineering Industry in Johannesburg virtually came to a standstill on the day of his funeral and the 500or more people who attended showed the love and esteem in which he was held. I will always be grateful to Kearsney for giving me such an exceptional man and for the happy memories it gave him." Pal Marshall SIR IAN MCLEOD He was a pupil of both the old and the new colleges in equal parts - 2 years at each as we understand. He was knighted by Mrs. Thatcher and chaired the Conservative conference in Brighton the year the IRA blew up the Grand Hotel in which he was sleeping at the time. He must be the only Sir.... old boy, apart from Sir Liege himself,although not an Old Boy. He was also a Justice of the Peace in the British judicial system.In addition to this accolade,I have often wondered if there has ever been another head Ian was knighted by Mrs Thatcher boy, captain of rugby and captain of cricket in the history ofthe school,in a pupil's final year, because he was! There's a challenge! A distinguished old boy, for certain! Panlon Scott 163