
. MrVermeulen,distinguished guests, Mr York, Mr van den Aardweg,ladies and gentlemen and boys of this fine College. It is an honour to address you here today on this,our most prestigious day on our school calendar. The way in which I have looked at Kearsney over In my early years at Kearsney I had no idea of what discipline, respect and passion felt like. Kearsney for me has caused a character change. I have acquired the assets ofrespect, pride and passion for a school that has given me personality and way of life that no other school could even compare with. /have acquiredthe assets ofrespect,pride and passionfor a school that hasgiven mepersonality anda way oflife. the past five years was as a ship, where happiness and laughter abour the good times were the dominant emotions felt on board. All other emotions should be left behind on shore, like a boy who returns to school from home after the weekend should return to school full ofsmiles. A relaxed, yet diligent and effective ride should be the way I have reflected on a five year cruise ofpersonal growth. You cannot escape the faces you dislike on a ship so make sure you do as we the 6th form of2001 have done by making the best friendships with all. We are a unit and a family that has no cracks, holes or weaknesses. Respect and traditions are carefully administrated goods that our ship delivers to others by means ofa Kearsney boy who leaves after his five years ofachievement and success. those little things that have made Kearsney home to me.Being head boy is never really an easy task at any school but my job this year as head boy has been an absolute delight to me. The positives are overwhelming and I have no regrets about not seizing my opportunities my position has provided this year. To my deputy Greg,you have had the greatest ability this year to add humour to no matter what the situation and to make me really feel at ease and relaxed. Thank you so much for your support. Thank you for standing besides me and not hiding behind me, thank you for your guidance and wisdom that you always managed to give to me at the tight times and well done. You have had an inctedible year and will always be remembered here. You were a great asset to Kearsney. Lastly I can say to you and Kearsney that this year was not about you as a deputy and me as head ptefect but rather both of us as head prefects wotking in co-opetation. This is not the end. It is not even the beginning ofthe end. It is the end ofa beginning. When my matric results are long forgotten and my mis-tackle on the Stott has faded into obscurity, the memories that survive will be To Devin: well done on creating a position as head dayboy that no one could have done as effectively as you did this year. 13