
DOLPHIN COAST BRANCH REPORT The past year will no doubt be remembered for the great loss that our community, Club and College suffered with the untimely and tragic death of our Chairman Tich Phillips. The attendance at his funeral in the Chapel and later at the Greyhound, was overwhelming. Family,friends, and Old Boys were moved by the compassion ofthe Kearsney community,and also the way in which the College accommodated this sad occasion. This indication of the warm "Heart of Kearsney" made us all proud to be associated with the College. As usual the Branch has met quarterly at the Umhlali Country Club at 7 p.m.for an informal social get-together. Gavin,our President, made the effort to attend all ofthese gatherings,and on one occasion, much to our delight, brought Colleen Ross from the marketing department along. Thank you Gavin, the members appreciated getting your updates on what is currently happening on the Hill. I have just taken over the roll ofChairman,and have arranged a lunch on the 18th September, to plan a new format for future meetings in order to increase attendance, and at the same time raise the activity and inter-reaction within the branch. »GEORGEBERTRAM ZULULAND BRANCH REPORT updating old boys branch information is nearing completion. Telephone numbers in particular, have changed and in most cases these have now been rectified. Sourcing ofe-mail addresses now remains my prime objective, as I hope this will assist in communicating with old boys, considering the vastness of our area. and Les Bester who joined us for drinks after the game at Anchor's Castaway on the Richards Bay Waterfront. The Zululand Branch enjoyed the visit ofElwyn and Tracey. The function was held at the Mtunzini Country Club. I invited old boys, parents and potential parents and afforded them the opportunity to meet Elwyn and other members of the management team. *33 I Front left to right: Miles Mathew(Chairman), John Nightingale, Darryl Clark Henry Oram, was shot and killed earlier this year at the Mtubatuba/Hlabisa intersection; a suspect has been arrested. While this remains little consolation for his tragic death,it is hoped that the law will take its course. Henry was head of KZN Wildlife's anti-poaching unit. On a lighter note,Kearsney old boy, Wally Watt (1970),fishing in the Umlalazi Million Rand Open held offMtunzini,and caught a Barracuda of 30,1kg to win a Mazda 4x4 double cab. Wally,who represented Natal at rugby,has also attained Natal colours for angling. »MILESAAATHEW Zululand Branch enjoyed the visit of Elwyn and Tracey. The rugby games played against various Zululand teams were well attended by both parents and old boys. Most games proved to be tough and physical. The 1st team played Richards Bay High in the main game and managed to overcome a local partisan crowd, to score a convincing win. My sincere thanks to Gavin 167