
=iTi¥i miimirimirm INOR 2000 — 2001 has been a busy and eventful year. The most important matters dealt with by the Board during the year included, inter alia, the following: 1. New Chairman During the year Lauron Buys handed the chair to Tony York. The Old Boys' Club can be extremely proud of the professional manner in which Lauron,a Kearsney Old Boy,chaired the board and took the College to new heights during his tenure as Chairman. It has been a privilege to work with Lauron over the past three years and his guidance of the Board and the School through the Headmaster and staff has been exceptional. Well done and thank you Lauron. "We are extremely fortunate in having a most capable man in Tony York take over." the College and elsewhere amongst Natal Schools. A selection panel comprising a sub-committee ofthe Board and the Trustees were involved in the appointment ofElwyn van den Aardweg as the new Headmaster. Elwyn commenced duties at the start ofthe New Year and he and his family have settled down very quickly as part of the Kearsney family. Elwyn has already asserted his authority on the College and will be a strong leader. 4. Hockey Astro Turf We are extremely fortunate in having a most capable man in Tony York take over as the new chairman and I have no doubt that Tony and the team will lead the College to even greater heights. Kelvin Johnson was appointed as Deputy Chairman during rhis period. 2,School Clothing Shop During rhe year the Board approved rhe new clothing shop,which is situated in the old Drama Centre very close to the Admin Building. This is an outstanding venture and will be most helpful to parents in kitting out the boys with their College requirements. It is a vast improvement on what we have known before (remember the old Stud Shop in the basement ofPembroke during the 1960's). I urge you to visit the shop during the day and to spend generously in rhe old boys'section. 3. New Headmaster At the end oflast year we said farewell ro Owen Roberrs who had been the Headmaster for over a decade and who,during his rerm as headmaster, lead rhe College to achieve academic results that are wirhout comparison borh in the history of You will have noticed the new Hockey Astro Turf that was laid during the year. It places Kearsney at the forefront ofall schools in South Africa providing all round sporting facilities. A strong committee responsible for the feasibility study drove the task of establishing the Astro Turf with a single-minded objective of having it on the ground in a short period ofrime. We were extremely fortunate in that the bulk ofthe funding camefrom a subsrantial bequest together wirh funds provided by the Board. A concerted effort has been made to sell Advertising Boards around rhe Astro Turfpitch and I urge any Old Boys who are able to introduce new advertising to contact the Marketing Department. 5. Rationalisation ofAssets In an effort to ensure that the College is well placed for the future and as a result of a rationalisation programme, a number of staff houses were sold during the year. The incumbents were given the first right ofrefusal. These rransactions have now been successfully complered. 171