
6. SchoolFees Despite increasing costs being experienced we have been able to keep the Kearsney fees in line with current inflation and competitive with our opposition schools. A word ofthanks must be extended to Peter Morgan,who as chairman of the Finance Committee, has introduced disciplines in Financial Management and has guided the finances of the College in a most positive manner. manner in which they guide the College. We are indeed in good hands. We are also fortunate in having an extremely good relationship with the Tmstees ofthe College and a number ofjoint meetings were held during the year. These meetings were always held in good spirit and with the common objective of the good of the College. 8. Pupils 7. Meetings The Board had its customary four meetings during the course ofthe year with a number of special Board Meetings to handle urgent matters as they arose. We are fortunate in having a dedicated group of people as Members of the Board who generously give of their time. On behalfof the Old Boys,I would like to extend our thanks to the Board for the professional We have had our fair share of boys and their families emigrating to different parts of the world. As a result ofthis and other reasons there are a number of vacancies in all grades at the College and I urge all Old Boys to assist in recruiting new boys next year. »JOHNBESTER 172