
PRIZESSPEECH o DAY S The Peter MetcalfPrize for Resourcefulness and Initiative: CJH Hartwig The Gait Trophy for the best all rounder in Grade 12: M Stevens The Margaret and Richard Best trophy for Musical Competence: M Sirenya The Headmaster's Special Service Prize: B I Taylor The Accounting Prize: The Zulu Prize: D C Saint A C Mkhize The William and Susan Jones Prize for English: K B Priestman Academic HalfColours: A R Howcroft The Grant Greenberg Trophy for Achievement in the Creative Arts, the Music Prize and Academic HalfColours: CK Laidlatv Academic HalfColours: DBHLee The Drama Prize and Academic HalfColours: M G Logan TheJack Reece Prize for Modern Languages and Academic HalfColours: A Niedinger C Schoeman A S Stofile JJ Wilkinson M V Wright SHBooth FJ Hart Academic HalfColours: Academic HalfColours: Academic HalfColours: Academic HalfColours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Colours: Academic Honours: R Moore SSimpson R C van Tonder ZAI Bezuidenhout The Geography Prize and Academic Honours: R Chedzey Academic Honours: B LFynn The Ben Milner Prize for Biology and Academic Honours: AJ Harris The S B Theunissen Memorial Cup for Community Service and Academic Honours: JB Howlett The George McLeod English Essay Prize and Academic Honours: MJNel Academic Honours: M D Shuttleworth The David Gleason Business Excellence Award and Academic Honours: D C Sinclair The Jan Storm Afrikaans Prize and Academic Honours: DJStruwig The Patrick Moore Shield and John Kinloch Prize for Physical Science, the Art Prize, Honours Cum Laude and the Parry Trophy for Proximo Accessit to Dux: PD Hall The Hindson Memorial Prize for English Literature, the Alletson-Smith Shield for Mathematics,the Advanced Mathematics Prize, the William Crawford Prize for History, Honours Cum Laude, the Colin Silcock Prize and the Tim Browne Trophy for Dux ofthe School: MSJanson 21