
PRESENTATIQNasSEMBLY 2001 CERTIFICATES OF OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE SCHOOL Service to the David Hall Conservancy: C Baverey M Builard L Ground S Immelman K Keyser G McLoughlin M Meyer A Pickles M Rich TStockil X van Heerden D Wicks Service to First Aid &Rugby: T Andrey A Bertram S da Silva B Sessions TSmith R Thane Service to Music: S Crawford A Hampel C Laidlaw MNel M Sirenya M Stevens A Stofile T Tshume W Viljoen Service to Cricket: K Thwaites Service to Hockey: R Dohson Service to Drama: G Crowder D Edy C Hartwig M Logan C Paterson M Toscano PILGRIM AWARD: B Biffen D Bowles J Colley U Hellherg N Hendry C Hirsch T Hotchkiss M Machell-Cox R Magrath K McDowell K Muller M Schroeder JC Strauss M Swart S van der Veen JC van Dijk 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE Prize for the biggest contribution to the Kearsney environment. The Hatty Trophy; X van Heerden THE DESIGN &TECHNOLOGY TROPHY N Hendry 5 CULTURE Prize for Outstanding Cultural Achievements The Hanle Trophy: M Stevens Prize for the Speech ofthe Year The Sutler Gore Trophy: M Toscano The BestJunior Speaker TheJakuhowicz Trophy: D Roy The Best House Plays Production The Maunder Trophy: Pembroke The Prize for Outstanding Solo Performance The Warrington Music Trophy: C Laidlaw M Sirenya Cultural Colours: M Nel(re-award) K Thwaites CulturalHonours: M Stevens A Stofile T Tshume Drama Colours: G Grobler 24 Music Colours: R Braum S Crawford(re-award)