
HALEY HOUSE REPORT f a PS Staff: MrD Cato,MrJ Drew,MrJ McMichael, Mr K Garrett,Mr M Charlesworth,Ms A Fuller Prefects: Ian Bester, Peter Hall, Alasdair Harris, Wayne Madsen, Matthew Nel, Stuart Simpson,Jeremy Wilkinson 2001 will be remembered as a happy and successful year in Haley House. A friendly and positive group of boys,supportive parents and a motivated and committed team ofprefects and staff contributed to an enjoyable year. The initial experience for boarders and day boys alike was quite daunting. The volume of information relating to rules, prefects' names and the like that had to be processed wasimmense and probably more stressful than the academic adjustment from primary to high school. However,the input and guidance given to the boys by the prefects and staff helped them come to terms with their new experience. Some boarders settled sooner than others while most day boys also took time to become comfortable with the new demands of school life. The encouraging aspect ofdealing with a new group of boys every year is to see the tremendous progress made by all of them. Self-discipline, time management and general tidiness are not always natural for young boys, but the rigours ofhostel life have helped many to acquire these skills. The growth in confidence ofall the boys is most noteworthy. Independent decision making becomes essential when in an environment like Kearsney and it is always encouraging to see how the Haley House boys develop in this area. I have also been very impressed with the manner in which the boys have involved themselves in so many areas ofschool life. The compulsory dimension of the classroom was enjoyed more by some than others, but the general approach by the boys to their work was commendable. It is encouraging to see the ability and commitment of many of our boys in the academic sphere. On the sportsfield the boys did themselves and the College very proud. This is a group of boys with considerable sporting talent and we have had provincial and national representatives in our midst. Boys have also involved themselves in many of the clubs and societies that are on offer. This has led some boys to completely new experiences and helped many ofthem discover talents which were perhaps unknown. Haley House boys have contributed to the community in many areas, having done a total of i960 hours through the year. This has been a tremendously fulfilling experience for most of them.The successful year is the product ofa lot ofhard work on the part ofthe boys themselves, the prefects and the staff. I would like to commend Ian Bester and his team for their passion and dedication. The influence ofthe senior boys cannot easily be measured but I believe that the fmit oftheir labour will become evident in the years that lie ahead. The staff, Messrs Drew, McMichael, Garrett and Charlesworth have also played a vital part in keeping the Haley ship on course. My thanks to them for their hours ofhard work. The hostel itself would not be in the good condition it is ifit were not for the dedication ofAleida Fuller, Ruth Gaza and their team of cleaning staff. Many hours of toil throughout the year have ensured high standards ofcleanliness and hygiene. John Smith and his team from the workshop have also spent much time at Haley House repairing and improving the facilities. It is with keen interest that I will follow the progress ofthe 2001 group as they move through the ranks at the College. DJCATO HOUSE/AASTER 40