
ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 2001 Once again the Accounting department enjoyed very good matric results with 28% ofthe boys achieving an 'A'. More heartening than this was the number of boys who had struggled in the subject, who showed that with a lot of extra work,and a supporting staffthey could all pass the subject. Congratulations matrics of2001. Andrea Fripp's presence was sadly missed by the staffand boys and we look forward to her return in the new year. Accounting is taught at Kearsney as a life skills programme while also preparing those boys with the necessary skills that they will need in an accounting field. We are not just trying to achieve excellent matric results but it is important to us that every boy leaving our department can fill a valuable role in the economic future of the country. We place a lot of emphasis on personal money Every boy leaving our department canfilla valuable role in the economicfuture of the country. management, investment decisions and developing entrepreneurial skills. I still believe, however,that the real test ofour success can only be measured once the boys leave Kearsney. It is so heartening when old boys or their parents come back to thank us for what was taught. Many say, exactly what I am referring to, that it is only in the application of the skills later that they realize the benefit ofa programme like this. My sincere thanks go to the staff, Barend Steyn, Wayne Marsden and Andrea Fripp for all their support and dedication to the boys and the department. A special thanks to all the young businessmen of Kearsney who seize the opportunities given to them and make our jobs as teachers so rewarding and enjoyable. D WOODROFFE AFRIKAANS DEPARTEMENT Aan die einde van 2000 het ons afskeid geneem van Renee Randall-Taylor. "Mevrou", soos sy alom bekend gestaan het, het oor die jare haar stempel op die Afrikaans Departement afgedruk en met haar vertrek is 'n groot leemte in die departement gelaat. Ons wil graag van hierdie geleentheid gebruik maak om Renee te bedank vir haar harde werk en inspirasie. Renee van der Hoven het in die tweede kwartaal voltyds by ons aangesluit nadat sy uitgehelp het in die eerste kwartaal..Re nee is Ses leerlinge het daarin geslaag om P A simbool te vertverf welbekend aan ons aangesien sy voorheen ook vir van die onderwysers in die departement ingestaan het. Sy verleen met haar entoesiasme en nuwe idees 'n ander dimensie aan die departement en sy hou ons mans op ons tone. Graad 12 uitslae: Die 2001 uitslae was oor die algemeen bevredigend. Ses leerlinge het daarin geslaag om 'n A simbool te verwerf.en weer eens het die swakker leerlinge hulle deel gedoen en goed geslaag. J OOSTHUIZEN 47