
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY Once again most boys enjoyed themselves,and many excelled. Congratulations to Neil Hendry for winning the prize for the best overall D&T student. To mention a few more pupils, Jethro Ridl, Werner Wasserman and Udo Hellberg made outstanding progress in designing and making of excellent projects even though the duration ofthe trimester did take its toll. Regarding the purchase ofnew machines, we are now proud to have two new semi-industrial sanding machines complete with a dust extraction unit serving both. A word of thanks goes out to the House of York for donating timber to us. BRILEY DRAAAA DEPARTMENT2001 Teaching began in January in the new Drama Studio situated above the new Music Theory and Rehearsal rooms in the Arts block. A versatile venue for teaching theory and practical lessons as well as for supper theatres(seating 60 people around tables). The venue has a separate storeroom (for props, costumes, lighting and sound equipment) and office. This enables pupils and others, i.e., the aerobic classes run by Sam Marsden and leadership sessions, to make the most ofthe space. This year's One-Act House Play Competition was won by Sheffield House with Pembroke second, Gillingham third, and Finningley fourth. The One-ActPlay contest was won by Sheffield. in the Newlands Cricket grounds. Greg also played the role of'Corky',the leading actor, with JC van Dijk as 'Richard' and Steele Slater as 'Beatrice'(Corky's wife). "The Virtuous Burglar", a typical farce with various characters unexpectantly arriving at the same place was directed by Mushi Siwisa and Murray Logan. Peter Simeoni took the leading role as the 'first burglar', Kyle McDowell as the 'burglar's wife',Scott Canny as the'man',Ross Stacey as the'woman',Areeb Asmal as 'Anna', Michael Joannou as 'Antario' and Mushi Siwisa as the 'second burglar'. "Batchelor Holiday", the winning play, was directed by Dylan Edy. Set in the apartment of three young bachelors 'Norris','Hunter' and 'Ford'. Matthew Stevens played Norris;Sebastian Mauricci(a gap student who studied drama at Scotts College in Sydney, Australia)stood in at the last moment as 'Hunter'for Chris Hartwig, who had to undergo an operation; and Andrew Borgen who played 'Ford', was awarded best actor for his portrayal of'Ford'. "It Should Happen to a Dog" by Pembroke House was a re-working of the story ofJonah. Directed by Michael Garnett and Greg Morgan with the following cast; Mario Toscano,who was awarded best supporting actor in his portrayal of'Jonah', Myles Neil-Dore as the 'man'; Craig Laidlaw as the 'sailor'; Paul Collins as the'King' and Asanda Stofile as the 'Angel'. "Under the Oaks"by Gillingham House,directed by Greg Grobler and Michael Barbeau was set Mrs. Jo-Anne Palmer and Ms. Joanne Tarr our adjudicators from St. Mary's DSG gave some excellent advice and acknowledged those boys who had done well. » 56