
In term 3 the Music and Drama departments, along with Tracey van den Aardweg who was responsible for the superb choreography and costumes,collaborated and produced "Five Guys Named Moe",a tribute to the music ofrhythm and blues pioneer and alto saxophonist Louis Jordan. Ir was a grear success. Writren by Clark Perers who grew up in Harlem and had a particular love for the comical lyrics and jazzy bear ofJordan's music that emerged from his family radio the "revusical" is built around the irrepressibly energetic quintet of zoot-suited singers named Moe who emergefrom a radio to offer advice to a young love-sick man named Nomax. The exceptionally talented cast: "Stof (Asanda Stofile) and "No Moe";"Muz"(Mzuvukile Sirenya) as "Four-eyed Moe"; "Tuts" (Thanduhlanga Tshume) as "Eat Moe";Craig Laidlaw as "Big Moe"; Russel Braum as "Little Moe";and Richard Broekman as "Nomax"; worked very hard and a lor offun was had by everyone in putting this production together. Along with the Grade 9 Supper Theatre evening held at the end of each trimester,the year ended with a delightful Grade 10 Supper Theatre evening entitled "Theatre Through rhe Ages" - from Greek through Medieval, Elizabethan, and Commedia to Contemporary Drama. Visiting productions included:"The Lunatic, the Lover and the Poet", "King Kong' an entertaining poor theatre piece based on the well known story,performed by Michael Gritten(past pupil) and Aldo Brincat; and "A Boy Called Rubbish" by Ellis and Bheki. Drama conrinues ro grow and this year the Department had the 1st group of 17 matric students write the I.E.B. Speech and Drama exam. A HENDERSON ENGLISH DEPARTMENT PART! John McMichael left Kearsney College after some 15 years service to take up a position at Hilton College. It was with regret that we bid him farewell. Not only is he a fine schoolmaster but he has a well-developed sense ofhumour that will be thoroughly missed. We wish him every success in his new position. The English results were particularly good this year. Wallace. Noteworthy productions included: Deon Opperman's Keynote Address,Ihobolo(Pearson & Mkhwane),Seeing Red(Greig Coetzee), King Kong(Brincat& Gritten)and Between the Teeth (Andrew Buckland). We hope the Festival continues despite the withdrawal ofthe major sponsor. The English results were particularly good this year,for which rhe 2001 marriculanrs are to be congratulated. They set a fine example. English activities this year included our annual pilgrimage to the Grahamstown Eestival under the chaperonage of Rob Candotti and Ronni Debating fared well under the management ofJohn McMichael who will be replaced by Adam Rogers,a Maritzburg College Old Boy and schoolmaster. R WALLACE 57