
rmtim ESSAYS -sws EXTRACTFROM; has become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity^^ - Albert Einstein WINNER OF THE GEORGE McLEOD ESSAY COMPETITION Technology has advanced rapidly through the ages and new items are being developed all the time. Our lives have become more comfortable as a result ofthis, but is it really fair to say that our never-ending quest for improved technology has caused us to lose sight ofour humanity? Huge technological advances have also been made in the fields ofindustry and agriculture. Items can be mass-produced in factories and bigger, better crops can be grown in the fields. However, the negative effect which these things have had on nature has been enormous. Pollution which is emitted in such large quantities from factories wrecks delicately balanced natural environments worldwide. The overuse of fertilizers has caused previously valuable ground to be robbed of its nutrients. Overgrazing has caused soil erosion, and so much more valuable ground is lost in this way. It seems as ifwe have no concern at all for nature,the very thing which keeps us alive. Does this disrespect not show that we have become so preoccupied with technology that we have forgotten about our morality? Disgusting and degrading pornography has also become readily available to the public. However,the Internet has had many positive effects as well. It is a huge, internationally connected database ofinformation which is used by people all over rhe world as a library. It has thus been responsible for an improvement in the level ofeducation. The Internet,combined with advances in TV and radio has been responsible for the most pertinent improvement yet-communication. With this as a tool, awareness of problems can be made and thus the problem can be solved. The rise in woman's and African rights has been directly caused by communication. On the other hand, it must be said that the advances in industry and agriculture have had many positive effects. The fact that consumer goods can be produced in such large numbers has lowered their price in the market place and as a result, poor people can still afford the goods and live a better life because of them. The increase in the production ofcrops has not only caused their price to be reduced but has also allowed rich countries with high agricultural productions to give food away to poor countries which are in dire need offood. So in this case, it can be said that our humanity has surpassed our technology, that we are still highly altruistic. The argument is a very difficult one as there are strong points for both sides. What complicates the argument further is that there are two sides to each point. However, while there are problems caused by technology, the first step to solving any problem is to be aware ofit. The awareness created by an improvementin communication has allowed these problems to be solved and therefore caused our humanity to remain strong in the face oftechnological advances. M NEL-GRADE 12 58