
♦♦♦POETRY♦♦♦ ♦ PARENTS Parents are like a map. They guide you through The unknown paths oflife. IGNORANCE IMAGINATION Imagination is like a key to a whole new realm, An exciting ticket to enjoyment through fantasy Amongst the drudge ofroutine life. B MUSGROVE - GRADE8 Ignorance is a outstretched hand That blocks your eyes From seeing the trust. DGREEFF - GRADES MISERY Misery is like an encapsulating fog It blankets all and covers your feelings Dulling senses,leaving a crater in one's soul S ALEXANDER - GRADES SLAUGHTER OFTHELAMB A British soldier came across A German reading a bible. He levelled his pistol,and then A thought came unbidden into his head, "Thou Shalt Not Kill!" proclaimed a gentle whisper. "This is WAR I! Shoot him or DIE!" shrieked the voice ofcommon sense. As his conflicting emotions raged. The enemy's face came up And a blinding flash ofa pistol, hidden behind the bible,speared his chest. As the British soldier lay dying He saw a page come floating down: It showed Jesus being crucified With one small addition: A bullet through his head. ACANDOTTI - GRADES MOTHER They took my leg. They had no choice, A mangled mass of blood But it was not their leg. That's how they located me A rosy blossom Spreading out. I called. I called for my mother. Ten years dead. "I'm here",she said, from behind a fireman's mask I smiled My crushed jaw grinned. Overhead a grey flower grew. As the bud split. And one brother joined the other. Returning to the place they had emerged Embracing their mother. Death fought with birth It tugged and pulled Tugged and pulled And was free. It danced with solemn joy Over the dead and dying Over the dust clouds That blocked our vision It flew towards the heavens The sun shared its wisdom I longed to join it. TSHONE - GRADE 11 64