
SEPTEMBER 11 UNPROGRESS A split-second selection on which way to die. Burn or jump? Fire or fall? Regardless ofsex or size Such a selection was set for all. Once an iron lung to almost any Now a chocking, crushing killer to almost as many. Once as asset, now a debt, A debt of hate, or fear and regret. When hope starts to fade True colours are shown Martyrs are made With awe-inspiring tones. With the power to create, they opt to destroy A peace-hating curse Diminishes all joy. And mankind continues to progress in reverse. M SHUHLEWORTH - GRADE 12 BLINDING SIGHT I've seen a bird fly foolishly into a window. Fluttering its wings to a standstill death. I've seen moths fly magnetically into a lit candle. Scorching their beauty to an ash-black death. I've seen how villains lose their lives to make a point. I've seen the death ofmany a friend and family, How tragic saying goodbye can be. But I've seen the way that night follows day. How life goes on even when we're gone. Can you see what I see? Did you see what I saw? Will you see what I will see? I guess not! No-one saw that life would end for so many, Like a bird to a window,like a moth to a flame, Like a scene from an action movie Like the planes that hit the twin towers. Like the way life is going to end for me. I guess not. But I've seen the way that night follows day, How life goes on even when we're gone. Oh,blinding sight! A STOFILE - GRADE 12 CHANGE THE CHANNEL The sun rose that morning. Housewives did their weekly shop, Teachers taught and students learned. On the same day That flight Si27 smashed into the World Trade Centre. And nations rushed to their TV sets. Just in time to see the second one And while the popcorn was still popping Another one hit the Pentagon "This is unbelievable! Thete might be a World War!" They said and changed the channel. The world had never been so entertained, "People love reality", the producer exclaimed. Just before bed,they switched to the news. Only to find firemen trying to move the rubble. "This is no good. There must be more". But the sun set anyway. And somewhere,someone cried. But they changed the channel anyway. And carried on with their lives. ARE YOU AFRAID? Lurking,loafing,leaching The scourge ofsociety loiters on every corner Stealing,smoking,drinking. Teenagers - a generation destined to destroy. Those whose ideas are not taken into consideration, Being told to have a lack of wisdom because of a lack ofage.I ask you to ask yourself - were you not a teenager? A "delinquent" spending your days chasing the sun? I ask you to take a vow. Rather than questioning the ways ofyoutchildren - Think ofthe atrocities committed by your peers. Those who judge by race, religion and the colour ofskin. Those who are said to be "mature". After all, an adult is merely a teenager who has "shed" his skin. We are the children We are the future Your future is in our hands. Our future is within our grasp. Are you afraid? J HOWLEH - GRADE 12 65 K PRIESTMAN - GRADE 12