
GEOGRAPHYDEPARTMENT2001 Once again our Geography lEB results were much as had been expecred and all candidates wrote the subject on the Higher Grade, which is a situarion that was unheard of only a few years ago. Sixty five percent of the candidates achieved a "C" or higher symbol, which reflects well on the endeavours ofour pupils. The numbers of boys taking Geography continues to remain high,and it is clearly one ofthe most popular ofrhe optional subjects. We continue to develop the concept of education outside the classroom through field trips and this has proved to be enjoyable and valuable. The Wild Coast trip for rhe Grade lO's is increasingly popular and we have had Geography is clearly one ofthe mostpopular ofthe optionalsubjects. enhance to limit the numbers. My thanks are extended to Mr Zukulu and Mr Amos for organizing this wonderful educational experience. We are hopeful thar by this time next year we will have a computerized weather station at the school that will significantly our meteorological studies. The Departmental policy of making our subject as relevant as possible to today's changing world is actively pursued and we never lose sighr ofthe fact the "Geography is everywhere". PG KING HISTORY DEPARTMENT 2001 The department had another busy,varied and productive year rounded off by a very pleasing set ofSenior Certificate results. Most of the routine teaching was taken care of as before by Messrs Bissell, Hall and Lamplough but once again they had the benefit of assistance from Mrs Sue O'Neill and MrJohn Drew,while Mrs Tracey van den Aardweg ran a well received elective at Grade 9 on aspects of Nazi Germany. Mr Bissel again inducred an enthusiasric Grade 8 group into the realities ofthe Wild West and another class at the same level refought the Natal campaign ofthe Anglo-Boer War with Theyear wasrounded offby a very pleasing set ofSenior Certificate results. Mr Lamplough.Meanwhile,Mr Justin Hall gave another year ofsterling service to the wider community as an I.E.B. examiner. Also during rhe year the department assumed responsibility for the Kearsney College Archives. It is our hope that the splendid Grade 12 results at the end of the year have furnished a compelling reason for considering the choice of history in the fourth phase. R LAMPLOUGH cfS y ciP y c\y y nc 66