
INTERNAL SCIENCE EXPO 2001 EPS SCIENCE EXPO The Kearsney Science Expo was held at the beginning ofthe second term with a total of65 projects being entered. All Grade 10 pupils, as well as 25 Grade 9 pupils, had embarked on a scientific investigation during the course ofthe first term and in many cases over the Easter holidays. Whilst initially choosing a suitable topic was often difficult, once the investigation was in progress,the enthusiasm shown by many ofthe entrants during the judging interviews was indicative ofthe benefits derived from conducting independent research. Each project was marked by at least two members of staff and in some cases by a panel of external moderators. The external judges were particularly impressed with the high standard of presentation of the projects as well as the scientific procedure followed. It was apparent that the recent emphasis on Outcomes Based Education in the middle school phase is paying dividends when it comes to designing experiments to test hypotheses and to drawing valid conclusions. All pupils have been given advice on how to improve their projects in preparation for the EES Expo to be held at Durban University in August where we anticipate favourable results. A total of59 boys from grades9and 10 entered projects in the EES Expo held at Durban University in August. The high quality oftheir presentations, both visual and oral, reflected a thorough knowledge ofthe topics they researched and brought credit to the College. BEST IN CATEGORY: Tim Hayes and Keenan Stears, Chris Jones, Chris Paterson, and Neil Hendry. 1st CLASS: Tim Hayes and Keenan Stears, Chris Jones, Andrew Pickles and Tomas Ridl, and Ross Stacey. 5 projects were awarded 2nd Class Certificates and 8 projects were awarded 3rd Class Certificates. A number of our top achievers were invited to an open day at the University ofNatal,Durban, where they excelled in various competitions, walking away with many prizes. S CARTWRIGHT f .0 \ \ K 71