
CO 111 Hi CT.TTRS AND SOCTETTES ART ART ARTCLUB CLUB CLUB CLUB CLUB The junior art club seems to have more members than the senior club. This is due to the fact that the junior time is a Friday afternoon, at a time which accommodates the running ofclubs. The senior club takes place on a Wednesday at first prep, but due to the removal of first prep to Monday and Thursday only, boys do not seem as keen to give up TV viewing for an extra evening of art! This is very sad, as more and more young people need this creative time away from the instant gratification of TV and computers, which are largely used for the mindless playing ofgames. Artis becoming important as one ofthefew avenues for creative and lateralthinking. Art is becoming more and more important as one of the few avenues for creative and lateral thinking. Young people do not play the same creative games as in the past and will desperately need areas where they can be creative and inventive. Art provides one ofrhese areas and the art club provides the venue. It can also provide the "time out" necessary in the boys' very full agendas. Working creatively with their hands and minds is an essential part of stress management and coping with life. SENIOR AND JUNIOR Every year we write about how young people have enjoyed being creative and have benefited from the Art Club. What we haven't shared with you is why. We live in a society that does a lot of "looking". We feel that we are aware and informed because we look at the television, computers and the like, but in actuality we are "seeing" less and less. Frederick Franck said,"Never has it been more urgent to speak of'seeing'. Ever more gadgets, from cameras to computers,from art books to video-tapes, conspire to take over our thinking, our feeling, our experiencing, our seeing." u C TULLIDGE 78 We hope to help young people to experience thejoy ofindividualdiscoveryand to become more aware. We hope to help young people to go beyond the labels we put on things, to experience the joy of individual discovery and to become more aware. This awareness will influence every aspect of their lives. Not only will they explore their creativity but they will also grow personally. You will notice that we have not mentioned the importance ofability or talent. The artist is the unspoiled core in every person. Even Mozart said that talent and even genius are nothing,a work of art is love; love of life, love of beauty and the joy ofdiscovery. C TULLIDGE K MOLENTZ