
SCUBA DIVING SENIOR SCIENTIFIC CLUB CLUB CLUB SOCIETY SOCIETY With the vast majority of the club members being matrics, this was a realatively inactive year, with the main focus being on rekindling enthusiasm and interest. There were four dives during the year, three at Aliwal Shoal and one at Rocky Bay. A number of dives had to be cancelled due to lack ofinterest and poor diving conditions. By all accounts this was an amazing experience and hopefully this trip willtake place again in the near future.The club is currently in a rebuilding stage, with one beginners' course having been run in the fourth term and with another planned for the beginning of next year. This bodes well for the future as most of the beginners are juniors.Thanks to Beryl Evans for her continued enthusiasm. J OOSTHUIZEN "'PiPi III SENIORHISTORY SOCIETY SOCIETY During 2001,the Senior History Society enjoyed many interesting films on modern and ancient, local and international topics. It was also involved in a number of discussions that became significantly more relevant after the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States. C ROBINSON This society has meteach term and has welcomed a selection ofinteresting and dramatic speakers on a variety of topics. The year started with a visit from Dr. Peter Krumm and Mr. Don Bedford from the physics department of the University of Natal whose demonstrations of surprising happenings provided much food for thought. The saga continued in the third term with a return visit where we were once more baffled by peculiar phenomena. Liquid nitrogen always has a fascination and we were entertained by the shrivelling ofan air-filled balloon placed in liquid nitrogen and the hard and brittle nature ofa rubber squash ball(similarly treated) which shattered against the wall. We were entertained by the shrivelling ofan air-filled halloon placed in liquid nitrogen which shattered against the wall. In the second term, we were privileged to welcome Mr. Bromley-Gans (an ex-Kearsney teacher now at Highbury)who vividly described his Cape to Rio yacht race with the help ofan excellent series of slides. The weather during the trip varied from strong winds to practically no wind at all, when their boat was virtually becalmed. It was evident from his enthusiasm that he had thoroughly enjoyed the experience and achieved one of his life's dreams. In the fourth term,we welcomed back Professor Mike Laing, who gave us a magnificent and dramatic chemical magic show which ranged from "magic" water producing varied coloured solutions and converting water to "wine'(and even fizzy "champagne")to what turned out to be almost a fireworks show! Certainly,everything worked well and the magic show was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Our grateful thanks go to all these guest speakers who gave so freely oftheir time and expertise. J BROADBENT 85 u