
■m -HI # mm KEARSNEY COLLEGE Founded in 1921 2010

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USTEES & BOARD Mr' j*- 4 : s': ;i+ M m A I >. tf m i w. Jjiv ■* «8S4; HT#?^ C^Sl:l1U'a ^ n X ■ mKSi . W lib t. ■■ f .-- «»> STAFF ' - ^ , SPEECH DAY 15 -JEB S|NIOR CERTIFICATE RESULTS I'RESdNTATION ASSEMBLY ME PREFECTS THE STUDENT COUNCIL « tA KEARSNEY FOUNDATION 28 SPIRITUALITY & FELLOWSHIP - - 32 HOUSE REPORTS 54 ACADEMIC REPORTS 85 CLUBS & CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 109 EVENTS 1 19 SPORT " " J 190 KCOB 196 IN MEMORIAM ! :» •. • . ' £ . ■%§.^ ?. •:?■'• . ■ t ■ , , 3;,i' -r- . , , . ••.,!■ „: iMM ;?i r- .4.i mm *' •• i'S?-' '*• ' vV ■'i KEARSNEY I ' *'*. .J 1 . Y.. ■■- •"• COLLEGE pwm., 'immmif-

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■4j as BOARD OF GOVERNORS ' j' OFFfCIO MEMBERS The Presiding Bishop %€V l#h M Abrahams^ EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Chairman of theTrustees Mr R Becker »<3.f. 4 Representative of KwaZuiu-Nntat 1^,.. i- Coastal District .'.j.. MrTyroneTernbf iTy- • ^ Bishop KwaZulu-Natal t :'r Coastal District Kearsney Old Boys' Representative MrGGoppin . .1President of the Old Boys Mr N Keary ' ' op Michael Vorsi." ■ Parents'Society Representative - . . iMr 1 Pears J- NOMINATED MEMBERS y"" *, 1 Chairman - Mr D Polkinghorne Vice Chairmaii Mr A Mazvi/#; MrW P Coetzee Mr L d'Avice Mr M Gou\ ■ .< Dr M Khumaio Kearsney College Headmaster Mr ED van den Aardweg Kearsney College Bursar ssMhs B Gnoudace ^ ^IHonorary Life Governors -T ylofV J Bredenkarpp Lloy< % Rey;,|;5ch( l.yp5'N.%Siwi ^ ,Mrs KTockne iGWilliams RCCc^ins ■ , T % ■r ■- TRUSTEf5 ELECTED MEMBERS Chairman pR R Becker Besldr: pr j Bormin " ,Mr D Pearse s Mr? StQ 1^%: MrAW HYork E C X OFFICIO MEMBERS The Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Rev Ivan M Abraham'' i hairman of the Bo; r D.Polkinghornei Honorary Life Trustees Rev GWilkins r GW Shuker Mr K G Gomins £ S G Garner OldMain Road Botha's HtR Durban KwaZulu-Natal Kearsney Teh 031 765 9600 ^ email:

•-ft 1^1 M * , -.' ■ , :^n:5 I-Ih < H CO U ACADEMIC STAFF 2010 BACKROW left to right: A van Zyl,M Conradie,M Saville, H van Ellewee,M Albers,G Shone, R Candotti,D Moodley,S Green,A Rogers,B Krilger,D Graves 3RD ROW:T van den Aardweg,S Main,W Marsden,G Moerdyk,P Isaac,K Smith,J Robinson, V Carlisle, B Thompson,S Moore,J Drew, F Lubbe,G Owen,S Nhleko,F Cocks 2ND ROW: J Ostendorff,B Ndaba,S Murray,G Pitcher, A Fripp,W Amos,T Lees,S Terblanche, M Zungu,Z Conway-Nunn,J Kruger,W O'Connor,U Singh,R Wallace FRONT ROW:M Botha,A Morgan,M Delport,B Steyn,R de Villiers,P Kirsten,E van den Aardweg(Fleadmaster), A Willows,K Decker,D Goldhawk,T Erasmus,N Peacock,B Thompson [xJ Q < O < ACADEMIC STAFF Geography Housemaser Gllllngham / Maths Headmaster MrW Amos EGD Mr S Green Mr E D van den Aardweg BA(Hons)HDE Mr M Delport BEd (FET) BA(Hons)HDE BEd Maths/Housemaster HDE EDE i/c Resource Centre Senior Deputy Headmaster/ Sheffield Geography Mrs P Isaac Maths Mr C M Botha MrJ Drew BSoc Sc HDE BEd Dip Mr P J Kirsten HDE Sec.Ed ACE BA HDE Media Science IGDL BSc HDE EDE English Chaplain Head of Music Performance Deputy Headmaster/Maths Mr R Candotti RevT 1 Erasmus Mr B Kruger Mr K Decker BA(Hons) HED BJuris, DipTh,BTh (Hons) M Mus,LRSM,UPLM PG Cert BedT Cert l/c English Business Studies & l/c Music (subject) Deputy Headmaster/ MrV Carlisle l/c Culture Mrs J Kruger Head of Middle School/ BA(Hons) HED Mrs A Eripp BMus PGCE Biology Maths BCom HDE FDE ACE l/c HP Programme/Maths Mr R de Villiers Mr F P D Cocks Snr Housemaster /Int Exch/ Mr F Lubbe BSc(Hons) HDE BA UED BEd English BSc(Hons)PGCE Deputy Headmaster/Maths l/c Computer Studies Mr D Goldhawk Science MrA H Willows Mr M Conradie BA Sp Hons Grad CE Mr S Main BSc HDE BSc(Hons)Maths Afrikaans HDE l/c Accounting/Grade Head l/c Afrikaans Mr D Graves l/c Business Studies Gr9 MsZ Conway-Nunn BA HDE BEd MrW D Marsden Mr M Albers HDE HDE BCom HDE

2^ pM «» .... f V "> < »r- ^1 I / Ii^sTs, K \i li mms "*^4 ../'?• • - r ► ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 2010 BACK ROW Left to Right: Sally van der Merwe, Rose Armstrong, Karen Seals, Cindi Polzi, Sandy Dunnett, Ashwin Premlal, WisemanNgwane, Vicky Mare, AlainNdeko, Karen Southwell, MIDDLE: Tilly Kistensamy, Sally Cain, Lorraine Hartley, Zi Ntshangase, Thaloshney Pelzer, Barbara Kassier, Jess Lankesar, Sherese Groenewald, Penny Needham, Brigette Oakes FRONT: Robert Sibiya, EuropaNgubane, Bea Croudace, Keith Thompson, Joy Mills-Hackmann, Heather Pearse, Jenny Du Casse, Dot Bissell Grade Head Gr 10/ School Counsellor l/c Curriculum Development Afrikaans Science MrsW OGonnor & l/c History Mrs S F terreblanche Mr G Moerdyk BA (Hons) HDE MEd Mr A Rogers MA HDEAGE BEd Science/Maths Maths (part time) BA HDE Dip MktManIGM l/c Art l/c Dayboys & l/c EGD Mrs G Owen Grade Head Gr 12 & Mrs G Pitcher Mr D Moodley BSc(Hons) HDE l/c Life Orientation MA PGGE HDE Inclusion Programme / MrJ Rottcher History l/c NSC Assessment & Academic Support BA MIFM MrsT van den Aardweg l/c Life Sciences Ms J Ostendorf English BA HDE Mr S Moore BA HMS Mr G Shone Grade Head GrI 1/Afrikaans BSc Housemaster Pembroke / BAUED Mr H van Ellewee Housemaster FInnlngley/ History l/c Dramatic Arts BEd (Hons) HDE FDE English Mr N Peacock Mrs U Singh Grade Head Gr 8/Afrlkaans Mr A Morgan BA (Hons) HDE BPaed (Drama Hons) Mr AF van Zyl BA (Hons) PGCE l/c Maths l/c Phys Ed BAHDE l/c Science MrsT Lees Mr K Smith English Mrs S Murray HDE BA HDE MrsVAWallace BSc (Hons) HDE l/c Student Affairs & Director of Rugby/ BA HDE l/c IslZuiu l/c Geography Accounting l/c Community Outreach/ Mr B Ndaba MrJ Robinson Mr B Steyn IslZulu BPaed BA HMS BCom HDE Mr F Zungu BSS (Hons) P-H P-H < H CO PJ > I—I H < CO Q <

There were several new faces on the Kearsney staff at the beginning of 2010 Glenda Pitcher; Vaughan Carlisle and John Robinson arrived to head the Art,English and Geography departments respectively. RevTeboho Erasmus was inducted as College Chaplain,Gillingham old boy, Matthew Savllle,joined the English department,Shannon Burgess was appointed as secretary to the Mathematics department and Sister Sally van der Merwe assumed duties in the sanatorium. We also welcomed backVickey Bisson-Dayal to the staff of Kit & Clothing and Ram Ramsunderjoined her there as a part time assistant towards the end ofthe year In the Bursar's department,Rose Armstrong,emigrated to England at the end ofthe third term and was replaced by AnnetteThompson. Marketing Assistant,Zithobile Ntshangase moved on to new pastures and Mpume Mbanjwa arrived to take her place. Atthe end ofthe year several long-serving friends and colleagues retired: Sister Dot Bissell, after9 years'dedicated service in the sanatorium,Graham Shone,after 22 years'loyal service in the English Department,and the legendary Keith Decker after 30 years ofdevoted service in a bewildering number of areas. Sadly,2010 saw the passing offormer catering manager Ron Blackboard,after a long Illness. On a happier note,two engagements were announced: Francois Lubbe to Sherese Groenewald and Gareth Moerdyk to Robin Palmer The stork was also kept busy delivering Luke Morgan (December 2009),Neha Lankesar and Sven Krtiger- it must be something in the water VALETE GRAHAM SHONE Graham's first foray into Kearsney territory was in 1971 when,in his teaching diploma year he spent 6 weeks here on a teaching prac which included teaching David Graves who was in his Matric year Graham was accommodated in Haley House where jan Storm was housemaster and remembers appleple-ing the prefects' beds only to meet with retaliation the following night. He found his bedstead on the roof, butthe mattress was lost in the valley. He works systematically and has the patience to ensure his pupils do the same Graham was fortunate to meet and work with four Kearsney headmasters:j Hopkins,C Sllcock,O Roberts and E van den Aardweg as he has taught here since 1988. He was deputy housemaster in Finningley for6 years and has taught English throughout his Kearsney career With his two sons:Thomas and James and his wife Elsbeth, Graham settled well. It soon became apparent that his strength lay in nurturing the slow learners to pass Matric, probably because he himself works systematically and has the patience to ensure his pupils do likewise. The boys become part ofan exclusive Shone set and many Kearsney boys have enjoyed hospitality in and from the Shone household. The fact that Elsbeth is a graduate ofa fine cookery school has ensured the deliciousness ofsuch hospitality. Before the advent ofthe Inclusion department, Graham offered extra English coaching after school hours and has had considerable success with encouraging young boys to read. Graham was active in extra mural activities: with Rod deVilliers he ran the Mountain club where he enjoyed a number of hikes and served as head of Catering. He oversaw a Gardening club which was responsible for tagging a number of trees on the campus and taught senior pupils to drive during the years when sponsors provided a car for this purpose. For years Graham coached and managed the B Swimming team,Water Polo,Soccer and Hockey. Graham will be remembered by many for his hospitality and his generosity;a number of us have benefitted from good wine,good food and healthy plants donated to our gardens. We wish him well in his retirement. 6 -

RESPECT FORA KEARSNEY LEGEND Keith Decker retired from Kearsney at the end of2010,after 3 I years of dedicated service to the college. During his years at Kearsney, Keith was actively involved in a wide range of activities,the most important of which was his masterful teaching of Mathematics. Early on In his Kearsney career he was briefly Kearsney's first Director ofComputer Studies. He taught a handful of boys computer skills in what was then the small Biology laboratory. ■ ■ Keith was very active as a sports coach. For? years he,together with Fred Cocks, coached the first Rugby squad. His summer sport wasWater Polo. He was first team coach for6 years, thereafter being chiefly Involved with the U16 squad. On the cultural side Keith took an active interest in the Choir He and his wife Christine went on 7 overseas Choir tours,giving Angela Stevens Invaluable support. In 1983 Keith was appointed Senior Deputy Headmaster a role he filled with distinction. In 1999,however The boys have seen in him unshakable integrity and a genuine concern for their welfare he voluntarily relinquished his largely administrative position in order to spend more time on his first love as a teacher. He was head ofa very successful Maths department for a number of years. During his last few years at Kearsney Keith was Master in Charge ofAcademics. In that position he strove valiantly to maintain Kearsney's proud academic tradition. He was very sensitive about any encroachment on academic time. Among his duties was the management of all examinations,which he carried out with his trademark quiet efficiency. But these details do not tell the full story of Keith Decker's success as a schoolmaster This gentle giant(not so gentle if pushed too farl) has a special way with boys. They have seen in him unshakable integrity, dedication to duty, compassion,and a genuine concern for their welfare. Only Keith will know the number of extra-curricular hours he spent giving boys extra help in - especially during examination sessions. It never crossed his mind to charge a cent for these extra lessons. I well remember an occasion when the boys of Kearsney demonstrated their love and respect for Keith. On his 50th birthday,in 1997, he had a party for staff and friends in the Greyhound. The boys somehow got wind ofthis event and after supper the entire school assembled outside and gave stirring renditions of'Shosoloza'and 'Happy Birthday'. There were tears in many eyes that evening. P-H < H CO Keith Decker has a great love for Kearsney and gave his full support to all the College's activities. He was to be seen at all sporting and other events,standing unobtrusively in the background and giving quiet words of encouragementto the boys involved. Keith Decker is unique in the extent to which he has earned the love,respect and admiration ofgenerations of boys of the College. You can retire with pride, Keith. You are indeed a Kearsney legend. iStaff Y \ t Lo'^g'^ewing staff: Fifteen years and more.Rod de Villiers, Ant V7illows, Dave Goldhawk,John Drew,Keith decker, Rob Candotti, Paula Isaacs, Barend Steyn, Fred Cocks,Jerry Ndaba,Andre van Zyl, Kevin smith,Dave graves, Ronnie Wallace, Graham Shone - 7

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I pay tribute to representatives of companies and individuals who support our scholarship and bursary fund for their generosity % MrChairman,the Barrows team,staff, guests.Old Boys and boys ofthe College. In the audience this morning are representatives of companies and individuals who support our scholarship and bursary fund as well as other benefactors. I pay tribute to you and thank you for your generosity shown to the College. The parents society has been particularly helpful this year under the Chairmanship of Ian Pears. They have been the proverbial pillar ofsupport where needed. In addition,we are grateful to the parents of all our Grade 12 boys for their faith in us,their interest and their involvement over the years. The Chairman of Board and Board members as well as theTrustees are thanked for another year ofgood governance,jNick Keary and the Sister Dot Bissell retires after9 years. Ever efficient and concerned about the health and welfare ofthe boys in her care,we wish her well in her retirement. We also pay tribute to Rose Armstrong, debtors'clerk,who is emigrating after10 years'service and Zi Ntshangase, marketing assistant who leaves Kearsney next week for a well-deserved position in the private sector I am happy to report that one of our ISASA and Epoch sponsored Mathematics and English interns,Sibu Nhleko,qualifies as a teacher after4 years with us and has been appointed as a Mathes teacher at Felixton College on the North Coast. This is a tremendous achievement and we wish Sibu al l the best as he enters the Good progress has been recorded with teaching profession, the introduction ofthe code of honour , . . , , , , , , 1 ^ ■ I I wish to acknowledge administered by the Honour Council the superb contribution which is chaired by the Head or made by the academic. Deputy Head prefect finance, marketing and administrative staff who have unselfishly and loyally kept the ship afloat this year. The managementteam and the executive have acquitted themselves well,always being prepared to indulge in robust debate and to courageously tackle difficult challenges. Old Boys Executive have been Graham Shone,teacher of English for 22 years also retires. He has patiently resourceful and loyal as usual. I would also like to acknowledge the support my wifeTracey gives me In my position as Headmaster It is always a sad duty to say farewell to departing staff,3 ofwhom are retiring at the end ofthe year Keith Decker has given 30 years ofservice to Kearsney. During this time he has held a number of positions Including Head of Mathematics,Senior Deputy Headmaster and Head ofAcademics. On the sports field he has coached Water Polo and Rugby at various levels but. In both sports, up to I st team level. We thank him for his long and sterling service to the College. taught many ofthe most trying English pupils and produced the most amazing outcomes with these boys. Extramurally, Graham was an effective manager of teams in Swimming,Water Polo and Soccer He too has devoted a large portion of his life to Kearsney. Highlights ofthe year must include the outstanding 2009 National Senior Certificate results which were confirmed in early January. Individual H O CO H CO < Q < PP PC Q PC U PP PP pp CP CO f y /,.-1 :j / % V" :

H O m CO PLJ H CO < Q < w X Q PC U PP PP pu CO and group achievement in a number of National Olympiads has been excellent as well as selections to provincial and national sporting teams. We had a number of boys competing atWorld Championship events overseas and of course the Choir did us proud once We need to assure everyone including the class of2010 that we will all work hard to ensure that Kearsney will be here for our great,great,great,great,great grandchildren again by winning a gold medal at the World Choir Games in China. A little known gem in the College is the Academic Support Unit where boys with various barriers to learning are supported and assisted to overcome those obstacles. We are extremely proud ofthe achievements ofthese boys and the staff who assist them. 2010 was a year of management restructuring,completed after widespread consultation and feedback from the IQAA evaluation ofthe College In March. Both the academic and sporting divisions ofthe College have been restructured to cope with the demands ofour current situation. Accommodation and the living space of both boys and staff have received a major boost this year with the commencement ofan upgrading programme which is to be rolled out over the nextfew years. Pembroke is in the process of being totally refurbished and much effort has gone into modernising and increasing staff housing on the campus. We continue to work on improving and consolidating the two major festivals: the Mercury Upbeat Festival and the Biythedale Coastal Resorts Easter Rugby Festival, both of which are powerful Indicators ofthe balanced education we offer at Kearsney Good progress has been recorded with the introduction ofthe code of honour administered by the Honour Gouncll which Is chaired by the Head or Deputy Head prefect. Added to this has been a freshening up ofthe wellness and Life Orientation programmes. Within the latter we have Incorporated a 3 day ethics course for all Grade I I boys. Kearsney will be celebrating its 90th Anniversary in 201 1 and our planning has reached an advanced stage. Please keep an eye outto see where you can join us in the celebrations. In conclusion I would like to pay tribute to the Matrics. Thank you to the prefects,ably led by KG and Warren who are 2ofthe finest young men one could hope to meet. The captains of all sports and of all teams are acknowledged for the effort they put into leading their sides. Those boys who took leadership positions in the Choin Orchestra and in the myriad clubs and societies we run,we appreciate what you have done. Then there are the boys who slave away behind the scenes or on the sports fields In a supportive capacity,devoting hours oftheir time to assist the College In one or other role and there are many boys in this category,thank you. The vast body of boys who are not afforded the opportunity to lead or occupy high profile positions but whom nevertheless represented the College with pride and passion,we salute you-you are the backbone of Kearsney. Trees known as Coast Redwoods, found In California are the tallest living things on the planet and amongst the oldest as well-trees up to 1 16 meters high and literally thousands of years old. In a recent publication ofthe National GeographicTraveller Magazine, correspondent Richard Preston writes of his experience on finding one ofthe tallest and oldest Redwoods known as Artemis In Prairie Creek State Park. I quote Preston: "I spotted Artemis, visibly bigger and older than its neighbours, with whitishgrey bark (like people,redwoods go grey with age). A stream ran down into a hole in the base ofthe tree and disappeared underground. Wondering where the stream went I squirmed into the hole and found myselfin a cave, filled with a shining pool ofwater. The . cave was alive. Artemis was already a giant tree when the Vikings discovered Iceland and it will likely outlive my great great,great,great,great grandchildren." Kearsney may well not be the oldest Redwood around In terms ofschools, nor the tallest, northe bulkiest nor the heaviest but like Artemis,there Is a pool ofwater under Its trunk,not often seen or appreciated,that speaks of l ife, camaraderie,values, passion,service to others,tenacity,a concern for the underdog and a determination that when we slip and fall, we are prepared to take It on the chin and stand up to fight another day. We need to assure everyone Including the class of2010 that we will al l work hard to ensure that Kearsney,like Artemis,will be here for our great,great,great,great,great grandchildren. Thank you and God bless you. Vaji d&n Aa)-duje.^ Page Sponsored by;The Lundall Family - 10 -

When I began to prepare this address I realised that this will be my last official public function as Chairman ofthe Kearsney Board,and it is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on what I have learnt I realised when I began to prepare this address that this will be my last official public function as Chairman ofthe Kearsney Board,and it is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on what I have learnt while presiding over this highly competent and committed Board. But before doing this, I would l ike to pick out an example of why establishments like Kearsney are special. We heard today that Keith Decker will be retiring in December and in this disposable world in which we live here is a teacher that has taughttwo generations of Kearsney boys. I was privileged to have been here when Decks arrived in 1980 and I have a son who is also a beneficiary of having been taught by this educational giant. Keith, I salute you and all those others like you who give meaning to the words humility, commitment,loyalty and outstanding service. I am in no doubtthat my involvement on the Kearsney Board has been an education for me (it seems schools never stop teaching those who get involved) and I would like to borrow from an analogy in the Headmaster's new boy speech in trying to explain how I see our school system working. Elw/yn describes the experience ofa ship leaving the harbour as being akin to a new boy starting his life at Kearsney. I am going to extend the shipping theme to ask you to imagine that a boy's career at Kearsney can be described as a journey on a cruise ship:there are possibly some boys for which this analogy may be a little too close to the truth. We have a company that owns the ship and this company has a board of directors that sits on dry land making strategic decisions and endeavouring to ensure the financial viability ofthe company. We have a ship's captain and crew who have to make sure the ship sails safely from A to B and at the same time try and make the journey an enjoyable one. finds a few parents hanging on to the side ofthe ship not wanting to let go; some ofthe passengers start feeling sea sick and believe they wil l never be equipped for life at sea so phone their parents wanting to jump off;there are some helicopters flying overhead which belong to other parents just checking that things are okay;the sea starts to get a bit rough with some unanticipated large swells. Meanwhile,one ofthe competitor ships has avoided the heavy swells and the passengers and their parents start comparing notes via cell phone and helicopter reconnaissance. Our captain is clearly an idiot so the board,sitting miles away,is After all who wants to pay for a cruise but have a miserable voyage? Our school would not exist without involved parents and passionate boys Then we have the passengers who are outto enjoy the cruise and participate In the various activities that wil l make it a memorable journey. In Kearsney's case we have about 600 ofthem. We also have previous passengers,some ofwho took the same route but in the days of sai l ing ships and without GPS navigation,and for them keelhauling and flogging errant passengers should still be allowed. We have the passengers' parents who are paying for the trip,and we have other competitive shipping companies which offer the same cruise package. So this is the interesting mix of players In our story. Let's set sail. The passengers board the ship with a mixture ofexcitement and nervousness and most oftheir parents stand on the wharf resigned to l imited contact while their sons are at sea. The captain and crew determine a course, based on previous experience and anticipated weather conditions,and head out ofthe harbour It is not long after SS Kearsney hits the open sea that problems start to appear:the crew told to intervene and sort it out. Before the board can respond,the swells die down butthe route turns nasty and heavy waves start pounding the competition. Our captain is a genius! just then the company's finance director informs the captain that some passengers have not paid their fare and suggests they should be thrown overboard. This is a tough call forthe captain so he asks the governors what they think. Meanwhile the voyage Is turning outto be a life-changing experience for most ofthe passengers who have committed themselves to making sure they get as much out ofthe cruise as they can... I could go on but hopefully you are getting the picture. I have learnt that conditions at sea are never as smooth as the captain and crew might want you to believe and equally that they are never as extreme as the passengers would like those at home to believe. H O PU p< CO < pi >—( < PC U Q PC U PJ PJ PP CO Page Sponsored by: Mark,Michael and Elaine Airey - M -

H O Ph PP Ph CO < eti I—( < p: u In talking to other ships' boards,other captains and other crew members there is a common theme to the source of most problems: most will have you believe that concerns are either trivial or a result of helicopter parenting,that schools would be idyllic without interfering parents. There is an element oftruth to this but I have a warning for all of us in the schooling system, and here I am going to borrow from those great musical philosophers,The Pussycat Dolls,who so wisely sang:"be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it". "Be careful what you wish for 'cause you just might get it" Our schools would not exist, nor could they maintain their standards,without involved parents and passionate boys. Coupled with high quality teachers and supportive old boys and you have the recipe for a fantastic educational voyage. The key is getting the mix ofthese ingredients in the right proportions,and that ladies and gentleman,is a large part ofthe job ofa school governing board. Thank you all for the opportunity I have had to gain an understanding ofthe need for this balance. Po!l('i h "o m I The Speech Day Prize Winners 12 -

We are blessed by being in each other's presence, unified by the unique greyhound that sits proudly on our chests Boys,today we are blessed by being in each other's presence,unified by the unique greyhound that sits proudly on our chests. Before we became Kearsney boys,we were merely individuals among other individuals. Most of us were unaccustomed to an environment where camaraderie and bonds of brotherhood existed, buttoday we are products ofthese under-rated qualities that makes us a family of620 boys, all striving to uphold the reputation established by those who came before us. It feels l ike just yesterday,when I was uncertain of which institution would best nurture my groxArth from a young boy to respectable gentleman. The advice and guidance given by my brother -a Kearsney old boy-made it seem as if this environment was one established on foundations of perfection. I was startled at how an institution could inspire such devotion and loyalty in a young man. As I entered the gates of Kearsney and was driven down the picturesque Founders Avenue for the very first time I felt doubt fill my heart. My faith was only restored when I was welcomed into a family of boys. Today,this place represents the very definition ofa 'rainbow nation'. A place where timeless values are instilled and the bonds ofcamaraderie overshadowed all differences of race,age and creed. Ufe challenges us with decisions that will decision, brothers,has been to attend Kearsney. Now we appreciate this way of l ife. We have been governed by timehonoured traditions,learnt the significance ofself-pride and we have witnessed the power ofa passionate approach. Ourtriumph on DHS's Founder's Day and the exceptional achievements ofthe Choir in China are examples ofour X-factor It is this that distinguishes our uniqueness and our ability to shine. The boys ofthis institution feed off each other's energy,contributing to the spirit of'ubuntu'which is so strong a part ofthe way of l ife at Kearsney. This word is appropriate for an occasion All good stories have a final chapter It is never easy to let go ofsonnething which you hold dear and to embrace the uncertainty ofchange stories;chicken mayonnaise and samoosaThursday; May the definition ofa true Kearsney boy remain one who is ofsound moral principles, integrity and honour and may we continue to uphold the Christian values that guide us spiritually. I stand before you today with no regret and filled with contentment. I beseech you never to undermine the opportunities given to you. It is necessary to thank all those responsible for our presence here today...THANK YOU. It is a privilege which presents itself hand-in-hand with the concept of seizing the day. Matrics,soon we wil l depart. We will leave with the memories we have made. I wonder:who will replace the spontaneous welcoming personality of Siya'Khanda' Hadebe;Mr Moodley's Tuesday night such as this; a day when we honour the accomplishments ofour brothers. We are all responsible for each other's growth. The inspiration which we ignite through our many relationships enhances personal progression in others and we are co-operatively responsible for the deserved accolades ofthe boys receiving awards today. ■IZANDLA SEYA GIZANA' - a hand washes another. scrambling for cheese 'zarms' on Friday; sport; exeats; grooving Saturdays and darkie Sundays. Warren, this year you have been more than just a neighbour; you have been a friend whose support I have really valued. Your composed nature and worthy advice helped me battle through many difficult experiences. I will miss your frequent and unmelodic singing that pierced the walls each morning. Thank you. All good stories have a final chapter It,is never easy to let go of something which you hold dear and to embrace uncertainty of change. Everyone We leave behind will be missed. To every family who ever open-heartedly welcomed the boys to their homes, we ^ank you. J^latrics, let us depart with our heads fiheld high, even though we may have ,» tears in our eyes. Today we begin the llprocess of handing over the school and lAe know that the legacy is in safe hands. ■'J. (t is time for us to say 'adieu'. S&ao/e Page Sponsored by: Embury Institute for Teacher Education. A private Higher Education Institution for quality Teachers Education. Tel: 031 303 7390 email: - 13 - Qur il»' B9 I CJ PU pp CP CO CO >- 0 CQ Q < X Q 1 O PP pp PP CP CO

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lEB NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE 2010 Bachelors Degree Pass 89 Diploma Pass 09 Higher Certificate Pass 01 Did not Qualify 01 SUBJECT DISTINCTIONS(4 OR MORE) 9 J Perry Accounting,Afrikaans,English, History,LO,Maths,Maths P3 Science,AP Maths 8 P Steenkamp Accounting,Afrikaans,English, History,LO,Maths, Maths P3, Science On list of44 commendable lEB students (top 5% of5 subjects) R Steinhagen Accounting,Afrikaans, English, History,LO, Maths,Maths P3, Science On list of65 outstanding lEB students(top 5% of6 subjects) CAppleton Accounting, English,IT LO,Maths, Maths P3,Science JReid Accounting,English, History,LO, Maths,Maths P3,Science V C Smith English, Geography,LO,Life Sciences, Maths,Maths P3,Science YVij i.,»Accounting,Geography,IT LO,Maths,MathsTS,Science M Brown Accounting,History,LQtMaths,Maths P3,Science D Pearce Geography,LO,Life Sciences, Maths,Mat CTic^s tGD,Geography,LO,Maths,Maths P3,Icience B Cochrane-Murray Accounting,LO,Maths,Maths P3,Science J Lacon-Allin Accounting,Geography,LO,Haths,Maths#3L'| R Neale .' IT LO,.Maths, TOP 1% IN COUNTRY SHOWN fN'BOLD . " ^ 1 CO H '7m 3 CO W PC w H < H w U Ph O '■3» z J w "V CO CQ W \ % ■ . -» a? * Irmi i i 9 !P- K m - 5 ' 3»::j||flheeriftg:and Associated Products. Suppliers of pipes, fittings, flanges, I 03-J 301 0036 Cell: 083 230 1764 email: yj

1 ; fs» T rfj «?• J ■f»:. 1:1 .i ;:! I-F • I 11 ■:- ' J' ;/,;t ;3fe ■ r ■ ■;■• P ' ' --I -V ■:>■? -"

AFRIKAANS NATIONAL EXPOWINNERS DRAMA 1 i «^ m mi Gold Certificate Francois Conradie Jayson Hirshovitz Jacques deVilliers DevilnTyack James Singery Christopher de Beer Ross Owen Justin Palmer Nick Bartlett Daniel Botha Kyle Bagshaw Ryan Meyer Silver Certificate Wesley Allan-Reynolds JUNIOR STUDENTS COUNCIL FOR EXEMPLARY PUBLIC SERVICE TheTony Leon Award Sean Kelly KEARSNEY COLLEGE COUNCIL FOR OUTSTANDING PUBLIC SERVICE TheTony Leon Award WadeTaylor PHOTOGRAPHER OFTHEYEAR Rick Neale ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE PRIZE FORTHE GREATEST CONTRIBUTION TOTHE KEARSNEY ENVIRONMENT The HattyTrophy NIc Andrew PUBLIC SPEAKING AWARDS HALF-COLOURS Njabulo Bophela Roan McCabe Andile Mkhwanazi Gedion Mokgathle Warren Seals Salithiso Siwisa Chris Smith Luyanda Soslbo Mark Stromnes YagnaVlj COLOURS Joshua Perry Ze Nxumalo Rainer Steinhagen Jason Temlett Kagiso Segole SERVICETO COLLEGE HONOURS Ashay Ramroop(Re-Award) Jason Temlett Andrew Hill HALF-COLOURS Daniel Roberts Troy Meaker Marshall Morton Luke Peinke COLOURS Patrick Bell MUSIC THE PRIZE FOR OUTSTANDING SOLO PERFORMANCE The Warrington MusicTrophy Mateusz Kneblewski MUSIC HALF-COLOURS Murray Polkinghorne(Re-Award) ThulanI Maphanga Jayden Hartman TannerWareham Michael Shadwell Andrew Adie Troy Meaker Thomas Pearse Nkanyezi HIatshwayo Dylan Delport Jean-LucTalbot Sam Shabangu Lusayo Mwangalawa Jarred Murphy Mpilo Mthethwa Wesley Lazenby Mandi Cebanto Johan Smit Luke Peinke MUSIC COLOURS Khaya HIatshwayo (Re-Award) Joshua Boudan (Re-Award) Patrick Bell Kagiso Segole Luyanda Soslbo Jacques Goosen Gedion Mokgathle Njabulo Bophela Slya Hadebe Brendan Meaklim Hlubi Hadebe MUSIC HONOURS Mateusz Kneblewski(Re-Award) Wlllem Brooks Stefan Grobler Warren Vernon-Driscoll CHESS HALF-COLOURS Ashley Rainier(Re-Award) Victor Kobe Dylan Acutt Alex Adams Thando Mathebula eQ S pj CO CO < z o I—( H < H Z PP CO pp PCh Ph Page Sponsored by; Cape Shoreline Properties specialises in luxury and budget holiday accommodation in Simons Town and the Southern Peninsula. Contact Beverley on 021 786 4877 or 073 9549205 - 17 -

M' m i I'"'- SENIOR CHAMPION TheWard Shield Ashley Rainier JUNIOR CHAMPION The StanekTrophy Ivan Crockart / KgomotsoTshabalala THE INTER-HOUSE CHESSTROPHY Finningley (Victor Kolbe) CANOEING COLOURS Rowan Ainsworth CRICKET HALF-COLOURS i Brynne Campbell ' Jacques van der Merwe : James Lambert COLOURS ; Josh Perry(Re-Award) RobertVeldhulzen Michael Shadwell Declan Ahern Cralg KIrsten HONOURS I Jason Lacon-Allln (Re-Award) : Chad Bowes(Re-Award) ' Richard Pentecost Mark Airey THE HOUSE PROVIDING THE GREATEST NUMBER OF PLAYERS The Jmr & B Hulett Salver Pembroke (accepted by Jason Lacon-Allin) THE INTER-HOUSETROPHY Finningley (Josh Perry) CROSS-COUNTRY THEJUNIOR INTER-HOUSEWINNERS The MWA Fourie Memorial Trophy Pembroke (accepted by D Zondl) THE UI5 INDIVIDUALWINNER The RW CalderTrophy Tristan Tedder OPEN INDIVIDUALWINNER The JeannotTrophy James Reld THE SENIOR INTER-HOUSE WINNERS The G H Christian Trophy Sheffield (accepted by James Reld) HALF-COLOURS Daniel Marsden Andrew Adie Johan Smit Troy Meaker Michael Parnell Murray Polkinghorne Darren Bonorchis ConnorTiegs GOLF TROPHY FOR BESTJUNIOR Greg Royston TROPHY FOR SCHOOL CHAMPION Cameron Byrne TROPHY FOR INTERHOUSEWINNERS Finningley (accepted by Matt Cilliers) HALF-COLOURS Devlin Tyack Remy Hunt Keegan Hills Emmanuel Ntshembeni COLOURS Cameron Byrne Matthew Cilliers HONOURS Martin Rohwer(Re-Award) HOCKEY THE OUTSTANDING PLAYER IN THE ISTTEAM The 1980 Cup Jason Lacon-Allin PHYSICAL EDUCATION THETOP PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS OFTHEYEAR The Peter van der SchyffTrophy 9A(accepted by Vaughn Pears) RUGBY THE HOUSE PROVIDING THE GREATEST NUMBER OF PLAYERS The Robin Blamey SalverTrophy Sheffield (Darren Nunes) THE MOST SUCCESSFULTEAM OFTHEYEAR The Old CrocksTrophy U15A (accepted by Zander Rossouw) THE INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION WINNERS The Stan StottTrophy Finningley (accepted by Andrew Holland) SOCCER TEAM OFTHEYEAR 2009 U14AGE GROUP U14C (accepted by Ivan Crockart) U IS AGE GROUP UISB (accepted by Bevan Jackson) UI6AGE GROUP U16B (accepted byYamukela Ngidi) Page Sponsored by:The Garner Family I I

THE SENIOR DOUBLES CHAMPIONS Dr & Mrs I Coll SalverTrophy Rainer Steinhagen Dominic Koenig WATERPOLO THE INTERHOUSE COMPETITION WINNERS The Hall Cup Sheffield (accepted by Ze Nxumalo) w \ THE MAJORTROPHIES SPORTSMAN OFTHEYEAR Myles Brown / Murray McDougall ALL ROUND SPORTSMAN OFTHEYEAR The Nunes FamilyTrustTrophy Richard Pentecost THEAH SMITH INTER-HOUSETROPHY FORTHE HOUSETHAT HAS PERFORMED BEST IN THE SPORTS & CULTURAL INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION 4th 3rd 2nd 1st Gillingham (68) Pembroke(77) Sheffield (95) Finningley(102) (accepted by Andrew Holland) OPEN AGE GROUP I St XI (accepted by Lunga Sibaya) OVERALLTEAM WITH MOSTTEAM SPIRIT UI5F(accepted by Ben Nield) 5th XI (accepted by Gareth Reece-Edwards) HALF-COLOURS CameronThompson Robert duToit Linda Mabaso Warren Seals Declan Ahern Qiniso DIadIa Ryan Schmitz Sikumbuzo Dhlomo Sandile Kubeka COLOURS RobertVeldhuizen Kagiso Segole HONOURS Lunga Sibaya SQUASH THEJUNIOR CHAMPION The NegusTrophy Josh Prinn THE U16 CHAMPION TheA U BAmosTrophy josh Piggott THE SENIOR CHAMPION The Old BoysTrophy Myles van Musschenbroek THE MOST IMPROVED SQUASH PLAYER The Carrington Trophy Ross Hendry THE INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION WINNERS The KODETrophy Finningley (accepted by josh Piggott) TENNIS THE SENIOR SINGLES CHAMPION The Polkinghorne Cup ' josh Devine THEJUNIOR SINGLES CHAMPION The George HulettTrophy Dale Sandy AWARDTOTHE MOST IMPROVED PLAYER IN THE SCHOOL Nicholas Bacon AWARDTOTHE PLAYER OUTSIDETHE I STTEAM WHO HASSHOWN THE MOST ENTHUSIASM & COMMITMENT Dale Sandy THE INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION WINNERS Finningley (accepted by Dominic Koenig) Page Sponsored by: Dr A Ramdeo ofthe CARE Clinic in Westville. Striviing for fertility excellence. Centre for assisted reproduction &.endocrinology, email: Tel:031 267 7920 - 19 - THE PARKES INTER-HOUSETROPHY FORACADEMICS 4th Pembroke (73,3) 3rd: Gillingham (83.7) 2nd: Sheffield (92.8) 1st Finningley(102) (accepted by Jason Temlett) OVERALL COMBINED INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION 4th Pembroke (144.3) 3rd Gillingham (15 1 .7) 2nd Sheffield (187.8) THEVELDMANTOP HOUSETROPHY 1st Finningley(204.6) (accepted by Josh Perry) c/:) CO < Z o I—I H < H Z p-i CO pp CP

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The prefect body revisited the concept of,and created,the Honour Code The prefect body revisited the concept of,and created,the Honour Code, It is intended to ensure that Kearsney boys are upright,sincere,ofsound moral principles and have a keen sense of ethical conduct. The boys continuously strive to Internalise these ideals and understand that these qualities have the potential to elevate the College's excluslveness and reputation and so the Code is for the boys, by the boys. The initiative will ensure that Kearsney remains a sanctuary of happiness and friendship. Our goal of creating a stable and happy environment was attained The year was successful,eventful and memorable due to the Involvement,attitude and leadership ofthe Matric group. Though a headstrong and dedicated class of Matlcs, our goal of creating a stable and happy environment was attained. The leadership ofthe prefect body was inspirational and on behalf ofthe Matrics, I would like to thank the school for their unconditional support. We depart with contentment,faithful that this institution is left in safe hands. CO H U pp PP pd Ph PP p: Jl H % iJj w i.m m 1 m. Bi!«a PREFECTS 2010 BACK ROW;]Booyens,N Bophela,B Stroberg,C Bowes,B Campbell, J Lacon-Allin, R Veldhuizen,j Reid,C Appleton SECOND ROW:]Temlett,8Mgwaba,R Scott-Martin,R McCabe,P Steenkamp,Y Vij,A Holland, 8 Blount,R Harwood,C Smith FRONT ROW:R Steinhagen,J Perry,W Seals, Mr E van den Aardweg(Headmaster),KG Segole(Headboy), Mr A Willows,G Dahl,8 McClelland,G Mokgathle 21 -

^/l •-nf K ii i ■ The Kearsney Coltege^^eHtage Conili|iittee " ^ < • ' I ■* ""•y •- --.-wrSS ^ was formed in 2007 Wjth the airh of recognisit^i iand preserving the College's rich history .I' ) '• .ni N'6 W 1 1nderthe able chairmanship of |- -p1 Dr Graeme Shuker trustee f and past chairman of the board, the L committee consists of both past and H present staff members. Every one of the members gives generously and tirelessly of their time to ensure that . I in going forward, the College is always mindful from whence it has come. Members of the committee were thrilled to welcome Ronni Wallace into their ranks. O was an-important year as it '• "the Hill. \|i ' ^^^''?®:^^spicious milestone in '^-as the^ear was spent planning the Cotege's^Oth Anniversary ^year^O.^ Heritage projects completed In 2010 • Retaining of a professional archivist - Mrs Henriette Ridley - to advise on the organisation and procedures of the school archives. • Writing the script and planning towards a 201 I 90th Anniversary Heritage DVD. • Petitioning the trustees to recognise the headmastership ofGoiin Silcock by renaming the rece^^ completed Stott field extension t^^'Silcock Field'. The trustees havfe\agreed and the official renamirt^will be . undertaken as part of tli| 90th anniversary celebration^^" H Updating the old Kearsnejt%Jm|^i M register to include the n^fnfes ^4tfl ■^boys who had entered^b||^pge, [he register previously ' 1990. Keith Decker who retired at the end of the year was an integral member of the Heritage Committee. We/Stfls. thrilled that he has agreed to stdym'sttje committee in his retireij^enfevAirtii^ibpr of celebratib'rls havo'^en ptkn'ned^^^ for 201 I to comn/e/iorate" ' anniversary; wil l be respor for them i-l U/M« w a iv ——' »- 2. . ^ Urn -V I m K mr • 1 h m i ■«fc VSr

Our core responsibility is to represent the views ofthe boys and to champion these before the school management The Council had a tough task improving upon the previous Council's developments but I am proud to say that,with the help of Barend Steyn, It was a successful year Our core responsibility is to represent the views ofthe boys and to champion these before the school management and this year we found many of these challenges focused upon the dining halls. The newly founded food committee were backed In their concerns by both the Council and Myles Delport,who leads the committee. I believe that the Honour Code and Honour Council have become the chiefsuccess of student focused management at Kearsney and I see Its relevance In fostering honesty and integrity in the boys growing in years to come. I would just like to thank the council for their support and hard work during the year as well as thanking the boys ofthe College for giving us the opportunity to representthem. H-l CARPE DIEM! (j z o u H z w Q H CO w X mm m. i § SI m m KCC BACKROW:D Nunes,D Horton,M McDougall,D Ahern MIDDLE ROW:S Scott-Martin,R Page,T Pears,S Kelly,D Koenig,S Siwisa FRONT ROW:K Segole,W Taylor(Chairman),MrB Steyn,R du Toit,W Seals ABSENT:R Rennie,M Laubscher Page Sponsored by: Berlin, Vanessa and Vaughan-Rhys Nayanger - 23 -

SOUTH AfM«A 2010 World CupTicket Fund Campaign rewarding commitment by schools to Community Service and Outreach. The Kearsney Foundation gathered stories ofthe amazing work by boys and staff ofthe College and as a result Kearsney was rewarded with i "Feel it, It is here." I count myselfvery blessed as I had removed my name from the list of people attending games at the stadiums. Hyundai came along and revived the World Cup Spirit in me. You made sure that this slogan left an indelible mark in my life notjust as words but in action as well. I had a chance to be part of happy people in the stadium. I fully enjoyed the game,blew myVuvuzela to my lungs'satisfaction, mingled with friends and colleagues and had fun. Thank you very much Hyundai for offering me such an opportunity. Europa Ngubane Hyundai,thanks so much for the opportunity to take my family to the game - it was an absolute treat and a once in a lifetime opportunity! Andy Morgan Thank you so much for affording me the opportunity to attend the Holland vs japan game at the Moses Mabida Stadium in Durban. The once in a lifetime experience was thoroughly enjoyed. My deepest thanks. Dean Moodley It was a wonderful experience especially for the guys that have never been to soccer game but love soccer They have seen Moses Mabhida only on TV;to be seated there and watch a world cup game was something that Margie Conway-Nunn,Bongl Ndaba (teacher)&Zastra Conway-Nunn(teacher) supportJapan with local flavour I 10 tickets. The boys were selected based on the number ofcommunity hours served and a staff lottery created great excitement. Words ofthanks from Staffto Hyundai To be part of more than 62000 spectators from all walks of life at Moses Mabida was an awesome experience. The most beautiful thing which came outfrom this experience,from the most beautiful game was to see thousands of people from all overthe world sharing a common goal and having fun,forgetting about their differences. Thanks to you guys,for making it possible- it wasAYOBA. Jerry Ndaba I would like to thank the sponsors for affording methe opportunity to take my family to experience the world cup. More so for the children. They got really excited and spent many hours customising their own Makarapas. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks. Stephen Main If cfl The vibe in the stands: they only dreamt of, never thought it wil happen in their lives. On behalfof all my township boys, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude for giving them the opportunity to attend a world cup game. It is an experience that they will never forget. The atmosphere in the stadium,the vuvuzelas,the camaraderie,and lastly the true rainbow nation. I am certain that they felt very special to be part ofthat history. Thanks a lot to Hyundai and Lap desk Manzlnl Zungu on behalf ofthe Kearsney boys It was wonderful to be afforded the opportunity to share in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity on South African soil. Adam Rogers Thank you so much for making it possible for us to enjoy the 2010World Cup feverl! We had a Ball! Karen Seals &family Thank you forthe opportunity awarded; the event was spectacular and it is great that Hyundai played such a huge role in the sponsorship. Ashwin Premlal "Thank you for affording me this once in a life time experience and opportunity to watch the Netherlands/japan game. The game was brilliant and stadium was electrifying. Had an awesome time. Many thanks and warm regards. Jess Lankesar Thank you forthe incredible privilege to be a part ofthe greatest sporting event on the planet! And to think the world was watching our home town, Durban. It has instilled a national pride I didn't think possible. Well " done Hyundai for helping bring the World Cup to Africa. The world will never see us in the same light again. Joy Mllls-Hackmann am a single mother-teacher who has not been able to go on holiday for so long as I can remember On the 19th of June,Hyundai however gave my IT*' "IL' r" J Joy Mills-Hackmann and Margie Conway-Nunn with Netherlands fans Dean Seals Page Sponsored by: Neil and Amanda Garroway based in Lusaka,Zambia - 24 -

family and me the most fantastic opportunity to watch the Netherlands/Japan game. It wasthe highlight of my life! We had so much fun. We supported Japan - were interviewed by every single Japanese channel,took many, many photos;made Japanese friends;swapped memoirs with the Japanese and danced on all the stages. It was fun,fun,funi Zastra Conway-Nunn To watch the game directly between Netherlands and Japan was totally different and more important than watching on the TV. Many thanks to the Head and Hyundai Sponsors for making it possible to walk into the stadium. Robert SIbiya As one ofthe lucky staff members who won a ticketto the Netherlands-Japan match at Moses Mabhida I would just like to thank Hyundai forthe unforgettable experience ofwatching aWorld Cup match live. The atmosphere,vibe and sense of'togetherness' were truly amazing! Neil Peacock As I had not managed to get hold ofany world cup tickets, I was delighted to be able to watch the Netherlands vs Japan game thanks to Hyundai. My children and I had a fantastic time and it was an experience we will cherish for a very longtime. It really brought home the impact ofthis global event, especially for my kids who loved every minute ofthe experience. Thank you to Hyundai for allowing us this wonderful experience, Simon Moore Holland vs Japan on a beautiful Durban orange wonderland speckled with a red rising sun! Thank you for the opportunity of enjoying the excitement and privilege ofworld cup soccer and experiencing the culture of Ubuntu. Bea Croudace Absolutely superb day for our family. Bright, colourful, noisy with fantastic interaction with Dutch and Japanese fans. Many thanks. John Drew I would like to thank Hyundai very much as well as the school forthe opportunity given to us and our partners to watch the game between Netherlands and was a very good experience and good atmosphere,to top it all one ofthe teams we watched went all the way to the finals. Thank you very much guys! Now we can proudly say we were there and we've got tickets to show for it and that's thanks to you! Wiseman Ngwane I m. The value and amazing opportunities brought to Kearsney through our special relationships with our funding partners brings a much unique dimension to Kearsney Oursincere thanks go to Kearsney's new and on-going loyal partners for their loyalty and support during a particularly tough economic period. Support is a great source ofencouragement and is a testimony to the relevance of Kearsney's vision which is'to contribute to our country by providing highly skilled, healthy,ethical and capable citizens who are able to contribute to a balanced and safe society and a growing economy' In 2010 our supporters were active in the following: • Educating 55 students who received externally funded bursaries and scholarships; • The Optima and Epoch Trusts support continues to expands Mathematics excellence at Kearsney; • Support for much needed renovations ofthe Kearsney Chapel has increased the space to comfortably accommodate all boys and teachers at Chapel; • Kearsney Old Boys collectively and at a branch level were involved in special projects demonstrating;leadership as well as faith and thanks for their grounding at Kearsney; • Corporate sponsorship of R2,2 million made it possible to present three festivals bringing the best talent to the province and Kearsney. Support covered costs with carry overfunds for the next festivals (namely the KearsneyTennis Festival in February,Easter Rugby festival,and the Upbeat Festival in August). PARTNERS INACTION The gift of excellence "The more you read,the more things you will know. The more things you learn,the more places you'll go." Dr Seuss -1 can read with my eyes shut. There is overwhelming evidence that our children are not reading enough. Why is that? Speaking to Ms Cebisa Ndlazi,an English teacher from Nompendulo High School in a semi-rural township outside King Williamstown,sheds some light on the problem. "When talking to my learners I find that most homes don't have any reading material. And ifthey do,it is only in Xhosa",says Ms Ndlazi. "This is a problem as the language of learning and teaching in South African schools is English. This means that learners write all their subject examinations in a language which they only hear inside the school walls, she adds The Zenex Foundation supports schools such as Nompendulo as well as centres of excellence such as Kearsney. Through the ISASA Maths and English bursary programme Zenex is a valued Kearsney partner Their research studies have shown W z o I—I H < Q Z Z o >- PJ z CO < l-p The Mzi and Khosi Khumalo Foundation metfor lunch with current students and discussed plans to continue their support in perpertuity through Endowed Funding. David Zondi, Kagiso Segole,Dr Khosi Khumalo,Thabo Ntuli, Phakamani Zulu enjoyed spending time together. Page Sponsored by; Coastal and Fine Minerals and Chemicals Tel:031 764 1500 25