
Founded in 1921 2012 Founded in 1921 90th Anniversary 201

1 CONTENTS 2 THE YEAR IN REVIEW Inc luding messages f rom the Headmaster, Cha i rman of the Board and the respect i ve houses . Al so meet the Tr ustess of the Kear sney Development Fund. 44 FOUNDATION News and act i v i t ies f rom the Foundat ion of f i ce . 50 KCOB Inc luding a message f rom pres ident of the Old Boys , t r ibutes to Old Boys who have died and news f rom the var ious br anches . 58 SPIRITUALITY Rev Theboho Er asmus repor ts on spi r i tua l i ty and fel lowship at the Col lege . 63 ACADEMIC REVIEW Inc luding the remar kable 2011 IEB NSC resul ts as wel l as spec i f i c deta i l s f rom each of the academi c depar tments . 90 THE ARTS AT KEARSNEY A colour ful and comprehens i ve depi ct ion of the per forming and v i sua l ar ts . 100 CLUBS A deta i led repor t of the myr i ad c lubs and soc iet ies that enr i ch l i fe at the Col lege . 114 SPORT Ref lect ing on the outstanding spor t ing achievements of the year. 182 THE CLASS OF 2011 A farewel l t r ibute to the mat r i c group leav ing the hi l l , inc luding a f ina l message f rom the headboy.

This page is sponsored by: THE YEAR IN REVIEW 2

3 This page is sponsored by: Jesse Daniel, Shane, Kim and Kelsey All these bodies have contributed to making this year a special one in our history. I also wish to thank the companies and individuals who suppor t our scholarship and bursary fund and pay tribute to them for their on-going generosity to the College. In addition, we are grateful to the parents of all our grade 12 boys for their faith in us and their interest and involvement over the years. I would also like to personally acknowledge the support my wife Tracey gives me in my position as Headmaster. It is always a sad duty to say farewell to departing staff. Our Chaplain, Rev Teboho Erasmus leaves Kearsney after two wonderful years at the College. Soon after he arrived at Kearsney, the staff were to meet socially at a local restaurant. The invitation went to all staff by e-mail from Mr Kirsten. Trying to encourage attendance, Mr Kirsten mentioned who else would be present. He mentioned Jack Daniels, Douglas Green, Charles Glass and a few others. Rev Erasmus’ cryptic response to Mr Kirsten was simple, “Dear Peter, I’m praying for you boet”. Rev Erasmus will be setting up a law practice in Johannesburg and we wish him well. Mr Simon Moore, head of Life Sciences, for two years at Kearsney has been promoted to the deputy headship at St John’s school in Pietermaritzburg. He has made a major contribution in a shor t time and was the one person who put up his hand to administer and manage the IQAA quality assurance survey last year and how well he tackled that task. Mrs Sally Cain, school secretary for close on ten years has chosen to leave Kearsney a year shor t of retirement in order to establish a work-fromhome business. Kearsney people will recognise the name Sally from their weekly e-mails received over many years. Sally, we will miss your dry humour and the affection you have for any living animal – including me. We are indeed blessed with an exceptional compliment of staff, be they academic or administrative. I wish to acknowledge their contribution individually and through the various levels of management. The management team and the executive have faced some tough decisions and have acquitted themselves well by always being prepared to indulge in robust debate and to courageously tackle difficult challenges. 2011 began well with the announcement of another outstanding set of national senior cer tificate results. Once again individual and group achievement in a number of national academic Olympiads has been excellent as well as selections to provincial and national sporting teams. This was the year that we celebrated 90 years of Kearsney’s glorious history since the Hulett house outside Stanger opened its doors to between 8 and 14 boys. The celebrations this year took on various forms, ranging from the formal Chapel service to which past and present staff,Trustees, Board and Old Boy representatives were invited. It was appropriate that this first event should be held in the Chapel where we could give thanks to God for His blessings upon Kearsney. Other celebrations were a little more jovial with a 90th anniversary founders dinner, a parents’ spring ball and, on the 4th of August, the actual day of our founding, an all-day celebration for the boys. This year we also witnessed seemingly unbelievable global events: the unexpected Arab spring; the devastating natural disasters in New Zealand and Japan; the sudden closure of News of the World as the result of a phone hacking scandal and the shocking chaos of the London riots. When one studies these events, there was in every case an eventual release of pressure of one kind or another that had been building – sometimes over millions of years. Dr Jacky Jones, a former regional manager with the Irish health service executive, reflected upon the lessons learned from the London riots and suggested that social capital goes a long way in explaining the youthful revolt. Social capital is defined as the patterns and quality of networks between individuals and society. She writes, “Imagine it as a dense mesh of connections that invade every crevice and cranny of human life”. Jones makes the point that levels of trust and mistrust in society are the most important factors that build and erode social capital. High trust increases creativity and critical thinking. Mistrust leads to a vicious cycle of suspicion, cynicism and disillusionment, leading to the disintegration of communities. In view of everything that has occurred during 2011 it is valuable and constructive to ask to what extent our school is encouraging and fostering social capital. Is Kearsney nur turing the dense mesh of inter connectedness between people? It should. On the 4th of August, after a day of celebrating, we were gathered in the Henderson hall to view a DVD illustrating the College’s history. As we experienced a collective pride in our College, news filtered through that one of our prefects, Luke Norris who had been battling Leukaemia for almost a year, was losing that battle in Westville hospital’s intensive care unit. The grade 12 group unobtrusively made their way silently to the Chapel This was the year that we celebrated 90 years of Kearsney’s glorious history I wish to thank and acknowledge the support and assistance of the Parents society under chairman Hayden Kelly, Old Boys executive under chairman Nick Keary, the Kearsney Board under chairman Mr Andile Mazwai and the Trustees under chairman Rob Becker. HEADMASTER’S Report

5 THE YEAR IN REVIEW where we prayed for Luke and his family. Later that night, gathered in a circle on the Stott we experienced that togetherness, “that dense mesh of connections that invade every crevice and cranny of human life” as we wept for the loss of one of our own. I would like to pay tribute to the sixth formers as a group. Thank you to the prefects, led by Murray McDougall and Dom Koenig – two superb young men, uncomplicated, down-to-ear th, honest, men of honour – and the heads of the four senior houses and Haley.You have been outstanding in your leadership and management.The captains of all teams are acknowledged for the effor t they put into leading their sides. Those boys who took leadership positions in the choir, orchestra and in the myriad clubs and societies, we appreciate what you have done. To the boys who slave away behind the scenes or on the spor ts fields in a suppor tive capacity, devoting hours of their time to assist the College in one or other role, thank you. I had the privilege of joining the group of staff and boys who in a 90th anniversary event rode by mountain bike from the old Kearsney Chapel outside Stanger to the Chapel here at Bothas Hill. I stopped off at the old Chapel and walked around to the cemetery where the graves of our founder, Sir Liege and his wife Lady Hulett lie side by side. His epitaph simply states “Born 17th May 1838. Died 15th June 1928. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.” Thank you all and God bless you. Elwyn van den Aardweg HEADM STER’S Report

b Not surprisingly this has focused the national agenda on education. Consulting firm McKinsey has identified what the key success factors are to a country’s schooling system. While there is no perfect model, the three themes as they apply to schools are: decentralisation (handing authority to the school as opposed to the state); a focus on underachieving pupils; and a high standard for teachers. I am pleased to note that Kearsney embodies these principles, confirming its relevance in a competitive world. But Kearsney is also about the boys. The grade 12 group have become young men and now stand at the cusp of making the world their own. Through their hard work they have already made great achievements. Sometimes the boys have been chased to the finish line but in the overall results of the group is embedded the realisation that today’s “average” student would have achieved enough to have been made Dux in my matric year. I would especially like to congratulate the boys who have achieved so much by overcoming learning difficulties. Kearsney’s inclusion programme has yet again demonstrated that every boy can do more than he thought possible and that his best is good enough. I wish to thank the parents and guardians for having entrusted your boys to us in their formative years. Their successes were not just achieved at school but in a home environment that clearly prioritises a good education. As a parent myself, I know that you have worried about every test, exam, match and tournament. This is your time to take pride in excellent achievements, individually and as a parent body. The class of 2011 is a proud one for the College. The world is a competitive place. South Africa was recently included in a group of countries, known as BRICS, by virtue of demonstrating its competency in technology and industry.

7 CHAIRMAN’S Report I wish also to acknowledge the benefactors and friends of Kearsney College. For no material benefit to yourselves, you have given of talents and resources to build this institution. I trust that the collective achievements of the College bear testimony to your input, as a harvest would from the tilling of the soil. Finally, I wish to congratulate the Headmaster, his deputies and his complement of staff. You have worked around the clock, often way beyond the call of duty to turn these boys into young men. On behalf of the Board I wish to thank you and endorse the support for your vision. We congratulate you on the attainment of your goals. Carpe Diem. Andile Mazwai

8 Kearsney Development Fund Registered Trust No: 2334/82 OBJECTIVE The Kearsney Development Fund was created in 1982 to take transfer of and manage the endowment fund of Kearsney College. The Trust (The Kearsney Development Fund) is a registered Non-Profit Organisation and any income that is awarded is applied towards education and development at the School. The key objective of the Kearsney Development Fund is to secure and grow the endowment funds of Kearsney College and to provide sustainable and growing financial suppor t to the College for the benefit of current and future generations. The investment strategy of the Kearsney Development Fund is to preserve and grow the underlying investments in real terms over time through the combined effor ts of the Trustees and an outsourced Investment Manager. TRUSTEES Trust Chairman: Peter Morgan has chaired the Kearsney Development Trust since 1999. Qualifications: B Comm CA (SA) Career: Peter joined the accounting practice of Compton & Horne in January 1975 where he completed his articles and qualified as a Chartered Accountant. He remained with this firm for 25 years (through a series of mergers it ultimately became Deloitte &Touche) serving as a partner for 17 years and heading up the Financial Services Group in his last 4 years. In 2001 he was part of a joint buyout of this division to form a new Company in the Nedbank stable known as BoE Trust (KZN) Limited. He acted as Managing Director/Regional Manager of this Company/Division until mid-2010. He currently acts as an independent Trustee and Financial Consultant. Kearsney: Peter attended Kearsney from 1966 to 1970 (Pembroke) together with his brothers, Doug (1966) and Tony (1968). His two sons, Greg (2001) and Chris (2003) also attended Kearsney. He served on the Board of Governors and was Chairman of the Finance Committee from 1999 to 2005. His late father, Don, was a founding Trustee of this Trust. Trustee: Rob Becker Qualification: BSc (QS) PrQS PMAQS Career: Rob joinedWalters & Simpson as a student quantity surveyor in 1969 and after qualifying as a Quantity Surveyor has remained with that practice (apart from a year or two acting as a ship broker) ever since. He was admitted as a partner in 1980 and is now a director of the reconstituted company MbathaWalters & Simpson. His two sons Anthony (1998) and Lloyd (2000) were lured out of Gillingham to form the first group of Sheffield boarders. Rob has been involved in a number of charitable and community based boards and committees over the years. Kearsney: Rob attended Kearsney from 1962 to 1963 (Gillingham). He served on the Kearsney Board of Governors for 12 years (1992-2004 )and was appointed as a Trustee of the Kearsney College Trust in 2003. He is the current Chairman of the Kearsney College Trustees. . Trustee:Ted Garner Qualification: CA (SA), MBA (Unisa), MSIA (Carnegie Mellon, USA) Career: After attaining his CA,Ted attended Carnegie Mellon University in the United States and Unisa, where he obtained Masters Degrees in Business. The early years of his career were spent owning and managing various small businesses. He then joined The Tongaat-Hulett Group in 1967 and was appointed Financial Director of the Group in 1978. In addition he was Executive Chairman of various Operating Divisions of the Group andVice-Chairman of Triangle Sugar Corporation, in Zimbabwe. During his tenure and under the auspices of the Group,Ted was a director of overseas operations in Luxembourg, Switzerland and London. Locally Ted served as a Director on the SBDC, CBM and NHT of SA. Since his retirement fromThe Tongaat-Hulett Group in 2000 Ted has focussed on business consultancy. Kearsney: He attended Kearsney from 1952 to 1953 (Finningley). He served on the Kearney Board of Governors for 12 years and the Board of the Kearsney College Trustees for twelve years. He chaired both Boards during his tenure. He is an Honorary Life Trustee of the Kearsney Trust.

9 TRUSTEES Trustee: David Pearse Career: David founded the Bay Union Financial Services Group in 1990 and remains the CEO of the Company. He represented Natal at both rugby and cricket. He is a keen adventurer and at the end of 2010, he achieved his goal of completing extreme foot races on all seven different continents Kearsney: Dave attended Kearsney from 1971 to 1974 (Finningley) together with his two brothers Peter (1977) and Mark (1982). He was a member of the Board from 2003 to 2007 and Chairman from 2005 to 2007. He was appointed as a Trustee of the College in 2010. Trustee: David Polkinghorne Qualification: B Comm; Rhodes scholar - Oxford University: BA (Hons); PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics); MA (Oxon) Career: David returned to Durban with his wife Jane in 1999, after a career with Standard Merchant Bank in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and is currently the MD of Grindrod Bank based in Durban. David is a director of a number of companies (including the Bank’s holding company, Grindrod Limited), is trustee of a number of charitable trusts, and is a member of Grindrod Bank’s Investment Committee. Kearsney: He attended Kearsney from 1978 to 1981 (Gillingham). David was Head Prefect and was an excellent academic and sportsman. His grandfather was one of the 13 Kearsney Founder students in 1921. David’s sons Murray (2011) and Rober t (2013) are 4th generation Kearsney students. David served on the Board of Governors and was chairman for three years (2008-2010).

HERITAGE Under the able chairmanship of Dr Graeme Shuker,Trustee and past Chairman of the Board, the committee consists of both past and present staff members. Members of the committee were thrilled to welcome Keith Decker and Phil Ratcliffe into their ranks at the beginning of 2011. 2011 was an important year as it commemorated the College’s 90th anniversary. Some on-going projects were completed and others were instigated to commemorate the 90th anniversary. HERITAGE PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2011 The Archives moved a level into more spacious offices and the museum received a much needed make-over. Many old photographs were reframed courtesy of Giselle MacLean and attractively hung with the help of Brenda Marshall and Tina Whitelaw. New displays consisting of both visual and other primary sources were constructed. A DVD was completed celebrating the 90th Anniversary and was shown to the entire school on the official founders day: 4 August. Recognising the headmastership of Colin Silcock’s Headmastership was achieved through renaming the recently completed Silcock field. The old Kearsney Admissions register was updated to include the names of all boys who have entered the College. A replica of PaulWhiley’s medal for bravery was framed and placed on the side wall in the chapel alongside the Lewis medal. Dr Shuker and the members of the committee are thanked for giving so generously and tirelessly of their time to ensure that in going forward, the College is always mindful of its past. Adam Rogers The Kearsney College Heritage Committee was formed in 2007 with the aim of recognising and preserving the College’s rich history. 10

11 This page is sponsored by: Snackworks, makers of Willards, Pyotts, Provita, Bakers and Baumann’s Sweet and Savoury, baked and fried, the snacks you know and love. Wayne Sudding joined the Afrikaans department; Etienne Grundling the Maths department and Loren Macallister the English depar tment. Bonita Ziegelmeier joined the Music department as accompanist and keyboard specialist, while Joanne van Musschenbroek arrived to head the San. With the restructuring of the estates and marketing departments, we welcomed Andrew Brether ton as estates and projects manager and Rober t Carpenter as marketing director. Sadly, during the course of the year we bade farewell to several members of staff. With the restructuring of the administration staff, Sally Cain opted to take early retirement. Who will ever forget her farewell tea and the frenzied rendition of Mustang Sally by the Headmaster and a troupe of unlikely go-go dancers! In August, Loren Macallister and her husband immigrated to England and on her departure old boy Matt Saville was appointed in a full time capacity to the English depar tment. Fellow old boy, Guy Mitchell, took up a part time position in the English depar tment to fill the ranks. IT technician Reuben Baantjes moved on to vir tual pastures new and was replaced by Mdimore Nhlakanipho. Rev Teboho Erasmus decided to exchange his clerical habits for legal robes leaving the Headmaster to assume the mantle of Chaplain for the four th term and old boy Travis O’Sullivan to teach Religious Education for the rest of the year. At the end of the year, head of Life Sciences and head of NSC Assessment and IEB matters, Simon Moore, left on promotion as deputy headmaster of St John’s DSG in Pietermaritzburg. The year ended on a happy note when François Lubbe and Sherese Groenewald finally tied the knot and Sibongiseni (Sydney) Ngcobo married Thabile Majola in the Kearsney chapel. Dave Goldhawk The year began with several new faces adding life to the Kearsney staff: STAFF

12 Headmaster Mr E D van den Aardweg BA (Hons)HDE BEd Senior Deputy Headmaster / Maths Mr P J Kirsten BSc HDE FDE Deputy Headmaster / Head of Middle School / Biology Mr R de Villiers BSc (Hons) HDE Deputy Headmaster / Maths Mr A HWillows BSc HDE i/c Accounting / Gr Head Gr 9 Mr M Albers BCom HDE Geography Mr W Amos BA (Hons) HDE Housemaster Sheffield / Maths Mr C M Botha HDE Sec.Ed ACE English Mr R Candotti BA (Hons) HED i/c English Mr V Carlisle BA (Hons) HED Maths Mr F P D Cocks BA UED BEd i/c Computer Studies Mr M Conradie BSc (Hons)Maths i/c Afrikaans Ms Z Conway-Nunn HDE Housemaser Gillingham / EGD Mr M Delport HDE FDE Geography Mr J Drew BA HDE Chaplain Rev T I Erasmus BJuris, Dip Th, BTh (Hons) Business Studies & i/c Culture Mrs A Fripp BCom HDE FDE ACE Snr Housemaster / International Exchange / English Mr D Goldhawk BA Sp Hons Grad CE Afrikaans Mr D Graves BA HDE BEd Maths Mr S Green BEd (FET) Maths Mr E Grundling BEd i/c Resource Centre Mrs P Isaac BSoc Sc HDE BEd Head of Music Performance Mr B Kruger M Mus, LRSM, UPLM, PG Cer t i/c Music (subject) Mrs J Kruger BMus PGCE i/c HP Programme/Maths Mr F Lubbe BSc (Hons) PGCE KEARSNEY COLLEGE ACADEMIC STAFF ACADEMIC STAFF 2011 BACK LEFT: Matthew Saville, Jason Rottcher, Barend Steyn, Etienne Grundling, Stafford Green, Michael Albers, Roberto Candotti, Matthew Laskey, Bernard Kruger FOURTH LEFT: Sibono Cebanto, Sybil Terblanche, Simon Moore, David Graves, Adam Rogers, Hubert van Ellewee, Matthew Conradie, David Goldhawk, Guy Mitchell, Vaughan Carlisle, Andrea Fripp THIRD LEFT: Wendy OConnor, Zastra Conway-Nunn, John Drew, Stephen Main, Wayne Marsden, Trish Pike, André van Zyl, Francois Lubbe, Paula Isaac, Tracey van den Aardweg, Bonita Ziegelmeier SECOND LEFT: Ulaetha Singh, Bongi Ndaba, Sue Murray, Glenda Pitcher, Kevin Smith, Jon Robinson, Gareth Moerdyk, Wayne Amos, Manzini Zungu, Jolene Ostendorf FRONT LEFT: Bruce Thompson, Myles Delport, Marco Botha, Rev Teboho Erasmus, Peter Kirsten, Elwyn van den Aardweg, Anthony Willows, Rod de Villiers, Andrew Morgan, Neil Peacock, Fred Cocks

13 STAFF English Mrs L Macallister BA (Hons) HDE Science Mr S Main HDE i/c Business Studies Mr W D Marsden HDE Grade Head Gr 10 / Science Mr G Moerdyk BEd Science/Maths i/c Dayboys & i/c EGD Mr D Moodley HDE i/c NSC Assessment & i/c Life Sciences Mr S Moore BSc Housemaster Finningley / English Mr A Morgan BA (Hons) PGCE i/c Science Mrs S Murray BSc (Hons) HDE i/c isiZulu Mr B Ndaba BPaed School Counsellor Mrs W OConnor BA (Hons) HDE MEd Maths (part time) Mrs G Owen BSc (Hons) HDE Inclusion Programme / Academic Support Ms J Ostendorf BA, HMS Housemaster Pembroke / History Mr N Peacock BA (Hons) HDE i/c Maths Mrs P Pike HDE i/c Student Affairs & i/c Geography Mr J Robinson BA, HMS i/c Curriculum Development & i/c History Mr A Rogers BA HDE Dip Mkt Man ICM Grade Head Gr 12 & i/c Life Orientation Mr J Rottcher BA MIFM i/c Dramatic Arts Mrs U Singh BPaed (Drama Hons) i/c Phys Ed Mr K Smith BA HDE Director of Rugby / Accounting Mr B Steyn BCom HDE Afrikaans Mrs S F Terblanche MA HDE Housemaster Haley / Science Mr BThompson HDE FDE ACE i/c Art Mrs G Pitcher MA, PGCE History Mrs T van den Aardweg BA HDE Grade Head Gr 11/ Afrikaans Mr H van Ellewee BEd (Hons)HDE FDE Grade Head Gr 8/ Afrikaans Mr A F van Zyl BA HDE English Mrs V AWallace BA HDE Music Mrs B Ziegelmeier BMus (Hons) i/c Community Outreach / isiZulu Mr F Zungu BSS (Hons) ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 2011 BACK LEFT: J Lankesar, V Dixon, V Maré, S Dunnett, J van Musschenbroek, K Southwell, S van der Merwe MIDDLE: T Kistensamy, E Ngubane, A Thompson, K Seals, L Hartley, S Cain, M Mbanjwa, T Pelzer FRONT LEFT: R Sibiya, W Ngwane, B Croudace, H Pearse, K Thompson, P Needham, B Oakes

14 Haley

15 This page is sponsored by: THE YEAR IN REVIEW It begins, primarily, with the prefect group. Ably led by Murray Polkinghorne, the prefects of 2011 found the right mix of discipline and compassion. Michael Steel, Phakamani Zulu, Rowan Page and Anthony Balladon were incredible in their ability and tenacity in moulding these very young men. The grade 8 group will be remembered for many years as one that showed great heart. They were a pleasure to work with and they quickly settled into their new routines. I believe that this particular group have a lot to offer the college and that by the time they reach matric they will prove to be one of the finest groups we have seen. As always the duty staff have been stalwar ts in helping the prefects guide the grade 8s through a very busy year. My thanks go to Manzini Zungu, Jason Rottcher and Wayne Amos; it is true that Haley would just not be the same without you. On behalf of the boys, and from me, I am so grateful for your pastoral care over the course of another busy year. I am also grateful to my wife and children for their understanding and help in running an efficient house. My thanks must also go to Jenna, the maintenance staff and cleaning ladies who always ensure that our living space is clean and tidy. Finally, a big thank you goes to the parents of Haley house for their wonderful suppor t. Your understanding of the new regulations and the new environment has made 2011 that much more successful. Please continue to suppor t the housemasters in the senior houses. Finally, I would like to thank the boys of the house. You have made 2011 a year to remember and you have reminded me how grade 8s mature into solid young men. I ask the class of 2015 to never let up: continue to strive for excellence in all spheres and never compromise, become known as one of the legendary years of this fine College. Bruce Thompson HALEY Haley Moulding young men from different spheres into proud Kearsney boys is no easy feat. I believe that this par ticular group have a lot to offer the College Anthony, Candice, Damon, Chelsea and Brooklyn Delpech

16 This page is sponsored by: ? A B C D

It is thanks to the inspired effor ts of many people that this year has been so successful and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have been involved in the running of the house this year. I learnt very quickly, that Haley is as much about empathy as it is about discipline and it takes the special skills of someone such as Mr Thompson to establish this balance, which is essential in ensuring the wellbeing of 70 boys. I would like to thank Mr Thompson, on behalf of the Haley prefects of 2011, for all the support that he has shown us this year. To the Haley staff, who have given so much of their time in service to the house, I thank you. Your devotion is greatly appreciated and I am sure that the boys will miss your enthusiasm, suppor t and compassion. To Mike, Ant, Zulu and Rowan: I want to say what a privilege it has been for me to be able to work with a group of such passionate Kearsney brothers. You have each been inspirational in your roles as leaders and I wish to congratulate you on all that you have achieved in your time at Kearsney. Thank you for all the support, memories and friendship.You leave having created a legacy that will have a profound impact. I wish Jono and the Haley prefects of 2012 good luck. I know, under your guidance, that 2012 will be another very happy and successful year. Finally to the grade 8 boys: remember that in each of you lies the potential to make a lasting impact on this school.Thank you for establishing so many memories for me; I have been privileged to see you through your first year at Kearsney. It has also been encouraging to see you develop into mature young men and I look forward to seeing you all in the future. Until then, seize every oppor tunity and enjoy every second of your time on the hill. Murray Polkinghorne 17 HEAD OF HOUSE HALEY Remember that in each of you lies the potential to make a lasting impact on this school


19 This page is sponsored by: Gary, Vee and Matthew Butler FINNINGLEY As housemaster, I thoroughly enjoyed working with the matric group and was most impressed by the nur turing, positive spirit that they seemed to instil in the house while at the same time, competing fiercely in the inter-house competition and pursuing their own impressive individual pursuits. The group, led by head of house, Michael Kennedy and his deputies, Dayne Kennedy, Dan Botha and Cullen Collopy was cer tainly one of the most talented that I have had the pleasure of working with and was largely responsible for the successes of 2011. Having won the Veldman cup for the past three years, the boys turned very quickly to the task of retaining the trophy for a record equalling four th year. In the AH Smith competition for spor ts and culture, Finningley made a good start before swapping the lead several times with both Sheffield and Gillingham, eventually coming second by a mere two points. A notable achievement was the inter-house athletics which saw a record seventh consecutive victory for Finningley. We retained the Parkes trophy (the academic competition) which was enough to secure first place overall in the Veldman cup. This year’s competition was certainly the closest fought in the last ten years and it was an absolute privilege to observe and to be a part of the passion that burns in these boys. Victories and accolades aside, the effective structures and discipline that ultimately establish the ethos of the house would not exist without the help of the dedicated duty staff who spend so much time with our boys. I would like to thank Bongi Ndaba, François Lubbe and Matt Saville for all their effor ts over the past year. Your help and support has been invaluable. 2011 cer tainly struck a balance between good fun and notable success. Vive le Bleu! Andy Morgan Finningley This was another great year in the life of Finningley. It was an absolute privilege to observe and to be a part of the passion that burns in these boys

20 This page is sponsored by: DIPLOMAS According to The Guardian UK, by 2020, a possible job title will be an “Avatar design-security consultant” who designs, creates and protects the virtual you. 0 12 18 24 30 36 36 30 24 18 12 6 6 INTEGRATED BRAND COMMUNICATIONS Months to complete ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN BRAND INNOVATION Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish- speaking countries, as the word “colgate” translates as “go hang yourself”. “ B i r d c a g e ” p a r e n t s e n c o u r a g e t h e i r c h i l d r e n t o m a k e c o n v e n t i o n a l c h o i c e s b e c a u s e i t ’ s t h e “ s a f e o p t i o n ” a n d w i l l g i v e t h e m s o m e t h i n g t o “ f a l l b a c k o n ” . 10 5 9 . DEGREES BA COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT BA BRAND BUILDING & MANAGEMENT UNDERGRADUATE POSTGRADUATE HONOURS BRAND LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT BA IN 3 YEARS According to Harvard Business School, 80% of jobs are gained through networking – it’s who you know and what you know! A new study proves that night-owls are smarter and more successful than other people. According to iWeek, most universities implement outdated modules and learning material, creating a huge unemployment gap. Your brain has the capacity to store everything that you experience. Specialising in CREATIVE BRAND COMMUNICATIONS (Copywriting, Visual Communications, Multimedia Design) BRAND STRATEGY CREATIVE COMMUNICATIONS PHOTOGRAPHY HIGHER CERTIFICATE IN PHOTOGRAPHY ADVANCED CERTIFICATE IN PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY CERTIFICATES 24 SHORT LEARNING PROGRAMMES: Dell Computers was started by a 19-year-old with only $1,000. An acre of tropical forest disappears each second, yet the Eiffel Tower continues to be the world’s most photographed icon Over half of all photographers are self-employed – a much higher proportion than any other occupation. A stimulating environment increases your ability to learn by 25%. * N O T F O R E V E R Y O N E PO Box 430, Green Point, 8051 2 De Smidt Street, Green Point Cape Town 021 425-7591 t 021 425-7592 f PO Box 2369, Randburg, 2125 444 Jan Smuts Avenue, Bordeaux Johannesburg 011 521-4600 t 011 326-2069 f PO Box 1669, Westville, 3630 16 Imvubu Park Place, Riverhorse Valley Durban 031 569-1415 t 031 266-2712 f PO Box 12361, Hatfield, 0028 5th Floor, 501 Jorissen Street, Sunnyside East Pretoria 012 343-3669 t 012 343-6880 f M A K E C O N T A C T v e g a s c h o o l . c o m H a v e y o u g i v e n Y O U R F U T U R E e n o u g h t h o u g h t ? Vega is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd which is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private further and higher education and training institution under the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (reg. no. 2009/FE07/003, prov. to 31/12/2014) and the Higher Education Act, 1997 (reg. no. 2007/HE07/002).

21 This page is sponsored by: Dr and Mrs. Dzinomwa – in appreciation of the wonderful work done by the Kearsney Staff What a year it has been. Apar t from succeeding in the various competitions, the overall attitude adopted by the boys was one of pride and this in turn has made me proud to be a part of this awesome place we call home. Many amusing and exhausting experiences occurred during a year in which we managed to sustain our grip on the Veldman cup leader board. I hope the ‘blue ele’ manages to sustain this for many years to come. I would like to thank the boys of Finningley for ensuring that the year was made perfect for the matrics. and it would not have been possible without the suppor t of my matric brothers who have all contributed to the success of the house. My job was made easier by the help I received from Mr Morgan, Mr Lubbe, Mr Saville and ‘Numz’. Often recognition of your role is overlooked but the time you sacrifice away from your families to look after the house is much appreciated. My thanks must fur ther be extended to the cleaners who tirelessly clean up our mess day after day, and to the kitchen staff for the meals they provide. I wish Mpumi,Tyron, Bongi, James, Brandt, Simon and the matrics of 2012 all the best and hope that your final year in Finningley will be filled with success and great memories. No matter your form of leadership, understand that you are all leaders and seize every oppor tunity with open arms. Above all, lead the house to even better success next year. To Sean and Craig: congratulations on being appointed to lead the College. You both deserve these positions and I am confident of Kearsney’s success under your leadership. Mike Kennedy It has been an honour to have led the house this year HEAD OF HOUSE FINNINGLEY


23 This page is sponsored by: Khupe Group of Companies GILLINGHAM This group has been exceptional and have done the house proud. Nic Bar tlett and his prefects have led the house with distinction and have created an environment in which everyone was able to flourish. Nic earned respect with his positive and humble approach to leadership and it has been a privilege to work with him. The success of the house has mirrored our matric group’s willingness to utilise all that the College has offered them this year. It was our privilege to once again supply the College with a head boy: Murray McDougall, who provided an excellent example to young aspiring leaders.We also supplied the head of Hayley: Murray Polkinghorne, who guided the grade 8s during their first year at the College. We improved academically this year and produced some excellent results. Nicol Pirow was Dux Scholar and Murray Polkinghorne was Proxime Accessit. On the spor ting front we again had Brett Walsh achieving in swimming and numerous boys playing first team sport. Culturally, a large number of boys were in the choir as was particularly evident during the inter-house music where we gave stellar performances in all categories. Most boys were left wondering just what we have to do to claim the elusive music prize. We were also represented with aplomb in the play festival: Nic Bartlett and Matthew Boshoff co-wrote and directed the pay which took top honours. In closing I would like to thank the duty staff who tirelessly manage their duty days so efficiently and effectively. Gillingham It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to a wonderful group of matric boys. I look forward to seeing next year’s matric body build on the solid foundation laid by the class of 2011 It makes my job so much smoother. It is with a heavy hear t that we bid farewell to Dean Moodley, the longest member of the Gillingham team, who will not be doing duties next year and we welcome Cameron Buys, a former Gillingham head of house, onto the duty staff. To my longsuffering wife and family, thank you for your sacrifice and suppor t – it means a great deal to me. I look forward to seeing next year’s matric body build on the solid foundation laid by the class of 2011, and am excited by the bright future that I see before us. Myles Delport

24 This page is sponsored by:

25 This page is sponsored by: The Githa and Ramesh Lutchman Family Trust HEAD OF HOUSE Looking back on this year it is clear that the Gillingham boys can be exceptionally proud of what we have accomplished. Although we did not claim the Parkes, AH Smith or Veldman cups we put up admirable fights in all three of the competitions making sure that the houses that did eventually win were pushed to the end by Gillingham. We fought well! Not only did we excel in the spor t, academic and cultural fields, but our spirit and war cries – and the inherent suppor t that they demonstrate – were truly amazing and the boys fighting on the field or in the pool were motivated just that much more by their proud Gillingham brothers. The bonds have been as strong as ever, if not stronger, between the boys and there were relatively few incidents in the house to repor t. My thanks go to the senior boys for some great leadership by example. I especially wish to thank them for the suppor t of the juniors. It is as a result of this supportive attitude that the juniors are so filled with respect and pride. We’re a team and so we can marvel at yet another incredible year spent in the old red house. Nic Bartlett We can marvel at yet another incredible year spent in the old red house GILLINGHAM


27 PEMBROKE The Pembroke boys are very for tunate to have such a magnificent house. My thanks to everyone involved in this mammoth project and for the sacrifices made over the 10 months it took to complete the project. From a staffing perspective it has once again been a very stable year and the addition of Kearsney’s own ‘eagle eye’, Dave Goldhawk, to the duty staff has cer tainly enriched the house. At the end of this year we bid farewell to Wayne Marsden who will be retiring from duty staff responsibilities. This is Wayne’s second ‘tour of duty’ and we are grateful for the years of loyal service that he has rendered. We are delighted that a former Pembrokian, Casey Morgan, will be assuming duties in 2012. My thanks and appreciation to all the prefects for their sterling effor ts this year, so ably lead by Charles Slabber t, and for acquitting themselves so well in their duties in the House. I could always rely on them to set the tone and lead by example. I know you will all miss my famous prefect meetings on a Monday evening! The seniors this year were a varied and diverse group and there were some very interesting personalities. My thanks go to all these chaps for their involvement, commitment and loyalty and I wish them all the very best. The house did not do as well as we would have wanted this year, but the boys never stopped trying and all credit goes to them for their perseverance and commitment. Things do tend to work in cycles so I can safely say that it won’t be long before Pembroke takes its rightful place at the top. My thanks and gratitude also go to the parents for their suppor t this year and also to the cleaning staff and maintenance staff under the management of Andrew Brether ton and Jenna Denbeigh for all that they do for the house. Lastly, my thanks go to all the boys in the house for their unique and happy attitudes. This is a special bunch of souls who push through the ups and downs and who are a constant source of joy in everything that is synonymous with youth. God bless you all. Neil Peacock Pembroke At last, after 10 months of rubble and dust, the boys of Pembroke took possession of a splendid refurbished house that has become the envy of the other houses. My thanks and gratitude also go to the parents for their suppor t this year This page is sponsored by: Calvin Landsberg and family


29 PEMBROKE The 2011 Pembroke boys had the privilege of being the first to enjoy the newly renovated House. When the renovations were finally over it was great to have the full quota once again under the same roof. Along with the new house came a list of new traditions created by the Pembroke matrics to replace those made redundant by the new house. It has come as no surprise that the marketing depar tment have also taken full advantage of the renovations and it has become the new ‘hotel’ for visiting boys on spor ting tours. In the inter-house events we did not do as well as we had hoped but never-the-less the boys’ spirit in the house remained unchanged and the brotherhood grew stronger. Congratulations to all the seniors for doing extremely well in the rugby, soccer and hockey events. A special thank you must be extended to the duty masters: Mr Green, Mr Marsden and Mr Goldhawk for their time and dedication to Pembroke. Most of all a big thank you goes to Mr Peacock who has been a great example and mentor to all the prefects, matrics and the rest of the house and who is respected by all. To the prefects: congratulations and thank you for your hard work in building the house into a home. It has been a successful year and it could not have been done without your hard work and support. Congratulations to the newly elected prefect group. We trust that you will maintain the pride and spirit of the house and that you will ensure that the traditions are upheld. On behalf of the prefects I would like to thank all the Pembroke boys for making 2011 such a memorable year and I trust that you will come to love Pembroke more and more. Charles Slabbert HEAD OF HOUSE Thank you for your hard work in building the house into a home This page is sponsored by: Grant Litster (‘80), Dylan Litster (‘11) and Blake Litster (‘15)


31 SHEFFIELD 2011 was a roller coaster of emotions for the boys of Sheffield house: the tragic loss of Luke Norris; winning the AH Smith trophy. We began the year very slowly in the AH Smith competition and at one stage were lying last. But I am really proud that most boys made themselves available to take par t in the many interhouse activities, from the 20 man relay in the gala to being props in the play festival. The tragic loss of Luke, however, had an amazing effect on the boys. A bond was created that I have not witnessed before and this had a resurgent influence upon the boys. Slowly, Sheffield crept up the points ladder by winning many of the remaining activities to end victorious by 2 points. Unfor tunately, our academics let us down and, despite many an incentive, we still ended 3rd in the Parks trophy. As a result Sheffield finished a disappointing 3rd in the Veldman cup. Sheffield won the Tug-of-War,Tennis, Cricket (shared with Finningley), Soccer and Music (for the 3rd year running). We were also awarded the trophy for providing the most rugby players for the school. Ivan Crockart did Sheffield proud by winning the Junior Chess Championship. The matrics consisted of a mixed bag of boys, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. But what mattered most is that there was a strong bond between them and they all contributed to the positive moral of the house. As a result they were all awarded the coveted house tie. Sheffield had the pleasure of hosting a number of exchange boys from Canberra Grammar School for a few weeks in the 4th term and it was encouraging to see how welcome they were made to feel. The boys were hosted by a different family almost every weekend. Sheffield had a good year with no serious disciplinary issues and for that I thank my duty staff Adam Rogers, Huber t van Ellewee and Bernhard Krüger for their suppor t and diligence. My thanks also go to the Sheffield tutors for their on-going guidance and encouragement of the boys. Special thanks go to the prefect group: Chad Myburgh, Brandon Driver, Michael Shadwell and Luke Norris, so ably lead by Declan Ahern, for their commitment to the cause. Lastly, thanks to my family for their unconditional suppor t. Special house awards: Senior of theYear : Declan Ahern House spirit award: Luke Norris Junior of the house: Myles Lundall Marco Botha Sheffield “There are no extraordinary people, just ordinary people who do extraordinary things with what they have been given.” The tragic loss of Luke had an amazing effect on the boys. A bond was created that I have never seen This page is sponsored by: The Lundall family

33 SHEFFIELD Sheffield has been my home for the past five years and the time has come to bid it farewell. Sheffield has come a long way. While it was filled with highs and lows, Nelson Mandela once said: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfor t and convenience but rather where he stands in times of challenge and controversy,” and it was this that proved to be the case with the boys of Sheffield. We lost a friend and a brother. Luke Norris stood for everything that Sheffield and Kearsney boys strive to be; he was a role model and his legacy lives on through the many lives he touched. The matrics of Sheffield formed a close bond – as did the house as a whole – leading ultimately to the success of winning the AH Smith trophy. To Mr Botha and the duty staff, thank you for your faith, trust and service to Sheffield and to the boys of 2012, I trust you will ensure that Sheffield reaches even greater heights. Declan Ahern HEAD OF HOUSE

34 This page is sponsored by: SERVICE Report Please support the Sunflower Fund which helps find patients with leukaemia and other life-threatenting blood disorders donors for bone marrow stem cell transplants. With this approach in mind we strive to encourage the boys to think about community service as that which we do for the benefit of other people – with no thought of personal gain. We require that each boy do 15 hours during the year. In order to achieve this goal the College sources projects around the country, and especially in the local community, with which the boys can assist. PROJECTS INTHE EASTERN CAPE &WILD COAST The first of our major projects was a fundraising initiative to help schools in the Eastern Cape to establish and continue feeding schemes. The boys raised a total of R5 000 for schools in the Bungululu feeding scheme.Their effor ts will go a long way in suppor ting the students in this area who often come to school having not had a meal in several days. In addition to fundraising, a number of boys have also linked to orphans in the area and sponsored their school uniforms. School uniforms are compulsory in South African education and often the expense of these uniforms cripples poor households. Now, not only do the students comply with regulations, but they can attend school with dignity and pride. BLOOD DONATION Kearsney hosted four blood drives this year. The criteria for donation are the follows: the boys must be 16, weight more than 50kg, be in good health and lead sexually safe lifestyles. The College is responding well to the national shor tage of blood and we constantly encourage all members of the school community to donate. The challenge for next year is to see a greater percentage of the adults on the campus donating! The simple gift of blood is a free one. Although all blood types are precious, it is type ‘O’ blood that is most needed as it is compatible with all other blood types. While we were very for tunate to have had more than two hundred boys donating blood we feel that this could be improved upon next year. The third term saw the highest level of donation and this is remarkable given that the matrics were writing exams and the grade 10 boys were on international exchange. Over 20 boys and staff registered as stem cell donors in response to the death of Luke Norris and it was most gratifying to see this response. THE ENVIRONMENT CROW (the Centre for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife) is a wildlife hospital that cares for injured and orphaned wild animals and birds in KwaZulu-Natal. There are 12 depots in and around the province but over the years we have forged a very good relationship with theYellowwood Park branch. CROW is considered by many to be one of the leading rehabilitation centres in South Africa. The boys love working at CROW and find the experience informative, fun and encouraging.While cleaning cages and invasive alien vegetation may not be glamorous pursuits, it is the interaction with nature that these jobs provide that the boys find so enjoyable. Perhaps the highlight this year was the preparation of a new site for the relocation of jackal. The enclosure is huge and if the land is not cleared the local municipality has threatened to take it back. The boys have been instrumental in making sure that this project is a success. It is a well-researched fact that contact with animals – even pets – helps boys develop empathy and nur turing abilities essential to forming meaningful relationships. Interaction with animals also stimulates higher levels of self-esteem and social skills. It is, Service “We are called to celebrate our lives together with those less fortunate.”

35 SERVICE Report therefore, no surprise that the boys are enthusiastic to work with CROW and constantly demand more time for their projects. THE HILLCREST AIDS CENTRE The skills learned at CROW stood the boys in good stead for the work they under took at the Hillcrest Aids Centre.Their enthusiastic weeding, clearing of alien plants, watering of flowers, preparing flowers for selling and their cleaning of roofs and blocked drains really helped the centre. While a number of the boys were reticent to work inside the units their effor ts outside more than compensated. The centre’s work in providing homebased carers as well as providing food and organic vegetables is invaluable and the centre is developing an excellent relationship with the College. THE KEARSNEY BASIC COMPUTER LITERACY OUTREACH PROGRAMME Now in its 6th year, the programme was started in response to an identified need for the development of basic computer skills for the suppor t staff of the College. Boys of the College provide the facilitation of the course and work closely with the candidates while the IT department designs and maintains the curriculum. While logistical issues can be frustrating the modules in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Internet and e-mail were all completed within a three month period. A number of candidates elected to cover the material a second time in order to clarify and fine-tune their skills. Classes take place Tuesday andWednesday evenings and the time sacrifice for the boys is significant – given their academic obligations – but the rewards speak for themselves. Siyabonga Hlabisa, a junior manager for our catering company, has been promoted to office duties from the kitchens on the basis of his new proficiency. Congratulations Siyabonga! Due to the success of the course, intake has been extended to include grade 11and 12 children of suppor t staff. This, coupled with the support that the College provides to the Embo and KwaNyswa communities by supplying computers, has established Kearsney as a critical centre in the provision of computer skills and hardware in the area. Special tribute should be paid to Phakamani Zulu,Wisemena Mabaso and Khaya Dlova who gave so willingly of their time to facilitate the course with such enthusiasm and patience. ETHELBERT CHILDREN’S HOME The month of November was focused upon collections for the Ethelber t Children’s Home. The home provides a place of safety for children who have been removed from their parents while interventions attempt to rehabilitate the home environment. The Kearsney community generously donated toiletries to sustain the home and took collections at the two carol services at the end of the year. COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS In the race for the most community hours, it is the grade 12 group that took honours this year with 2336 hours. The boys can be very proud of their overall commitment, reflected in the total of 8729 hours, amassed in the service to those in need. For this generosity, my most sincere thanks. Manzini Zungu “The grade 12 group took honours this year with 2336 hours.”