
105 This page is sponsored by: Hylton, Duncan and Keagan Scott CLUBS We have been for tunate in securing the assistance of Tim Korb who has a wealth of experience and knowledge about nature which has made meetings interesting and informative. Tim has also brought in a wide range of live specimens to show the boys and the snakes and other reptiles have been very popular. We have also enjoyed a number of visits to the conservancy for recreational reasons as well as for research purposes. The new cycling track has provided easy access to all areas of the conservancy for boys to study various forms of flora and fauna. Various animal species are found in the conservancy. There have been a number of sightings of duiker as well as mongoose and many snake species such as puff adders, night adders and red-lipped heralds. There are also numerous bird and insect species which either live on the conservancy or visit the area. Many insect species also frequent the area, as well as chameleons and various types of frogs. A night activity was conducted early during the year for boys who conducted a chameleon count one night, under the supervision of an exper t who is conducting research on chameleons in the area. Three different species were found in the conservancy. The conservancy is a tremendous asset to the College and I hope that the Enviro club will continue to make use of this valuable par t of the school, and contribute positively towards maintaining it. Simon Moore AWARDS The Hatty trophy (for the greatest contribution to the Kearsney environment): Nic Andrew Enviro Club The club had a constructive year with an enthusiastic core group of committed boys who have contributed actively. The new cycling track has provided easy access to all areas of the conservancy for boys to study various forms of flora and fauna