
106 Film Appreciation 2011 saw the resuscitation of the film appreciation club. The focus for the year was on award-winning films from the 2010 season and covered a wide variety of films such as the Academy Award winning The Hurt Locker to The Hangover, which won the Golden Globe award for Best Motion Picture: Musical or Comedy. The club par ticipants are mainly grade 9 boys who have capitalised on the oppor tunity to relax whilst enjoying the cultural sphere of the College. Jolene Ostendorf The club serves a very valuable role in the College, especially during the Winter months. The appearance of a well kitted out young man, with first aid box in hand, on the side of the field during a match is reassuring for all, especially the players. I would like to pay a special tribute to our two sisters in the San: Sister Joanne van Musschenbroek and Sister Sally van der Merwe, who carry out such a vital function at Kearsney. They are true professionals: totally committed to their respective roles. They are always firm, pleasant and well organised. On behalf of the many boys who have had any dealings with either of them, I would like to thank both of them for the numerous hours of medical assistance they provide. I would also like to thank Nic Bacon for his chairmanship this year, and Alex Adams and Ben Nield for their assistance in sor ting out the duty rosters. There were cer tain boys who were always available to help out, even at shor t notice, and who went beyond the call of duty. I would therefore like to thank in par ticular the following boys: Ben Nield (35 hours), Ashley Smith (48 hours), Matthew Fyvie (25 hours), Chris Benningfield (72 hours), Dominic Futter (63 hours), Siya Kheswa (28 hours), Brad Spall (41 hours), Matthew van Niekerk (36 hours) and Joshua van Tonder (20 hours). They have been the backbone of the club this year. The club met regularly during the year, fuelled by the collective passions of the chairman, Max Stamatis and his generals, Matthew Stamatis, Gareth Frohlich and Stuar t Jones. The club would regularly draw up to 20 members to a meeting in Mr Morgan’s classroom where the boys would discuss recent trips and practise the finer art of the ‘good fishing story’. A problem became evident this year in that the club tried to cater for all types of fishermen be they ski-boat, bass, rock and surf, fly or even spear. As a result, the club did not manage to arrange any outings as the members were never able to arrive at a decision about what they would like to do. A case of never being able to please all the people all of the time! It has thus been decided that the Fishing club will rever t to a Fly Fishing club. Boys may either join the club to hone and develop their skills or they may join to learn about the art as a beginner. Of course this could also get complicated as we may have saltwater fly fishermen, river fly fishermen, dam fly fishermen, yellow fish fly fishermen… Andy Morgan Fishing Club First Aid Club It has been a pleasure working with the enthusiastic and committed members of the club this year. The club would regularly draw up to 20 members to a meeting The appearance of a well kitted out young man, with first aid box in hand, on the side of the field during a match is reassuring for all Finally, a special appeal: the College needs you! Please sign up for first aid next year and thereafter. Having some medical knowledge is a crucial life skill. Rod de Villiers