
108 This page is sponsored by: The Centa Group – your national provider for complete Fire Protection, Tel +27 031 5691175 The class was divided into smaller groups and each was given the responsibility of one of the MAD portfolios (music, ar t and dance). The Music block was a cacophony of sound, the Drama class filled with debates on scriptwriting and characterisation and the Ar t class was awash in backdrops and paint. The much anticipated presentation evening was filled with expectant parents and siblings eager to view this amalgamation of disciplines. The grade 9 music elective boys enter tained while grade 8 and 9 artwork was on display in the foyer of the auditorium. The presentations were filled with humour and high drama, embroidered effectively with music and the art work displayed with pride in each class presentation. The audience was generous in their appreciation, even when one or two of the plays went way over time! It was agreed that the showcase is a wor thwhile assignment and that it will definitely be repeated. Bernard Krüger, Junine Krüger, Glenda Pitcher, Ulaetha Singh and Tracey van den Aardweg With some corporate reshuffling and a new approach, a brand new band comprising 5 members emerged during the second half of the year. These boys have improved skills and are confident with musical improvisation as well as reading music notation. The newly formed ensemble performed, to the delight of runners, at the Sunflower Fund fun run in September at the Suncoast Casino, with the boys showing off their multitalents by alternating marimba music with gumboot dancing, all in the name of charity and earning some much appreciated community service hours. At our annual speech day, the band assisted the Orchestra in providing background music for guests and parents during tea. Styx’s year culminated in combined performances with the Choir and Orchestra during the carol services where they affirmed their versatility and ability to handle different musical styles. We look forward to many more successful and fun-filled performances to generate a general appreciation for the skill and musicality that is a given for any marimba player. Bonita Ziegelmeier Grade 8 MAD Showcase The grade 8 boys staged a class presentation to showcase their Creative Arts learning during the year. ‘Styx’ Marimba Band