
167 SOCCER U14 C This was a very talented, skilled and energetic team who gave 100% at practices and matches.They were solid in defence and did not give the opposition much space in which to play. They managed to turn pressure into points on numerous occasions. They were determined not to lose and won most of their games. I would like to thank Justin Palmer and James Singery for giving up their time to assist me at practices. I would also like to thank the captain, James Redman, for his fine leadership and motivational skills. Wayne Sudding RESULTS Played: 6 Won: 4 Lost: 1 Drew: 1 U14 D It was a pleasure coaching a team that had all the energy in the world and a great sense of fun. However, I feel the team found my rising blood pressure followed by raging outbursts on the side of the pitch far more entertaining than the game. We would regularly dominate the opposition but rarely reflect it in goals scored. Tristan Dixon was an amazing captain until asked to join the Cs. Etienne Grundling RESULTS Played: 6 Won: 3 Lost: 3 U14 E The E’s had a fantastic start to the season by winning their first couple of games. They played well and proved their talent as many of the original players made their way through the ranks to higher teams. The boys’ enthusiasm lasted long after the game had been played and we had a good end to a great season. Taff Green RESULTS Played: 6 Won: 4 Lost: 2 U14 F This was my first ever coaching position, but with the Clive Barker course under my belt I began the season with this team.With much enthusiasm and little ability these delightful young men rode the wave of wins and losses with dignity and team spirit. These boys displayed much passion and pride both on and off the field that were awarded the most team spirit award. Well done boys! Wendy O’Connor RESULTS Played: 6 Won: 1 Lost: 3 Drew: 2 U14 G As the number of boys turning out to practices increased, it became necessary to form a G team. These players had lots of fun on the winter dust bowl of Hopkins field, often blaming the dust for their inability to control the ball – much to the delight of their team mates. The boys were enjoyable to coach and I thank them for this positive approach to the game. John Drew RESULTS Played: 5 Won: 1 Lost: 4 This page is sponsored by: Robin, Jules, Luke, Simon and Greig Lockhart-Ross