
Murray and Dom During the course of 2011two boys emerged as the official ‘go-betweens’ and negotiators for the matric group. In the face of some challenging events, Murray McDougall and Dominic Koenig (Murray-andDom) demonstrated their maturity, insight and the metal that got them appointed to their positions in the first place. In their words, the secret of their success was because they “were different; and we complimented each other.” Murray respects Dom because he’s “…a sensible guy that you can trust.” And Dom respects Murray because “…he doesn’t talk; he listens.” “There are two sides to every story,” says Murray of the vital role they played in working with the matric group and Dom adds, “make sure that you gain the respect of the group before you make any judgements.”Wise words from two boys who managed to gain the trust of both the boys and the staff. When asked what advice they would give to Sean and Craig for 2012, with typical thoughtfulness they paused and then turned to each other to work out a response. But with a smile, Murray had this to say to the new heads of school: “Remember what school you’re leading. Kearsney is unique and the traditions are complicated and don’t always make sense.Take it all in.” Dom needed a little time – and probably a pun for inspiration – but his words were typically considered: “It’s a year of service.What you do for others is your legacy at Kearsney – so make it count.” Both boys are going to UCT to study and we wish them much success for this next exciting phase. But we’ll see them again, Murray-and-Dom on the hill for a visit, and we look forward to it!